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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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I know, I was just edumacating the kids out there. ;)


I think I saw a couple of dozen B-movies in the 80's that shared the Matrix story. I think there's even a couple of old Twilight Zones with the same plot and I don't even want to guess how many sci-fi books.


There are also people who actually believe that is our reality. The Matrix is not an original story by any means.

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Is lucasfilms different from lucasarts? Meaning will disney own the rights to the games now?


This is how it works now:


  • The Walt Disney Company
    • LucasFilms
      • Industrial Light & Magic - visual effects
      • Skywalker Sound - post-production sound design
      • LucasArts - video and computer games
      • Lucas Licensing - licensing and merchandising
        • Lucas Learning - educational materials

        [*]Lucas Books - book publishing

        [*]Lucasfilm Animation - animation

        • Lucasfilm Animation Singapore - animation

        [*]Lucas Marketing - marketing

        [*]Lucas Online - websites


So yes, Walt Disney owns LucasArts

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Is lucasfilms different from lucasarts? Meaning will disney own the rights to the games now?


Omg for the last time...

Disney bought EVERYTHING..go to the official press release on both starwars.com and disney.com, everything that is included in the deal is listed there in black and white..basically they got everything.Lucasfilms,Lucasarts,THX,ILM...everything.

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Wow, how about reading the entire thread before replying to a post. In the article I read they said they only acquired Lucas Film I wasn't aware from that article that they had purchased then entire company to include Lucas Arts. I came back in another thread and admitted I was wrong and that NBCnews.com conveniently left out a bunch of information.


That's where you went wrong. You trusted NBCnews.com.

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You missed out clone wars vol 1 and vol 2 , which is different from the newer tv series. Also what is the star wars tv series you speak of ? Underworld ?


Cheers ,




The SW TV series I spake of was the live-action one which is still too expensive to produce, but which has been worked on, and is set between the PT and the OT. Disney now owns the rights to it, and LFL is still working on ways to make it economically feasible, last I heard.


The Tartarovsky Clone Wars? I guess it's T-canon too, unless it's been over-ridden by something in the films. Or maybe S-canon.

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I would be very surprised if Carrie Fisher has any interest in playing in another SW film. If you have seen her solo comedy play.... she is very cynical about Star Wars. Only time will tell though.


As you say - heck, we don't even know what stage the writing at, and it could have been a courtesy call, warning them to expect interest from the press.


Mind you, is there anything she isn't cynical about? I saw her last November, and her whole show was, although hilarious, clever and sometimes moving, shot through with the cynicism which comes of being a disappointed idealist.

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This is a good course of action. Disney has done very well by Pixar and Marvel - both of those brands and their movies have made billions - Disney understands to stay out of the way and let these companies do what they do best. The same will hold true with Lucasfilm.


WIth Disney's backing and George Lucas release control of the rights, the Star Wars universe can now be rebooted much the same way that Star Trek, Tron, the Marvel Heroes (all of the variations) and the Batman franchises have been. Remember, Star Wars 'invented' the successful franchise hysteria and subsequent merchandising behemoth model that we see today- and made billions of dollars doing it.


With GL retiring and Disney buying the rights, the whole Galaxy can be reinvented and a new generation of movie can be made. I have no doubt at all that both Kathleen Kennedy and Disney learned from the criticisms of the Prequels and I have no doubt that we'll see that demonstrated in the new movies....NO company would invest $4.2B into anything without knowing what they were inheriting, what was working, what was not and an already established way forward that would ultimately return that $4.2B plus a couple billion more. Standard ROI mentality.


Personally, I think the Darth Vader era and the years immediately following it is a story that has been told to death. A whole new story needs to be introduced - from scratch. I am hoping that we are all assuming wrong in that the temporary name Episode VII has anything to do with the original storyline or timeline. I am hoping Disney will inform us later on that Episode VII merely meant 'movie 7' which is a whole new saga entirely.


I love the Old Republic story and would love to see it crafted into a big-screen epic movie event even if it means not following the game directly. Take the basic story and 'focus and epic-ize' it! There is so much more story to TOR and it has room to expand and breathe for a generation or two to come.


Ultimatley, I am very excited about following the new reboot over the next several years. It gives me something to look forward to! Please remember that the kind of discourse that has been going on in the rest of this thread is a significant reason why George Lucas kinda 'checked out' of the business and let the franchise stagnate in the first place....I wish him a happy retirement. Collectively, we should be careful not to complain and judge everything to the point that Disney regrets it's investment.


May the Force be with you!

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Again I have to ask what is soooo amazing about Avengers??? No please explain, because to me it was a typical aliens are out to get us (because for some reason Earth always has something that everyone wants) and a bunch of heroes save the day. I can write that story while in sleep because it's been told million times before.


Now I admit that some of the conversations are witty and funny, most of it thanks to Iron Man and his personality. That does give certain appeal to the movie. But everything else is just plain and simple mediocre at best. You can have IQ of 34 and still understand that movie because the plot is so simple that as soon as you scratch the surface it actually makes no sense at all. But that is the trait of modern movie making, story matters not, just give some cool explosions, never before seen special effects and you have a movie.


I said this before and I'll say it again. For me a good movie is the 1st Matrix. Because it has great story, great action and it actually makes you wonder about a lot of things that we call reality. Avengers = joke for simple minds... It's for the same crowd that craves zombie apocalypse, even though if there was an actual zombie apocalypse they would end up being a zombie...


Admittedly the Avengers wasn't that great, but the other films that tied into it, Cpt America, Iron Man etc where very good and captured the Marvel feel. They are also a gross improvement from the likes of Spiderman and Fantastic Four which were just mediocre comic book hero films. We certainly cant say disney ruined Marvel because lets face it, superheroes saving the world from evil aliens is practically the story of most Marvel comics. Other films like Pirates of the Caribbean where also a huge success, I have no doubts in Disney's filming abilities, I mean the probably revolutionised the film industry at some point or another, they are certainly capable of making good Star Wars Films (and lets not forget, Lucasfilm still exists.)


Not to stir the pot here, but Avengers was alot better than phantom menace.


Phantom Menace had something (alot of things) Avengers didn't - one of them being a good, original storyline.

Edited by Beniboybling
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That was a great read and I did read the other day about how George asked Mark ( when filming the original trilogy ) if he would be in a new episode when he was old , mentioning 2011. So all this has me thinking maybe this was always the plan ? Obviously they are about at least a year or to behind but it can be done. Not sure if having the original cast for the whole of this new trilogy is wise though , unless they film all their parts quickly , as it looks like they are going to pass down to new characters in the episode 10-12 bracket. How many years away is episode 10 ? They ill be mega old by then. We shall see.


We all know that George didn't have the technology to make episodes 1-3 in the seventies , so he made them after 4-6 , so it all ties in nicely.





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Admittedly the Avengers wasn't that great, but the other films that tied into it, Cpt America, Iron Man etc where very good and captured the Marvel feel. They are also a gross improvement from the likes of Spiderman and Fantastic Four which were just mediocre comic book hero films. We certainly cant say disney ruined Marvel because lets face it, superheroes saving the world from evil aliens is practically the story of most Marvel comics. Other films like Pirates of the Caribbean where also a huge success, I have no doubts in Disney's filming abilities, I mean the probably revolutionised the film industry at some point or another, they are certainly capable of making good Star Wars Films (and lets not forget, Lucasfilm still exists.)




Phantom Menace had something (alot of things) Avengers didn't - one of them being a good, original storyline.


That's your opinion, I thought the Avengers was a great movie.

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I think it's silly to judge how good the new Star Wars films will be based on how good previous Disney films have been. You do understand that Disney have bought Lucasfilm and everything surrounding Lucasfilm and are using Lucasfilm and ILM to make new films right? The people of creative influence will not be the people who worked on Iron Man, or The Avengers, because that is a different studio! We can't judge whether or not the films will be good until we know who is working on this. I want to know:

  • Will Ben Burtt be on the team?
  • Will John Williams be on the team?
  • Who's playing the lead roles?
  • Who's directing the film?
  • Who are the writers?

Then I will make a judgment. It's important to note also that the filmmaker who has taken the role on, Kathleen Kennedy, has worked with John Williams before, and she has worked with George Lucas before. She worked on E.T, Artificial Intelligence, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, War Horse, Schindler's List, and many more very reputable films. This could pan out really well.


Now come on, who is gonna play Kyle Katarn? Any ideas guys?

Edited by omNOMNOMinator
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Disney buying Lucasfilm doesn't bother me at all.

They can't make Star Wars worse then it is now. Lucas really ruined a lot in the last years.

The prequel trilogy has probably some of the worst dialogues in movie history. And some plots in there, oh my...


Well at least we have one confirmation now. Star Wars is for kids really! ;)

Edited by ZappoBrox
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Storyline of the Avengers:








an hour of mind-numbing comicbook violence




awww,,i havent seen that one yet,,now i know , whats going to happen:w_confused:

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That's your opinion, I thought the Avengers was a great movie.

Not exactly, while I agree that the Avengers was a decent film, it was hardly an original story. Superheroes teaming up to stop the bad guys/aliens using a mystical device create a portal that summons an alien armada has been done before (e.g. Transformers 3) and will be done again. The action scenes where extremely good but nowadays impressive CGI is nothing special, throw enough money at something at its bound to happen..


Nothing in Star Wars was original. The way all the non-original ideas were mixed together and presented, was.


The exact same thing could be said for Matrix and Avatar.


All three have stories that had been told thousands of times before with terribly cliched characters. All three have giant plotholes throughout. All three don't care that they have giant plotholes throughout as all three are made as pure eye-candy and "thrill ride" movies.


If you take them as serious films, they all stink.


If you take them as movies, they are all brilliant.

Star Wars is anything but unoriginal. Name one film that has the Force, lightsabers, Wookies (and all the other species lucas invented) a smorgasbord of planets - all unique and original, I could go on. Saying nothing in Star Wars is unoriginal is just incorrect. And plotholes? What plotholes?

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