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Can you accept the recast of Luke, Leia and Han?


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If they are going to make post ROTJ movies like the Thrawn Trilogy they would have to recast these 3. Can you accept it if they can do everything else(plot, other casts, effects) well? I don't have a problem to see a new Leia but may have difficulty to accept new cast of Luke and Han.
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It'll be strange and weird....but I guess I can deal with it. Though somewhere on the inside, it won't feel like Star Wars. The PT is fine, since it was going back to explain Anakin who was in the OT the same with Obi-Wan so that was fine with new characters that portayed the older ones. But i'll deal with it I suppose, as I said though wouldn't get everyone's hopes up for Thrawn being that we don't have any details. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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If they are going to make post ROTJ movies like the Thrawn Trilogy they would have to recast these 3. Can you accept it if they can do everything else(plot, other casts, effects) well? I don't have a problem to see a new Leia but may have difficulty to accept new cast of Luke and Han.


Luke i don't care about since i never really cared for the actor in the movies

leia as long as they chick is hot i'm fine

a new Han would be weird

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Chances are that if and when Disney does decide to make Episode 7,8 and 9. They will do it in 3D considering all the success James Cameron had with Avatar in 3D movie studios want that kind of payout. The problem in it's self lies that fact not every cineplex in the country can show a 3D film. I will say we won't see a NEW Star Wars movie till at least 2020-21 in that time frame, by then most major cineplexes will have 3D projectors and everyone can than ***** about how ****** the movies will be. I'm a purist at heart and I'm sorry but the last three films were done only for Lucas to make a buck. The sucked nothing worth while. Even episode 1 in 3D still sucked. The first 3 were the best will always be the best and anything outside of that is meant for the fans imagination.
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It would be easy. Look at the TRON sequel. They did a great job making Jeff Bridges look 30 years younger for the role of CLU. Wouldn't be that hard to make Ford, Fisher, Hamill, and Williams (Billy Dee) look 30 years younger.


Mark and Fisher quit acting long ago and they look a lot different than their OT image.

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Mark and Fisher quit acting long ago and they look a lot different than their OT image.


And Jeff Bridges looks like he did 30 years ago? My point is that they wouldn't have that much of a problem making them look younger with CGI. I would accept a recasting if they get some good replacements, though. Call me crazy, but I could definitely see Lana Parilla as Leia. She looks a bit like a younger Carrie Fisher, only hotter. :D

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I could see;


Leo Di Cap as Luke

Joaquin Phoenix as Han

Maggie Gyllenhaal as Leia


Now feel free to crap all over my picks....this is all going to be toooo much fun :D


I wont, i like urs too, all talented n better choices to lead a star wars cast than bloody Hayden, am glad someone other than me is suggestin real actors and not cgied or re-cast actors.

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Nope. It'll be worse than the ST prequel with younger versions of the main characters.


They'll be better served by either enticing the originals back in cameos along with new characters, or moving on with entirely new characters.

Edited by Hambunctious
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Nope. It'll be worse than the ST prequel with younger versions of the main characters.


They'll be better served by either enticing the originals back in cameos along with new characters, or moving on with entirely new characters.


I think the original three would hold Disney hostage demanding a butt load of loot and to do what? The Vong Invasion? That is the only thing that would remotely make sense at their age...to us that have read the books but no one else.

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Nope. It'll be worse than the ST prequel with younger versions of the main characters.


They'll be better served by either enticing the originals back in cameos, and moving on with entirely new characters.


I dunno, it could work, they dont have to it the same way, find a good director who isnt J.J. Abrams n instead of a bunch of kids, give him the best cast you can find, they can afford it.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Hey im not opposed to that, just from what Ive been reading Disney seems to indicate pretty strongly they want episode 7 to continue Leia, Han, n Luke's story.





You have to remember, we aren't the norm. They are going to want to build on the main stream recognition of the original films. Not some timeline tangent that only a few hundred thousand people even know about.

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