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Heroic mission indicator


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Suggestion: Change the color, sign, symbol, etc. or add something above the symbol to indicate that an available mission VIA droid or NPC is an HEROIC MISSION, and not a general exploration or class mission. Would be SO simple to do and would make things a little easier for those seeking Heroic missions, and those NOT seeking heroic missions.



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Might I also suggest that after youve accepted a HEROIC mission once that it is collected in a central terminal on that planet?


Its quite annoying to have 6 HEROICS in your log that you wont do anything with for a while (and I dont abandon them in case I do what to do them with someone)

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Might I also suggest that after youve accepted a HEROIC mission once that it is collected in a central terminal on that planet?


Its quite annoying to have 6 HEROICS in your log that you wont do anything with for a while (and I dont abandon them in case I do what to do them with someone)


All heroics other than [AREA] are dailies and can be abandoned/repicked at will.

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