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I love getting post warzone whisper/ignores


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Before the Voidstar even began, someone was trashtalking me for being tank/dps hybrid. I then proceeded to come in 1st place overall on the scoreboard, with quite a bit of protection, and the most damage on our team, beating the guy who had been talking garbage too.


He left without another word. When the "garbage spec" tank/dps hybrid is outdamaging the pure dps on the team, the hybrid isn't the bad one...


No Its an instant kill and turns the ball over to the closest person not in the safe zone. if no one is around it resets the ball.


Most times when I've tried to jump at someone in their safe spawn it's autokilled me without a score. One time I scored and died. It's a risky move, as is pulling them into it. But overall it seems in favor of the puller (person pulled probably won't score) and not in favor of the jumper (jumper probably won't score). There is a slim chance though.

Edited by Arlanon
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I dont know what sort of people you are playing with. i had a a couple of times when reps relogged to their empire toons and cogratulated me on good games.


This is one of the major reasons that cross server WZ queuing needs to be introduced. The ability to roll on both factions in already limited PvP pools puts WAAAAAAY too much control in the hands of people with the time to do such things. On the JC server, there's an epidemic going on with this. At times, it makes it nigh impossible to get weeklies accomplished without running premades non stop. I don't have an issue with grouping, but it can't be done at all times. Especially if you play during off hours. Some of these perpetrators aren't even being creative with their tactics.(ie same guild names, wearing green quest items, camping out in corners using stealth classes... Etc... Etc)

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On my powertech, my kill priority is healers as next to smashers I'm the best class for the job. So this one Huttball match I focussed on the republic main healer, pulling him into fires at every opportunity or otherwise nuking him with my railshot/thermal detonator burst. I think I killed him like 12 times.


The match ended with me and him staring at each other without anyone else near, and he said in /say: "Enjoy your #@%# overpowered class while it lasts, nerf incoming noob". It gave me a chuckle :D

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Was playing my Inquisitor main the other day and out of boredom, i decided to PvP a bit.. all goes well, we win some, we lose some, no big deal, right?


Until Huttball comes up vs Reps.. there was this very geared Vanguard dps specced player who for some reason decided to come after me but i of course refuse to have none of what she was offering so i run, LoS and DoT them while they're trying to keep up.


Eventually she gets attacked by couple of teammates and dies so that's that.. cept she spawns and decides to come after me again and i again run away from her until my DoTs, teammates and whathaveyou finish her off at which point i emote /laugh @ her and continue helping my team score.


But again she comes at me and the scenario repeats itself where i run (and heal myself) and she eventually dies so i /rofl emote @ her and at that point the match is 'bout done (Imps won 4-0) so i exit and a moment later i get a very nasty tell from the person on their level 50 Sniper alt about how easy it is to hide behind two Ops healers and blah blah blah.. which i found incredibly funny, since i did not see this Vanguard go after the ball not once during the match so i guess they got really butthurt when their deathmatch fun got interrupted by a lolSorc who refused to stay put and take a beating vs actually fighting and running away.


I know that this person has thrown a similar hissy fit at least once before over in-game emotes directed at her, to which she reacted by booting the 'offending' player out of the Republic guild her Vanguard holds an officer position in.


So thinking back, i have to wonder.. if someone gets that angry and annoyed over couple of emotes directed at them during PvP matches, they're likely to have some deep anger management issues, no? :rak_02:

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So thinking back, i have to wonder.. if someone gets that angry and annoyed over couple of emotes directed at them during PvP matches, they're likely to have some deep anger management issues, no? :rak_02:


also likely he refuses to talk in vent/mumble, maybe claim his microphone is broken, and insist he is a girl in real life.


PROTIP: he isn't

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10-49 Hyperspace. Playing my Deception-Assassin (46). Noticed they left a single guardian, mid-30s, on their pylon.




Mindtrap lasts for 8 seconds. Pylon takes 6.


So I capped on her, re-stealthed, and held the node for reinforcements for the double-cap that gave us the clear win.


Not a SECOND after it ended, I got this:


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On my powertech, my kill priority is healers as next to smashers I'm the best class for the job. So this one Huttball match I focussed on the republic main healer, pulling him into fires at every opportunity or otherwise nuking him with my railshot/thermal detonator burst. I think I killed him like 12 times.


The match ended with me and him staring at each other without anyone else near, and he said in /say: "Enjoy your #@%# overpowered class while it lasts, nerf incoming noob". It gave me a chuckle :D


I killed a sorc with my powertech like 10- 13 times in huttball and got a tell back so this is how it feels like for all the sorcs and sages I killed on my powertech.

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