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What classes are in demand @ 50?

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Tanks don't matter the class.


I don't have a tank, but I have been on way too many ops and hmfp with my healer. Healers are in demand is you're average or above. Tanks are in demand period. I don't know about in demand, but smuggler sawbones is a fun healing class.


I have 3 healers and 3 dps....Dps is a dime a dozen. If you are wanting to pug then mdps will get picked sometimes over rdps some poeple that think range is better. As a healer I personally like mdps just as well. The player makes the class and in PVE they all seem very balanced to me. Shadow infil is most likely in the least demand, but it can clear all content just as well as any class. It just requires the player to practice and pay attention more. Smaller margin for error.

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Skilled tanks with leadership qualities. That's about it. A lot of people seem to have a bad taste from shadow/assassin tanks, but they're very excellent when played correctly. Juggernaut/Guardian seem to be the most prevalent.


If melee DPS is your thing, sentinel/marauder is king. Their group utility buffs are excellent and have amazing DPS. If you'd prefer a tech user instead, go with Powertech/Vanguard. Their DPS is also very good and they provide "tanky" utility, such as DPS taunts or grapples. Other melee DPS are not exactly frowned upon, but few actually seek them out (unless you're joining a PvP guild).


For ranged, avoid sages. They're supposed to be pretty fun to play, but their DPS is not as high, and usually get overlooked. If you want to dual spec a lot to offer healing, they are the class to roll though. Snipers/Gunslingers and Mercs/Commandos are sought pretty equally, depending on who you ask. Snipers *will* do more DPS if played right, Mercs will do more utility.


For healers, go scoundrel/operative or sage/sorc. Sages used to be the most wanted, but are sort of on decline. Scoundrel/Operative are moving up. Merc/Commando are just "meh" healers that are taken if they're skilled, and otherwise not really paid much attention to.

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I can only echo the above, a good tank that knows how to play will always be in demand. If you're going to play a class that can tank, level as a tank, at least for the last ten levels or so, and do group content as often as possible as you level. You'll learn your class inside-out that way.


I really enjoy tanking on my Powertech, it's the most fun tank class I've tried. There is no overall "best" tank class despite what some might say; different classes have greater utility in different situations and better resistance to different damage types. All classes can do well in any encounter in the hands of a good player.


If you want to play DPS, good Snipers and Gunslingers are always in demand. Marauder or Sentinel are great classes with great damage and utility but in demand they are not. There are a lot of numpties out there playing them badly so people do seem to be wary of them.

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Most PvE and PvP guilds that play on a higher level needs range DPS, and the best range DPS is Sniper, if played correctly and by a skilled player. Myself, I play as a sniper and as a tank assassin, the demands for both my chars are high as I play both PvE and PvP skillfully and have some leadership skills (ex. raidleader and guild officer).


As a sniper, you do 2k+ DPS, and as you are range you almost never need to stop attacking as most melee need when they are moving or avoiding mechanics. I normally end up on the top 3 when my guild are raiding 16man, and then we are talking about highly skilled Marauders, Powertechs and Sorcerers, so you will be able to compete on the highest level on PvE.


As a PvP Sniper you can be killed easy, that said, your enemies needs to get close to you, and with a proper specc that will never be an issue and 6k crits on your enemies will be normal. And once again, as a range DPS you never charge into the middle of the fight and are normally able to kill, shoot, wound, dot, AoE, interrupt and then kill them again when they come back, until they notice you, and then you can just kill them once again.


As a tankassasin, you will almost never lose aggro when you have build up a good ground, you will be able to control, adapt and move according to the different situations and make sure to survive them with a high HP. Most importantly are your ability to hold aggro from AoE packs with your different attacks. And tbh, I like playing the class and then I would like to say that I have tested out all the other tanking characters on a endgame level, it's fun, challenging and you are able to help your raidmembers on another level then the other classes.


I don't play a lot of PvP but I got the War Hero gear and do some ranked from time to time, something I notice is that I migrate a lot of damage and sometimes over 60% damage is migrated, and then you got some self-heals, CC and people will die at your feet. If you are dying and no healer is within range? Have no fear, go invis when in combat, use your force speed to lose all bad debuffs/dots and get way from your enemies and then shield yourself using force shroud and you are practically invisible.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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If you're good at your role, then you'll always be in demand.


While DPS may be 'a dime a dozen', 'Good' DPS are actually pretty rare. With a similar gear level, some DPS will do 100k more over a fight due to better positioning, rotation, and resource management.

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Class used to matter before legacy buffs, but they really don't at this point. If you go DPS, steer clear of operatives/smugglers (they don't have either enough armor or good DCs to mitigate melee damage...it's kind of tricky against some bosses to get behind them), but that's really the only DPS class that could be perceived as a liability.


And yes, all tanks are in high demand.

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I'm interested in end game and want to know what dps or tank classes, if any, are in high demand?


Any suggestions are appreciated.

The only thing not really sought after is operative dps. With anything else, if you're skilled, you'll be a valuable addition to a guild.

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The only thing not really sought after is operative dps. With anything else, if you're skilled, you'll be a valuable addition to a guild.


Yup, that sucks. So basically, operatives are only there for healing, which also limit choices when you have to do some shuffling around on the group composition. I heal with a Sorc, but if it's needed, I can dps as well. Asking the operative to dps would be cruel :D

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In our raid group best dps is our commando and our maurader. we had a sage that was beating both of them, but he quit. If you absolutely NEED to play a sage go with the hybrid spec. Thats the ONLY way their dps will ever compete with others. (the rotation takes some getting used to tho) Tanking doesnt matter. I stayed away from a shadow tank for the sreason i already had a sage. Either tank class is good.
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Yup, that sucks. So basically, operatives are only there for healing, which also limit choices when you have to do some shuffling around on the group composition. I heal with a Sorc, but if it's needed, I can dps as well. Asking the operative to dps would be cruel :D

Well, it sucks because BW can't seem to balance their power in PvE versus PvP. Ops limited to one roll are like Marauders. We're limited to one roll too. It's not the same though because Ops have more than 1 tree.

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Snipers can pad the meters with AoE if done right, but 2k is still pretty tough to attain.


agreed that seems unlikley since i got only 1,450dps on my marauder in ec hm so its hard to believe 2k dps unless ou tested it on pvp training dummy


Got a parse against any op boss (other than Fabricator. who amplifies dps damage) to prove that?


I will have to do some fights again the Operations Traning Dummy with my currant gear to get one of those parser logs but on the following link I kick out 1945 with rakata/blackhole gear, so I guess I should be able to top that with my current gear (campaign/dreadguard).


Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Wrong. Been full balance since launch. Always at the top of the meters.


Glad you decided to come in and stroke your epeen for us. Was stating that from what i've seen on my server and playing all specs with my sage. While i Absolutely LOVE balance with my sage i see many raid teams passing on sages because of the fact that they are full trees.

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For those saying "dur hur sages R teh soxxorz DPS" I wouldn't necessarily write them off as terrible, I ran with a lightning sorc who could pull about 1.4-1.6K DPS during ops, he was also rather geared to the teeth but knew what he was doing as well. So if you want to be a sage/sorc DPS it's possible, but you really need to know what your doing.


As for the most in demand DPS? Snipers/gunslingers easily, there aren't a lot of them around from what I've seen but most guilds have high demand for a good sniper/slinger, as for commandos/mercs? They're also good DPS when they get geared and you know what your doing, wouldn't play a merc/commando if your heavily into PVP, but if PVE is your thing, definitely a good choice since you get some nice utility as well.


Tanks? People really seem to love vanguard/powertech tanks and I can see why after having leveled one, good DPS, some nice CD's and easier to hold AoE threat, but I also have a juggy I leveled and though there's a bit of a higher skillcap with them, they're also solid tanks once you know how to play the spec properly, I have no experience with shadows/assassins because that class is so dull it puts me to sleep.

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I don't get all the hate behind Sages / Sorcerers.


Sages / Sorcerers are one of the top DPS classes in the game. Yes, Marauder / Sentinel, Vanguard / Power Tech and Gunslinger / Sniper will parse higher, but Sage / Sorcerer should be doing at least 1450 in boss fights. I've seen this number increase into the high 1500s. That's rather good.


As for what's in demand, as others have said, you can't get enough good tanks. That's obvious. But I'll also offer some insight as I handle recruitment for my guild: ranged DPS are invaluable. When a ranged DPS applies, and I feel like they are a good character fit, I care little for their gear (we gear them out) because good ranged DPS are so rare and they're so nice to slot into a 16-player raid.


So as surprising as it may seem, ranged DPS are in high demand, in my opinion.

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Sages / Sorcerers are one of the top DPS classes in the game. Yes, Marauder / Sentinel, Vanguard / Power Tech and Gunslinger / Sniper will parse higher

You just named 3 of 8 DPS Classes. You're forgetting Madness Spec 'Sins... they are beastlly if played right. And, tbh, PvE Merc/Commando do more dps than Sorcs. So now that's 5 of the 8. That puts Sages/Sorcs at 6 of 8, beating out Ops and Juggs.


That's not one of the top DPS. =/

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You just named 3 of 8 DPS Classes. You're forgetting Madness Spec 'Sins... they are beastlly if played right. And, tbh, PvE Merc/Commando do more dps than Sorcs. So now that's 5 of the 8. That puts Sages/Sorcs at 6 of 8, beating out Ops and Juggs.


That's not one of the top DPS. =/


You won't see me disagree about Balance Shadows. Finding good ones tho is a major issue.


Mercs / Commandos do not consistently beat out Sages / Sorcs.


My hierachy is this:


Vanguard > Sentinel > Gunslinger -> Sage -> Shadow -> Commando -> Guardian -> Scoundrel


There is a lot of YMMV. Commando can swap with Shadow, depends on the player. But if you're looking at pure optimal play, that's how i rank things.


In addition, raid spots are never DPS vs DPS. They're melee vs melee and ranged vs ranged. So when a Sage is competing for a ranged DPS spot (at minimum 6 in a 16-player raid imo) only Gunslingers are parsing higher.


So I think they're in a good spot.

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Vanguard > Sentinel > Gunslinger -> Sage -> Shadow -> Commando -> Guardian -> Scoundrel
You have to be talking balanced spec shadow, right? My infiltration spec is outdone by commandos. I have also only rarely seen a Vanguard out DPS a Sentinel or a Gunslinger. About the same about of time I have seen a Infiltration shadow out dps either, once. I will also say a really good guardian can out do the commando, shadow and the sage.


I really think it just depends on the fight and the player. I have seen Commandos that could just tear up a fight, but I have seen a pair of similar geared and spec commandos hit every enrage timer in SM EC too. I have seen a Shadow and a Commando tear it up in SM TfB against the tentacles in phase 2 while 2 really good Sentinels fell behind them. However, I have seen the same Shadow do terrible dps in the Toth and Zorn while 1 of those Sentinels tore it up. Personally I have find all the classes I have played have tried have the strength and weakness. None are head and shoulders are above another, however some are better than others in certain fights.


My order for DPS (with a equally skilled player would be)

1. Sentinel = Gunslinger

2. Vanguard=Sage=Commando=Guardian

3. Shadow/scoundrel


However, I want at least one or two shadows/scoundrels in my group for the stealth CCs. They all dps well enough to clear all content and those two actually save on the damage received to the group.


Plus we all know sawbones are the best healers. :p (joking, but I do love the spec)

Edited by mikebevo
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You have to be talking balanced spec shadow, right? My infiltration spec is outdone by commandos. I have also only rarely seen a Vanguard out DPS a Sentinel or a Gunslinger. About the same about of time I have seen a Infiltration shadow out dps either, once. I will also say a really good guardian can out do the commando, shadow and the sage.


I really think it just depends on the fight and the player. I have seen Commandos that could just tear up a fight, but I have seen a pair of similar geared and spec commandos hit every enrage timer in SM EC too. I have seen a Shadow and a Commando tear it up in SM TfB against the tentacles in phase 2 while 2 really good Sentinels fell behind them. However, I have seen the same Shadow do terrible dps in the Toth and Zorn while 1 of those Sentinels tore it up. Personally I have find all the classes I have played have tried have the strength and weakness. None are head and shoulders are above another, however some are better than others in certain fights.


My order for DPS (with a equally skilled player would be)

1. Sentinel = Gunslinger

2. Vanguard=Sage=Commando=Guardian

3. Shadow/scoundrel


However, I want at least one or two shadows/scoundrels in my group for the stealth CCs. They all dps well enough to clear all content and those two actually save on the damage received to the group.


Plus we all know sawbones are the best healers. :p (joking, but I do love the spec)


Oh I'm definitely talking about Balance Shadows. It is the only viable raiding spec. Infilitration has no place in a raiding environment, in my opinion.


You do see some variation based on the fight and the players. A really good Commando DPS can make an average Sage look mediocore. These things can be very hard to assess sometimes.

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Oh I'm definitely talking about Balance Shadows. It is the only viable raiding spec. Infilitration has no place in a raiding environment, in my opinion.
Glad you are not my raiding leader, since I am a infil shadow and in only 8 man groups my little shadow usually pulls 2nd or 3rd highest dps for the group. :p


Still I do think they let me go because my main healer is a little over average and will to do any ops anytime, so I get your point.

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