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Do you think Episode 7 was planned a while ago?


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To tell you the truth I was so shocked that LucasFilm was sold to Disney that the fact that we're getting Episode 7 didn't sink in until hours later.


That being said I think that they have been planning Episode 7 for a while now. I got my first suspicions when it was announced that all of the Star Wars movies would be re-released, once per year. My thought was that Episode 7 would be released a year after RotJ. Not too long ago they announced that they were speeding up the re-releases. Now it looks like they're going to end just in time for the Episode 7 release in 2015. That makes me think that that was the plan even before the Disney deal was finalized.


Also, I know Lucas planned for two more trilogies. I hope the new movies are a continuation of Lucas' stories, with EU material mixed in. Say what you will about his directing and dialogue, but he is a brilliant story teller. And I would love to see other directors take a stab at his work. I vote Spielberg. God I want to see Spielberg direct a Star Wars film.

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As much as I'd love to see a continuation of Lucas' saga, I just, can't picture it, at least not without me being completely disappointed. This must be what some/most(?) people felt when they watched the OT then the PT, I don't have much faith in this, plus if they're going along with the Skywalker family, they're either gonna have to do a really advanced sequel(time wise) because the actors are all old, either that or recast.


Personally, I'd prefer they do a new era in time, with different characters, just so it won't hurt what exists already too much.. :(

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That being said I think that they have been planning Episode 7 for a while now.

Nah, Lucas has said repeatedly that he wasn't going to do Episodes 7-9....in fact, for a long time he also said that he would never allow anyone else to make Star Wars films and put some sort of restriction in his will about that. He never had any scripts or concrete plans for 7-9, which he has said many times and repeated today. Frankly, without a director and a cast, there is no movie. Even scripts are typically re-written a few times for these things. So even if they had a script they were in love with, then they'd still be starting from scratch.


I think he finally just realized he's finally nearing retirement age and he could either take Star Wars to his grave like the kid who takes his ball and goes home so no one else can play with the ball.....or he had the opportunity to cash out and turn it over to a company that had the resources and ability to continue on with it and do it well.

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As much as I'd love to see a continuation of Lucas' saga, I just, can't picture it, at least not without me being completely disappointed. This must be what some/most(?) people felt when they watched the OT then the PT, I don't have much faith in this, plus if they're going along with the Skywalker family, they're either gonna have to do a really advanced sequel(time wise) because the actors are all old, either that or recast.


Personally, I'd prefer they do a new era in time, with different characters, just so it won't hurt what exists already too much.. :(


Lucas originally planned for a sequel trilogy taking place a few decades after RotJ, centering around new characters but including an older, wiser Luke Skywalker. If they go with his original plan I believe the old actors would fit in perfectly.


Lucas said that after the success of the first Star Wars he wrote another trilogy. Hopefully now we'll get to see the contents of that writing.

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I got my first suspicions when it was announced that all of the Star Wars movies would be re-released, once per year. My thought was that Episode 7 would be released a year after RotJ. Not too long ago they announced that they were speeding up the re-releases.


We'd all better get our DVDs and Blu-rays now before they go into Vault Disney.

Edited by Ninquelen
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Well Lucas had ideas and all that written down for 7-9 way back when before deciding to do the PT, so the ideas were there...so yes they were planned a long time ago just never made. Lucas passed on the stories so we may finally see what he had in mind from all those years ago, or at least ideas pulled from those stories into EP 7.
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I recall there was an article in People, US, or the National Enquirer back in 1986 with Lucas discussing the future of the franchise. He had said in previous interviews, going all the way back to ANH's release, that he had envisioned 9 films total for his space opera treatment. In the mentioned article, he was actually looking at doing 7-9 next, as this trilogy was dealing with life and struggles after RotJ, but it wasn't specific how far after. He mentioned he wanted to film it while the principal actors were still young, and knew that what would become the prequels didn't require them, so they could be shot at a later date.


This however got overturned at the 10th Anniversary celebration the following year with him mentioning the prequels were coming next, with 7-9 after that.


However, we all know at some point he got "i have to change this" fever, and the rest is history.

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I recall reading that same article around that time period, was seventeen at the time. And he did mention something along the lines of making seven, eight and nine next.


To answer the question, yes, I think it was planned long ago.

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Back in the day, the orginal rumor was that their would be three trilogies (yes i actually watched the orginal star wars at the theater several times in '77). Lucas started the story in the middle with episodes 4, 5, and 6 (evidentily he likes starting stories in the middle as a story teller - he has been quoted on this i believe). Espidoes 1, 2, and 3 were supposed to be about how Darth Vader became Darth Vader. The last trilogy was supposed to be about what happend after episode 6 (involving Luke, Han, and Leia) - there was never any real details on the last trilogy other than rumor.


Mark Hamill was quoted in 2004 (i think that is wright), that Lucas had told him way back in the begining that he had ideas for 4 trilogies. Lucas even asked Hamill if he would be interested in doing Star Wars in 20 to 40 years.


I suspect Lucas had a lot of ideas about the how the final trilogy would play out. He may not have written any details but i think he had general ideas.


The article out there now about the buyout confirm and another trilogy based on Luke, Han, and Leia. So either, the original rumor had some basis of truth or Lucas got the idea from the rumor. I think he had a vision of the overall story all along athought he probably never thought he would actually do it.


Lastly, for those speculating on what the story will be - just found this brief aritcle out there that this will be an original story not based on any book.



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I'd bet on them changing the release to 2016, or even 2017. I just can't see how they're going to pull it off when apparently, they don't even have a script, lol. It will take at least 6 months to make a final script and acquire a director. Then there is preproduction (story-boarding, creating all the visual elements, etc.) and then casting, filming and the lengthy post-production. 2015 release is beyond optimistic...
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I'd bet on them changing the release to 2016, or even 2017. I just can't see how they're going to pull it off when apparently, they don't even have a script, lol.


What if they already had a script prepared in anticipation of getting LucasFilms and the whole Star Wars rights ?

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What if they already had a script prepared in anticipation of getting LucasFilms and the whole Star Wars rights ?


But in the youtube video, Kathleen Kennedy says, "We're in the midst of the really fun part of the process; we're sitting down with a couple or writers and we're STARTING TO DISCUSS IDEAS"

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More than likely this was a planned buyout and someone up in Disney was dreaming very much over the prize and what he/she would do with it !


Not to mention now that George Lucas is not at the helm , there will be no more worries over the crazies that write the death threats and possibly police will be involved more now than George Lucas did . So with a unphased leadership that won't care about the crazies , we can finially get some decent or better new StarWars stories .


Marvel might be soon taking over the Comics part of the EU , not to say Marvel is without fail or Darkhorse is not awesome ...............just saying .


Personally I like the "Pirates of the Carbbean" series and the "Tron" series , I still have yet to see "John Carter" but I am sure it was atleast Decent .

Avengers is owned by Disney , while they did not do the Movie themselves it was good .

Iron Man is owned by Disney


Wolverine .............ect ect ect ect ect .


So in the long run , we will not be seeing Darth Mickey Mouse in a Future Star Wars Movie . Instead we might get the same Story telling of the OT and the same Directing just under a Disney Flag and still being made by Lucasfilms!

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More than likely this was a planned buyout and someone up in Disney was dreaming very much over the prize and what he/she would do with it !


Not to mention now that George Lucas is not at the helm , there will be no more worries over the crazies that write the death threats and possibly police will be involved more now than George Lucas did . So with a unphased leadership that won't care about the crazies , we can finially get some decent or better new StarWars stories .


Marvel might be soon taking over the Comics part of the EU , not to say Marvel is without fail or Darkhorse is not awesome ...............just saying .


Personally I like the "Pirates of the Carbbean" series and the "Tron" series , I still have yet to see "John Carter" but I am sure it was atleast Decent .

Avengers is owned by Disney , while they did not do the Movie themselves it was good .

Iron Man is owned by Disney


Wolverine .............ect ect ect ect ect .


So in the long run , we will not be seeing Darth Mickey Mouse in a Future Star Wars Movie . Instead we might get the same Story telling of the OT and the same Directing just under a Disney Flag and still being made by Lucasfilms!


He doesn't own the company any more, but he is still in charge. Also, they may have Lucas' original materials for the sequel trilogy. If they have those then I suspect this will cut back on the time it will take to write the script.

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my only hope is that Disney (though they won't) respects the writers and continuity cleanup as much as possible that has been established in the EU like Chewie's death, Ben Skywalker, Jaina Solo, and tell the story Post-Abeloth, which from a timeline standpoint would also make sense for the original actors to come in and reprise their roles.


And before anyone says re-cast, does anyone remember Tron: Legacy? They got Jeff Bridges to be Flynn again did they not? And that was pretty damn close to Star Wars than anything else Disney ever has done. So I will give Disney a single chance to prove me wrong and respect the long hours and hard work of these creative people that established this universe post-Lucas.


But that's just the beginning. I sense doom for the cosplay groups like the 501st Legion because Disney LOVES their lawsuits and will sue them for copyright infringement, and because they raise millions of dollars in charity each year. Disney isn't beyond going below the belt, even if the money is for the kids and they have zero takehome and all their suits are homemade...

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my only hope is that Disney (though they won't) respects the writers and continuity cleanup as much as possible that has been established in the EU like Chewie's death, Ben Skywalker, Jaina Solo, and tell the story Post-Abeloth, which from a timeline standpoint would also make sense for the original actors to come in and reprise their roles.


And before anyone says re-cast, does anyone remember Tron: Legacy? They got Jeff Bridges to be Flynn again did they not? And that was pretty damn close to Star Wars than anything else Disney ever has done. So I will give Disney a single chance to prove me wrong and respect the long hours and hard work of these creative people that established this universe post-Lucas.


But that's just the beginning. I sense doom for the cosplay groups like the 501st Legion because Disney LOVES their lawsuits and will sue them for copyright infringement, and because they raise millions of dollars in charity each year. Disney isn't beyond going below the belt, even if the money is for the kids and they have zero takehome and all their suits are homemade...


Wasn't the 501st originally a fan organization? The 501st legion was added to the official Star Wars continuity as a way to acknowledge the group. They can't sue these guys, the 501st in the continuity was named after them.

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Wasn't the 501st originally a fan organization? The 501st legion was added to the official Star Wars continuity as a way to acknowledge the group. They can't sue these guys, the 501st in the continuity was named after them.


That won't stop Disney. Nothing ever has. They still raise a truck load of money using a property THEY used. Plus Lucas silently approved of this. George saw it redundant to sue people for infringement and took the "sincerest form of flattery" quite literally. He loved it. Disney doesn't. You raise money under their name? You get sued, gutted, and turned into a stuffed animal parody of yourself where members need to go to college and get 50 degrees in douchebaggary to be a part of it.

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He doesn't own the company any more, but he is still in charge. Also, they may have Lucas' original materials for the sequel trilogy. If they have those then I suspect this will cut back on the time it will take to write the script.


Is George still involved? Is he still in charge of the creative direction or what?

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Lucas originally planned for a sequel trilogy taking place a few decades after RotJ, centering around new characters but including an older, wiser Luke Skywalker. If they go with his original plan I believe the old actors would fit in perfectly.


Lucas said that after the success of the first Star Wars he wrote another trilogy. Hopefully now we'll get to see the contents of that writing.


I pray to God that is what happens...


..that and not giving the finger to EU.

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