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PvE Highest DPS - Post your DPS


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Daft I think what people are trying to say is that you can't come in here and make claims like that without backing it up with parses. I can say that I get 2200 DPS just by constantly spamming DS (an extreme example, but an example nonetheless), but nobody will believe me unless I show proof.
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Daft I think what people are trying to say is that you can't come in here and make claims like that without backing it up with parses. I can say that I get 2200 DPS just by constantly spamming DS (an extreme example, but an example nonetheless), but nobody will believe me unless I show proof.

Absolutely, but I can most definitely theory craft to the benefit of all. ;)

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Tried the build?


I use the build, have for a long time. I agree with a few things you have spoken of, not so much with others.


If you had of read any of this thread before spouting your mouth off, you may have had a better understanding of what we were doing in here.


We are all still waiting for something new or insightful for you to contribute. Wouldn't mind seeing these 2k+ parses you spoke of, with 250 crit. I haven't had any luck with that build. Please don't come back and say that 250 crit is the best way to play and then have nothing to back it up. If you have something to say, back it up with proof of some sort. Otherwise don't waste yours and our time.

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I've posted in this thread before, where we spoke of varying crit and power based on your results. I took your advice, and dropped about 100 crit for more power. I changed builds, and had great success.


I'll get to work on those parses when I get a chance (it's easier for me to browse the forums through my day than it is to log in and get to parsing, and I have a pretty full guild calendar atm when I do log in).

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As infiltration I hold 350 Crit Rating, combined with 2200 WP and buffed I have 36% crit chance. I also hold 200 Accuracy - 97%, and 250 Surge -77%, and I still have 960 Power (Still using double EWH relics atm) I like these numbers, the high crit chance really seems to help as an infiltration. I am keeping up with my raid group and regularly pull #2 or #1 dps out of a gunslinger, gunnery commando, and balance sage.


Too band crit and surge are going to the dumps in 2.0 I might go back to my 1200 Power build if thats whats going to make it to live.

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I think you miss the point of Shadow's Respite, and also how completely useless Expertise is on live.


Shadow's Respite pays for the project, and in combination with an adrenal or relic already being popped, it boosts melee bonus power significantly for 15-20s (depending on what was popped).


Force regen is fine without project, inserting project for that short boost necessitates Shadow's Respite, and thus the only time it is worth doing so is when you can maximise its benefits.


Expertise is responsible for approximately 3 DPS on live, the system I just gave you gives you an additional 12-15 weapon damage for 15-20s. You don't need to be a math whiz to work out that's an increase.


You also don't need to be a whiz to work out you can use a force potency charge on project at times as well, instead of blowing it on the direct damage component of Mind Crush.


5/5/31 is king, the math and practical testing has been done exhaustively.


I'll answer this from my findings with my shadow. If someone can show proof and convince me otherwise, then i am willing to learn something new and help my shadow.


- Shadows respite is a dps increase in a "sustained dps" scenario. So like the power clicky relic it is situational at best. For this reason, i don't use it during pve but use it running dummy tests.


- Expertise only gives you a small dps increase BUT it requires NO attention and it works. So for this reason, i run pve in 7/3/31. If you can use force cloak effectively on cooldown, this will give you higher dps. But like i said, its situational at best IMO.


- Project is a dps decrease. I am yet to find a way to increase my dps using project in my rotation. Do i still use it? Yes. It is situational and if worked into your boss fights i believe it does have a place. Not for max dps but for boss mechanics.


-Would i use shadows respite to pay for project? No. Once again, i have never found any proof in my testing that shows me using project increases my dps. I'd prefer to use the extra force in my rotation, or before a burn phase if necessary.


- The closest i've come to finding a way to work in project in my rotation for max dps, was using it with the 2nd charge of potency only, ensuring a crit to go along with the buff. But even this still falls short of a project-less rotation. Honestly, seems to do more harm than good and just gives you one more thing to worry about.


If you're wanting to micro manage boss fights, then some will work with 5/5/31. Some may work better with 7/3/31. Same with relics, some boss mechanics may favor power clicky relics. Some may never give you the chance and therefore EWH would work better. It isn't a case of one size fits all..... whichever side of the fence you are on.


So for those reasons, during dummy testing (2 DG relics + 5/5/31) - project is max dps (from my findings and proven in parses). But for ease and convenience (but not necessarily optimal), i run (7/3/31) + 1DG + 1EWH + project (depending on mechanics). This works well enough if played right.


Unfortunately, all this won't matter shortly as it looks like the game is changing for shadows....

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Yep, it's the first time I've ever thought about re-rolling.


I'm sorry I started a bit of angst towards you there Vaduhh. That was not my intention. Just wanted to emphasise we'd like to see some parses and it probably came out a bit angrier then intended.


As for the upcoming changes, I'm currently very disappointed with our 'buff' and the fact we don't really get a clear dps increasing talent (at least on the level of some others, sure it will go up but not in line with other classes). Seems we will be destined to fall further behind sents, etc.


That being said, I shall wait with anticipation to see what happens to us.

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Hey All,


I'm trying to work on maximizing my DPS output as an infil shadow - I am in full DG gear, and generally lead my raid team in DPS, but we're having problems with NiM EC Tanks right now.


Here's a parse against the dummy (1773 dps) - I was using an exo stim, but no adrenal. I saw a parse a few pages back of over 1900 for Infil Shadow - was wondering if I could get some help diagnosing the differences. Was his parse just luckier than mine? How much dps can you add by using adrenals (not biochem, so I very rarely use them)?


Any help would be appreciated!



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Hey All,


I'm trying to work on maximizing my DPS output as an infil shadow - I am in full DG gear, and generally lead my raid team in DPS, but we're having problems with NiM EC Tanks right now.


Here's a parse against the dummy (1773 dps) - I was using an exo stim, but no adrenal. I saw a parse a few pages back of over 1900 for Infil Shadow - was wondering if I could get some help diagnosing the differences. Was his parse just luckier than mine? How much dps can you add by using adrenals (not biochem, so I very rarely use them)?


Any help would be appreciated!




First of all, you should enter the fight while stealthed (not sure if you did that or not). Secondly, you should start the fight with force breach and use force breach on every cooldown, that should help a bit.

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I presume this is your best parse of the day, the question is how much parses did you do that day ?

Because like I noticed before, my dps gap between several dummy parses as an infiltration can approach 200dps.

The 1900dps parse is not the rule, can't be done everyday I think :p (It's my unique parse above 1900 for infil)


So your parse seems in "that gap". Here your parse with other timing so we are on the same rules.


Your APM is good, perhaps just missing about 0.5, but that's hard to tell why.


Your overall crit is really good but the crit of Project and Shadow Strike are low (40%).

It's probably the only real factor.


Your Saber Strike use (9.31%) is almost 2% more than me, but don't now if it's just on this parse or not.


Here is 2 parses just to compare, the second one is better for analysis because (percentage of Target) actions are in the "normal" order. (no adrenals for both)



As you see crits are higher on important actions.


We discussed about adrenals some pages ago, we estimated that it gives about 40dps more for the rakata ones, but that's just a feeling. One thing sure is that adrenal dps boost won't appear with bad crits.


So, short story : I was luckier, crit is our God ;)


But if you really can't do above 1800, it's perhaps a stuff or a rotation thing. I didn't analyzed your rotation this time.

Tell me if you can do better with about 10 parses.

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Hey All,


I'm trying to work on maximizing my DPS output as an infil shadow - I am in full DG gear, and generally lead my raid team in DPS, but we're having problems with NiM EC Tanks right now.


Here's a parse against the dummy (1773 dps) - I was using an exo stim, but no adrenal. I saw a parse a few pages back of over 1900 for Infil Shadow - was wondering if I could get some help diagnosing the differences. Was his parse just luckier than mine? How much dps can you add by using adrenals (not biochem, so I very rarely use them)?


Any help would be appreciated!




After comparing my best parse (1800, a lucky one, with DG Relics and hilt, and the rest optimized BH) with yours, and making them the same length, here were the main differences:


I had 8 more Projects, crit close to the same, had less damage on average, but had a 45 DPS advantage from that alone.

You used Saber Strike much more.

We had the same number of Force Breach uses, and I use that on cooldown. I don't think that's the issue.

You were on the unlucky side of Shadow Strike's crit rate. I was on the lucky side, but we had a ~60 DPS difference and I only had one more Shadow Strike use.


If you're feeling the need to Saber Strike more often, one possibility is you might not be using Blackout and Force Cloak religiously. Open from stealth -> Wait for Shadow's Respite to fall off -> Activate Blackout -> Wait for Shadow's Respite to fall off -> Force Cloak and immediately resume your priority list. Then it's three Blackouts in a row until the next Force Cloak, and so on. (After the second of those Blackouts, Force Cloak will come off cooldown 7 or 8 seconds before the third Blackout. Wait for the third Blackout to be off cooldown and then use it, followed by Force Cloak, etc.)


Infiltration just plain has big fluctuations in DPS output, though :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

So yet again this thread is paying dividends, just broke 1900 for the first time:


1904 DPS


After 2 weeks of lower than normal dps I realised I had dropped my set bonus (argh), and got that back along with my hazmat implants and earpiece. Now I just need 4 DG armorings and 6 Mods/Enhancements upgraded and I'll be full 63. Probably not gunna happen prior to 2.0 :-(


Bring on 2k next.

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So yet again this thread is paying dividends, just broke 1900 for the first time:


1904 DPS


Bring on 2k next.


Anything over 5 mins is acceptable for a dummy parse. If you cut your fight off a little earlier you end up with 1926dps.




You're closer to 2k than you think.....


Good to see, keep up the good work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at all these fantastic parses makes me think one thing...... i got to get back to the dummy!!


@ Assillius, that is a really low crit percentage but you've proven you can hit the high numbers. My question is, how consistently do you hit the high numbers? I found the lower my crit goes, the lower my dps goes, then when i get REALLY lucky on crits i get that 1 high score. But if you can consistently hit around the ~2k dps mark with low crit, i would love to hear how.


@ invertioN, that is awesome man 2031. Can you share you 3 rating numbers? crit/surge/acc? Any extra help or tips that you've picked up to achieve this number?


Good work guys.


Lets see what happens with 2.0.......

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Looking at all these fantastic parses makes me think one thing...... i got to get back to the dummy!!

@ invertioN, that is awesome man 2031. Can you share you 3 rating numbers? crit/surge/acc? Any extra help or tips that you've picked up to achieve this number?

Good work guys.

Lets see what happens with 2.0.......

I can't say there is anything special I've learned to achieve this, I am pretty much doing the same thing you and the other good guys are doing

This is my exact gear on mrrobot here

About 2.0, I'm not looking forward to it at all. Balance without shadow strike is not balance anymore and i dont want to play a hybrid or infiltration. :(

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I can't say there is anything special I've learned to achieve this, I am pretty much doing the same thing you and the other good guys are doing

This is my exact gear on mrrobot here

About 2.0, I'm not looking forward to it at all. Balance without shadow strike is not balance anymore and i dont want to play a hybrid or infiltration. :(


All we can say is at the current iteration of 2.0, I might be changing from the UNbalanced tree to tanking full time :-(

Also appears I will be joining some of you on the Harbinger in the near future also.

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Found this article while cruising around.




It doesn't make me happy about my balance class but i can't argue with the logic.


By the looks of it, i doubt i'll be playing balance once 2.0 hits. After enjoying the "broken" version of balance for so long, i'm not looking forward to them "fixing" it.


Oh well, what do you do.....

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