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Crafters Unite > Stop Crafting For Mats


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What a long and convoluted way of saying: "I dislike how crafters are able to charge what they please and do what they please, because it gives people an alternative to my greed and price gouging on gtn!" :rolleyes:


This coming from the guy who was charging 20 mil for the 27 barrel?



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Personally, I actually tip *more* to crafters who don't advertise a fee, and I doubt I'm the only one.


All you're going to accomplish with a thread like this is getting SDU's crafters blacklisted, and more and more credits will continue rolling into the pockets of the crafters from guilds like Revenant who are "ruining the economy." :rolleyes:

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Yup. I've seen your listings, and 'fair market value' isn't even close.


Fact of the matter is this: They are crafting the item, and may charge whatever they please. Need more creds, bud? get more competitive in your pricing. Welcome to capitalism.

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I have heard that the crafters on POT5 have made a boycott to STOP giving away the endgame patterns for mats + 100k tips. They are only selling on gtn and there is a server wide boycott on crafting for mats + tip. Crafting items for mats + small tip is killing our servers economy and undervaluing the effort the PVE guilds put into obtaining patterns, giving far to many people easily attainable endgame pve gear that they did not earn or pay a premium for, it's not even a premium price anymore to obtain this gear (use blackhole comms, RE mod/enh/armoring, easy mats).


The current situation is as follows:

-A new pattern is learned.

-10+ people get the pattern from the 1st person in the same day.

-NOBODY will buy the crafted item from gtn after this, everyone is doing all mats + 100k-500k fee, or just mats and no fee at all (yes, there are some people on our server screwing over the economy, not naming them).


@Crafters: In the long run, this will benefit you and your PvE guild bank while maintaining market value. This mats + fee policy is creating a BUYERS MARKET. That means that the buyers are controlling the market, aka they are telling you that they will not buy your patterns on the gtn and they will give you a measly mats + 100k, in which you can't even make your money back from paying a premium to learn the pattern from someone else.


@Bioware: Please fix this reverse engineering other peoples crafted items to learn the pattern. People should earn the patterns through PvE and pay a premium to get them crafted. Endgame gear shouldn't be this easy to obtain so that you can breeze through content. There are many crafters that will craft for mats + NO FEE/TIP. They are ruining the economy legally through this loophole. This is the main reason why Reverse Engineering a crafted item to learn the pattern needs to be disabled!



TL;DR - I would like to initiate a server wide boycott on crafting items for mats + tip or just mats. This is referring to all the main crafters, both empire and republic. I will be getting in touch with most of the crafters throughout the week to discuss this process.


ahaha no, i guess barzel is tired of having competition too then huh


Hey everyone reading this thread, crafting resolve hilt 27 your mats + tip!

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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The prices will fall anyway due to the mats in the cartel boxes. The campaign armorings will "to some extent" (assuming that the belt/bracers armorings sales won't be affected) affect armoring crafters.


On another note, I saved 1,5 million today by going straight to the source instead of buying the stuff on GTN. I see way more people advertise "crafting for mats + tip" than I see high-end products on GTN, suggesting that this is where the market currently is. Perhaps more people will put things on GTN once 1.5 drops and they dont have to deposit several 100K every time. they list something. It's a balance, a given sale with only a 200K profit or wait for someone to pay a million extra. Personally, I'd never pay some of the armoring/hilt prices on GTN.

Edited by MidichIorian
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The prices will fall anyway due to the mats in the cartel boxes. The campaign armorings will "to some extent" (assuming that the belt/bracers armorings sales won't be affected) affect armoring crafters.


On another note, I saved 1,5 million today by going straight to the source instead of buying the stuff on GTN. I see way more people advertise "crafting for mats + tip" than I see high-end products on GTN, suggesting that this is where the market currently is. Perhaps more people will put things on GTN once 1.5 drops and they dont have to deposit several 100K every time. they list something. It's a balance, a given sale with only a 200K profit or wait for someone to pay a million extra? Personally, I'd never pay some of the armoring/hilt prices on GTN.


If other people weren't able to RE the item after purchasing it from a crafter to learn it's pattern, the market would be way better for a longer time because people would have to earn their patterns instead of rely on easy mode luck.

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ahaha no, i guess barzel is tired of having competition too then huh


Hey everyone reading this thread, crafting resolve hilt 27 your mats + tip!


No1 cares about your competition. Competition can only eliminate other crafters if they have better and for cheaper. All crafters can afford the same sacrifices you are doing to give people items for free with their mats and no fee. It's just madness. Anyone can do this. That doesn't mean it is right. This is why patterns need to be limited to the people who earned them so that this kind of problem doesn't occur. People who earned the pattern are more than likely to value it properly specifically because there is much less of your "competition".

Edited by DkSharktooth
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No1 cares about your competition. Competition can only eliminate other crafters if they have better and for cheaper. All crafters can afford the same sacrifices you are doing to give people items for free with their mats and no fee. It's just madness. Anyone can do this. That doesn't mean it is right. This is why patterns need to be limited to the people who earned them so that this kind of problem doesn't occur. People who earned the pattern are more than likely to value it properly specifically because there is much less of your "competition".




FYI - the mat prices on the GTN would just increase. W/e is the easiest method for getting a piece of the pie will dictate the prices. People will see you selling your 27 barrel for 20 mil because "we are uber geared and control the crafting thus we control the market" and will do the following: 1) not buy it, 2) make you pay their 'fair share' at the mat end, and 3) someone will learn it and start undercutting you.


PPS - The profit comes from the crit crafted items (+1 item). Notice not many people are offering these mats+tip deals on implants and earpieces...

Edited by Kil-Gorbane
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I can craft lv 27 Skill armor, mats are enough, if you tip me for the service as in the real world that is up to you. If you like me and my service tip me. Also before someone crys got the from running content (not everyone is lucky enough to have a guild that can run all the time).
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Wow. Just..... Wow.


EDIT - It's funny how a guy who was crafting 27 Resolve Hilts and charging a 500k tip told me he sold 20 in one morning, making 10 mil in the process. In one morning. And prolly more, cause in 20 crafts, there's a high chance one or more crits showed up somewhere down the line. That show us (and "some" crafters) that selling a truckton of crafts at low price (even at 100k, or even at NO TIPS) is better than post some ridiculously overpriced item that takes a long time (if ever) to sell.

But hey, that's just me.

Edited by Xanzito
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People that have made 100+ million credits telling others to stop what they're doing is hysterical.


Also: The devs confirmed that how you're able to continue to learn mods/barrels/enhancements from other peoples crafting was an unintended bug. You should be thankful that you have that many recipes in the first place and should especially feel thankful that they didn't consider this an exploit. (Which technically it is... since you're intentionally creating the bug by placing the crafter's mod/barrel/enhancement/armoring into a piece of gear and then taking it out so it can then be researched)


Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that this will be the last tier that crafting will be this way. (They already hinted it.)

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They have only said it was not intened and that they will change this in the future but have not said in what way just that they will make it more consistant in the future.


"We've seen players ask about this before, and have some clarification for you from Jason Attard (Senior Game Balance Designer):


This behavior was unintended, but we do not consider it an exploit. We do intend to make reverse engineering more consistent in the future, and that may be by not allowing this or by allowing players to reverse engineer this type of mod by design. We do not consider this a violation of the rules. "


As they have already stated it is not a exploit, and it does not appear to be killing the crafting market I would assume this becomes the normal (likely they even remove the need to put it in a shell to RE it).



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Look what I did today:


1 - Reverse eng in black hole mods and armorings.

2 - This gear gave me mats!!!

3 - Mail a crafter with mats and "how much fee?".

4 - "how much you think is fair.."

5 - ok, 150k and I have my Might hilt 27!


You selling the same hilt for 2 millions+? I lol'd.


And how do you learned your recipes? Oh wait..

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As they have already stated it is not a exploit, and it does not appear to be killing the crafting market I would assume this becomes the normal (likely they even remove the need to put it in a shell to RE it).




I had already stated that they didn't consider it an exploit and pointed out why technically it is by any other MMO's standards. It just goes to show how inexperienced this Bioware team is with MMO's.

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People who earned the pattern are more than likely to value it properly specifically because there is much less of your "competition".



didn't you learn the 27 skill barrel from REing someone else's crafted barrels in the first place?

Edited by oaceen
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Not much to say except that Im dissapointed in how you think you have the right to dictate the server.


I went to a few people who carged me 500k + mats and then people said "150k + mats" and then others went "mats + tip"

This gives me a very clear answer of where I will take my business. I wont take it to the people who say "I WANT a tip" because then its actually a fee and you are an ******e for luring business like that

I will however take it to people who are nice and kind and dont demand a tip. Ive bought a hilt and a few armorings and gave people 100k tip because they were nice


So stop crying about the fact that you dont run the economy. There are casual players who dont have time to run dailies every day to make the millions you are asking for 1 item

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I never ever said this. You should ask me before accusing me of something stupid.


I was on the fleet when you said that exact thing. I forgot the exact name of the toon looking for Saih to craft him an item. But I clearly remember you typing that Saih was in your guild.

Just face it. You changed your name when your server merged with ours. due to most of the people on your old server not wanting to deal with you. Now that old and new people are use to your new names, people dont want to deal with you again.

You sir just have a poor rep as a crafter and as a player.


I also find it funny. that somebody with over 100 million in creds, maybe even 200. Complained enough to start this whole thread in the first place. Bout how competition was ruining his business.


BTW anybody have any popcorn, I ran out, and wish to continue enjoying this thread.

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I was on the fleet when you said that exact thing. I forgot the exact name of the toon looking for Saih to craft him an item. But I clearly remember you typing that Saih was in your guild.

Just face it. You changed your name when your server merged with ours. due to most of the people on your old server not wanting to deal with you. Now that old and new people are use to your new names, people dont want to deal with you again.

You sir just have a poor rep as a crafter and as a player.


I also find it funny. that somebody with over 100 million in creds, maybe even 200. Complained enough to start this whole thread in the first place. Bout how competition was ruining his business.


BTW anybody have any popcorn, I ran out, and wish to continue enjoying this thread.


Shame I miss all of this drama on imp fleet now that I'm a republic player.

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