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PvE Highest DPS - Post your DPS


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Yeah, i was surprised when i saw that too....


Didn't snip the start either, for what it is worth. Thats from a standing start, stopping at the highest peak after 5mins.... which happened to be on the 5min mark!!


If i snip the start and the end, i can get 2020 iirc @ ~4min 50secs. But i prefer not to snip the start, only the end.


FiB crit unusually low (MC came in higher than FiB), so i have a feeling that with some patience (and lucky crits) i may be able to achieve a little higher.....


Now if only i could get back to raiding a little more with this guy......doh!

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I've been tracking this thread for a while now and it has helped me allot in terms of DPS output. I can say i started (Balance Spec) in low 1700 an with a couple of adjustments made with information taken from here i jumped to 1850 DPS.


WooduckAUS can you provide your current build and stat distribution (crit chance, crit multiplier, power and accuracy)? This way i could easily understand where can i get the extra DPS (apart from errors in rotation and low values of APM).


I will love to see a Shadow break the 2000 DPS point!


Nice man, it was tough finding information when i was working on my dps. So if you get something out of this thread, i'm glad. Love my shadow, he was my first and still my fav, even though i don't play him much anymore. Happy to help others get the most out of their shadow too.


Nothing special out of my build or stats, probably mentioned them in an earlier post. Build is the basic 5/5/31. I take the shadows respite out of the middle tree for the dummy testing but normally go 7/3/31 when i raid. Build is all about keeping balance between crit & power. In full 63's, i'm 300/305/300 acc/crit/surge. These stats are achievable in 63's only. While working your way up, i would not recommend 305 in crit. In 63's i have the power to balance it out. I haven't done the math but if you are in 61's, your crit would be lower, maybe around the 270 mark. Then as you hit 63's it will increase to the 300 mark.


Hope this helps, good luck.


ps. i just broke the 2k dps mark!!

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Congratulations ! Finally a shadow parse over 2000dps ^^

What a crit with your shadow strike, 80% !!! :eek:

Were you using a Rakata stim or an exotech stim ?

Do you have an idea of the dps impact of rakata adrenals ?

Half time I find that adrenals are useless (bad crit ^^) and rest of the time I'm thinking that it gives around 40dps (I only use exo adrenals). What do you think for a balance ?



About your advice with Kephess NiM, I pre-doted the walker but did not go closer (seems dangerous after asking) for project or get the MC proc.

On the burst phases I'm not really happy with numbers (I think one time I had to go under the walker, so not optimum )

I don't know what to change to improve my burst, expect Project I really don't see the burst ability of this spec, yeah I have to search ^^

That's just my first feeling, have to analyse deeper the parse.

The average dps is not really good, but I have no parses to compare with. And the goal was to kill him not to optimize the global dps.

That was our first Kephess NiM kill, so I hope to do better and better next times.



Otherwise, here is an infiltration parse on the other Kephess. I don't know what to think as there is no infiltration parse on Torparse.

And is Asation Kephess 16 HM way different ? Because on Torparse, balance shadows are only present on the 16 players version but absolutely not on the 8 players version.

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Dang! That's so good to see Wooduck. Well done. I can see that my percentages of actions is about the same so hopefully that dps will be achievable when I'm geared correctly. Do you have a mrrobot profile at all? I'm currently aiming for the 300/300/300 but I'm stuck at like 345surge 260 crit...
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Otherwise, here is an infiltration parse on the other Kephess. I don't know what to think as there is no infiltration parse on Torparse.

And is Asation Kephess 16 HM way different ? Because on Torparse, balance shadows are only present on the 16 players version but absolutely not on the 8 players version.


Wow! Looking in this parse I see your force breach max hit was for 20,000! That is the number I am trying to surpass when he is knocked down but my highest so far is only 18,500.


Infiltration is my favorite of all time and I am coming for you with my dps A-n-i-k-i!

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Dang! That's so good to see Wooduck. Well done. I can see that my percentages of actions is about the same so hopefully that dps will be achievable when I'm geared correctly. Do you have a mrrobot profile at all? I'm currently aiming for the 300/300/300 but I'm stuck at like 345surge 260 crit...


Thank you sir.


I made a quick profile, the placement of the pieces aren't perfect but the end result is the same. You can itemize whichever way you want, as long as the end result is the same. Obviously work with what you have already and upgrade what you need. Its not a case of 1 size fits all. When i upgraded my ears and implants, i had to redo my accuracy by changing a few enhancements.



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Congratulations ! Finally a shadow parse over 2000dps ^^

What a crit with your shadow strike, 80% !!! :eek:

Were you using a Rakata stim or an exotech stim ?

Do you have an idea of the dps impact of rakata adrenals ?

Half time I find that adrenals are useless (bad crit ^^) and rest of the time I'm thinking that it gives around 40dps (I only use exo adrenals). What do you think for a balance ?

Thx. Never seen my shadow strike so high!! Also, my FiB was crazy low too..... I use Exo stim but Rakata adrenals. I'd agree, the adrenals won't make or break you and if you use it and then have an unlucky run on crits then its not going to help much at all. If you do get lucky and get some nice crits with the extra power from the adrenal, that is a different story. I'd guess around the 30-40 dps mark as well. Every little bit counts though!


About your advice with Kephess NiM, I pre-doted the walker but did not go closer (seems dangerous after asking) for project or get the MC proc.

On the burst phases I'm not really happy with numbers (I think one time I had to go under the walker, so not optimum )

I don't know what to change to improve my burst, expect Project I really don't see the burst ability of this spec, yeah I have to search ^^

Let me premise this answer with a few things first...

1. Your raid group and boss mechanics come first, DPS comes second in my mind. Never try risky things that may cause your group to wipe, hoping to get you a few more dps.

2. I don't raid much on my shadow anymore :mad:, so i'm happy to offer advice, as i know boss mechanics (& balance mechanics), but i do not pretend to be an expert.

3. I have never killed Kephess in NiM. I have a healer in a group and we just downed the tanks and my guardian tank is currently working on dealing with those damn trandoshians against Kephess atm. So if anything i should be asking you for advice....lol


That being said.... pre dotting is a must. I'm pretty sure that you have a few seconds before he is vulnerable that you can walk in and use your saber strike to get your procs up and regain any force too. If you do walk in too early, you will get hit hard, so timing is key. Project is pretty useless but if you have it spec'd and you can use it and then regen the willpower used BEFORE the burn phase, when you start the burn phase you will be hitting harder. Not by a lot but every bit counts if you can get the timing. If you can manage all this before your burn phase, then when it begins it would be something like FiB-MC-SS-DS-DS-DS etc...... use any procs that come up obviously. Also, you could do something similar against the 2 Tanks as well, when the "defensive systems" go up.


Also, in any burn phase that will be shorter than 18 secs and you can't pre dot, then i wouldn't bother using SF either. Unless you can pre dot from 30ms as you are running in. Using that GCD for a DS would probably end up being more useful if the target is dead before the dot can apply its full damage. So switching between multiple targets would be mainly FiB - FB - DS + (whatever procs come up).


Also, for a REALLY short 10-15s burn phase using your force potency charges on your FiB + Project -> FB, then spamming DS + procs. That will give increase output as well, but if the fight goes any longer, you will run out of force fast. I think project has its place, just need to be careful when you use it....


I hope some of these ramblings make sense, i'm just visualizing different scenarios in my head and thinking of how to handle them for max dps.


You may not be able to burst consistently higher then your amazing Infiltration numbers i see but with some practice, i'm guessing you'll get closer.


And is Asation Kephess 16 HM way different ? Because on Torparse, balance shadows are only present on the 16 players version but absolutely not on the 8 players version.

I've never run 16man ops, so can't say for sure.


From what i've seen from your parses, you're hitting some very nice numbers. Curious though, how do your numbers compare against your other dps when you kill a boss? I don't put much stock in numbers after a wipe, anyone can just go at it and get good numbers but mess up boss mechanics.....


I don't want to give out false information, so maybe some more experienced raiding shadows can jump in and help answer some of these questions.... or point out any other tips or advice that may help the shadow community?

Edited by WooduckAUS
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Bah, I was doing 2k dps with stim 3 months ago. You guys need to lift your game. :p


No I can't be bothered with the logs. 5/5/31 build using project coming out of stealth after popping a relic or adrenal; pays for itself with shadow's respite.


Well it's all well and good coming on here and saying that, but this thread is full of people providing constructive comments and not just gloating. We also don't have much respect for people who don't post logs after making claims as to there dps, as I could just as easily say in my tanking stance I've been pulilng 2300dps for 6months in tionese gear. Oh but I don't both with logs. If you don't bother with logs, then how do we know your dps is correct?


That being said, if you do post a log of that dps it would be very useful to all of us here and we would most likely respect you greatly.

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I just explained the build...


I simply don't have a parse in my logs directory any more. Here's the build. The rotation is simple enough:


FiB on CD

Refresh DoTs

Use Mind Crush proc as next ability to conserve force

Use Shadow Strike on proc

Use Force Potency on CD with battle readiness if available; use with FiB and project/mind crush

Use Force Cloak as a force regen boost with Shadow's Respite, popping a relic or adrenal, then using project to trigger Twin Disciplines

Double Strike as a filler if above 40 force, otherwise use Sabre Strike


I have tested it, and if you do not pop the adrenal or relic before project, you lose a chunk of power that would otherwise be factored in.


I carry about 250 crit, then stack power (sims say use 350, but the RNG is bad; don't rely on it as much as suggested). Get accuracy to 100 percent for melee (it affects DS & S) then stack surge. Use the mods & enhancements optimised for power & crit; augment for willpower.


Anything else, because I could have sworn telling you my build was helpful enough.

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Bah, I was doing 2k dps with stim 3 months ago. You guys need to lift your game. :p


No I can't be bothered with the logs. 5/5/31 build using project coming out of stealth after popping a relic or adrenal; pays for itself with shadow's respite.


Sorry but why can't you just give a log? It only takes like 6 min of your time to do so. Seeing as you were posting 2k 3 months ago with only a stim it shouldn't be too hard to repeat that :D

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Bah, I was doing 2k dps with stim 3 months ago. You guys need to lift your game. :p


No I can't be bothered with the logs. 5/5/31 build using project coming out of stealth after popping a relic or adrenal; pays for itself with shadow's respite.


If you would like to contribute something constructive to this thread, then we would be happy to hear/see it. Comments left for the sole purpose of inflating your own ego ended about 10 pages ago.


I personally would be interested in seeing a parse of over 2k with only 250 crit.


Throw one up when you can be "bothered".....

Edited by WooduckAUS
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Honestly I believe shadows respite for a balance Shadow is not worth it (since you can't use it very much). The spec i use is here. Go force regen is fine as long as you pay attention to your dots and force imbalance debuffs.




Takes advantage of double strike with SET BONUS. For that reason, double strike ends up being a huge player in my DPS (2nd highest under the "Crushed" damage type from breach and mind crush.


I've done 1750 DPS on the dummy, 1860 on Writhing Horror (HM) because of armor reduction and inspiration. On the Terror from Beyond boss (HM), i do over 1.2 million damage by the end of the fight (DPS number small since long fight). Thats fully buffed and stimmed with 63 hilt and half 63/61 modded (no adrenals). I feel that number is going to go down now because of the changes unfortunately.......

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I think you miss the point of Shadow's Respite, and also how completely useless Expertise is on live.


Shadow's Respite pays for the project, and in combination with an adrenal or relic already being popped, it boosts melee bonus power significantly for 15-20s (depending on what was popped).


Force regen is fine without project, inserting project for that short boost necessitates Shadow's Respite, and thus the only time it is worth doing so is when you can maximise its benefits.


Expertise is responsible for approximately 3 DPS on live, the system I just gave you gives you an additional 12-15 weapon damage for 15-20s. You don't need to be a math whiz to work out that's an increase.


You also don't need to be a whiz to work out you can use a force potency charge on project at times as well, instead of blowing it on the direct damage component of Mind Crush.


5/5/31 is king, the math and practical testing has been done exhaustively.

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Here we are, so last posts on this thread are useless.


1) This thread is not a competition (see OP message). Shadows never were OverPowered for DPS but here we are searching what is achievable with the 2 dps specs.


2) In your rotation you're talking about relic and adrenal, so adrenal or not ?


3) Three months ago I was full rakata and perhaps not even playing. In 3 months nothing changed, there is nothing to lift up except stuff for the ones who don't have the possibility to get easily dread stuff. You made 2000dps 3 months ago with a stuff that a lot of players had not a this time, so now you're doing 2300dps, right ?

I made myself a 1963dps parse some weeks ago as a balance, I did not post it because I posted enough parses before and there was nothing new to analyze in this parse. I could even say that if I had used adrenals (I'm not biochemist), I would have break the 2000dps line, and so what ?

Mycharacter posted a 2k dps parse, and he was right, it was symbolical (first dummy parse over 2000 that was posted on this topic, and I never saw elsewhere) and in fact it was interesting because his crits were unusual.


4) Here, we are aware that there are other good shadows in the game and perhaps even "better" shadows. But here we are trying to think together to find some ways to improve and improve our rotation and our dps (Dummy and raids) and to help shadows who have some questions or who are not happy with their dps.


5) About Shadow's respite, we can discuss. I made some dummy parses last week with project to see the gain of the buff it gives. But the base for a good discussion is a parse to analyze, before combat log was available it was another story. But on other side I want to say that it's too late to discuss about it, shadows have to care about the PTS, what is coming is really really not good at all. New rotations are ****** and max dps is comparatively even *******r.

But there are really not enough dps shadows as main character, we need help !

Everyone go http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=602249 and in every PTS dps topic to whine, there is no other way:(

I saw Daft that you already have concern about it ;)



I might be able to dig up a 1700 dps kill of F&S in NM EC if that proves convincing? That's what my ops teams' gunslinger gets also, so I presume it's decent given the enormous amount of armour those two have.

It's all about presuming with you. (two-way word)


So now a dps on a boss is a proof of a dps on a dummy ? Is the opposite true ?

And once again no parse.

You're talking about the tanks in Denova, NM stands for normal mode or for nightmare ?

Anyway, here as an infiltration and here as a balance.

Both are kills in 8 players nightmare mode.

So is this a proof ? A proof of what ? Does it proves I'm your new God ? I don't think so and I'm aware that I probably not the best shadow out there, but, ME, I feed the thread with parses.


So sorry for this little aggressive response, but I don't like to see one page wasted for nothing.

I'm not the OP but I'd like to see useful posts.

Edited by a-n-i-k-i
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I wasted a page? That's a little ironic after your post...


My point was simple: 2000 dps on a dummy is not the real challenge, and that 5/5/31 should be seriously considered for those looking to further boost their numbers. I too am busy on the PTS looking over the changes, and am none too happy about what's to come at this stage.


I'm impressed by your parse and notice your strategy of using double strike and SS proc under the shield only, finishing with project to take the buff from Twin Disciplines, you manage the Incinerate taunt reasonably well also.


I notice that you don't seem to be in charge of finishing the mob off on your side? That's a role I take on for our strategy, but I suspect we operate with a different balance of players to you. I also find myself pulling threat off the (guardian) tank if I dare start off with popping all of my CDs to open, but again I am impressed by your maintenance of everything and keeping all the major stuff on cooldown, as well as your general uptime.


Any way, I digress. I could have sworn this was a thread for discussing and boosting output, and after a quick bit of talking about numbers, I offered how I thought that was best achieved.


If it's just parses you want, I'll be sure to toss up a few sheets of numbers soon I guess.

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I wasted a page? That's a little ironic after your post....

I was waiting for this comment :p


I think no one will not accept your advice, but we need parses, I was not the first to say that.

And yeah I agree PTS is a priority for me now too. Shadows in great danger.

A backstab that can become a frontstab ? That's a DPS thing not a tank thing ...

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