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So Bioware is not backing down from the "Grab Bags"


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In order for a lottery to be considered gambling it has to have a chance to recieve something of monetary vaule. It doesnt have to be money but it does have to be worth money. If you dont own it then it isnt worth any money to you.

So,is it perfectly ok if we substitute monetary value with virtual value... It makes the act itself mysteriously change and the money transform into leaves?

Edited by Styxx
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In order for a lottery to be considered gambling it has to have a chance to recieve something of monetary vaule. It doesnt have to be money but it does have to be worth money. If you dont own it then it isnt worth any money to you.


We could read the above as "any value", or "monetary and virtual goods value". The act itself is unchanged. It is only the final outcome that is different. Where the legal term is monetary value. Makes it no less "right" if its final outcome is "virtual monetary value".


Anyway... gameplay now... do please buy as many boxes as you can all of you... MAYBE they earn enough money from this to push some nice content for a change.

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We could read the above as "any value", or "monetary and virtual goods value". The act itself is unchanged. It is only the final outcome that is different. Where the legal term is monetary value. Makes it no less "right" if its final outcome is "virtual monetary value".


Anyway... gameplay now... do please buy as many boxes as you can all of you... MAYBE they earn enough money from this to push some nice content for a change.


Virtual items, in ToR, have no physical value. You can argue all you want but it doesnt.


I dont plan to spend any money in the cash shop. They are lucky to still have my sub.

Edited by Soluss
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I'm just gonna point out again, this is done in many other mmos and bioware is not the first to do it and none of those others games had any problems with the law against it, and more then half of them have been out for half a decade.
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Let's talk convertibility.


TOR now moves toward making hard currencies (like dollars) convertible into in-game currencies (such as credits or XP).


There are no attempts to make in-game currencies convertible into hard currencies.


Without such two-way convertibility, no gambling laws will apply to TOR legally. Some people may still consider this or that action to fall under the label of gambling morally.


The only virtual world I know that attempted two-way convertibility between its currency and hard currencies is Second Life. Do you know more examples, especially games? SL is not a game.

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Let's talk convertibility.


TOR now moves toward making hard currencies (like dollars) convertible into in-game currencies (such as credits or XP).


There are no attempts to make in-game currencies convertible into hard currencies.


Without such two-way convertibility, no gambling laws will apply to TOR legally. Some people may still consider this or that action to fall under the label of gambling morally.


Absolutely correct. If they put in a two way conversion mechanism, I would be one of the first to point out they are moving into a legal quagmire. But they are not. And their move to making hard currencies (like dollars) convertible into in-game currencies actually further craters the internet market for in game credits.

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(4) "Gambling device" means any electronic, electromechanical, or mechanical contrivance not excluded under Paragraph (B) that for a consideration affords the player an opportunity to obtain anything of value, the award of which is determined solely or partially by chance, even though accompanied by some skill, whether or not the prize is automatically paid by the contrivance. The term:

(A) includes, but is not limited to, gambling device versions of bingo, keno, blackjack, lottery, roulette, video poker, or similar electronic, electromechanical, or mechanical games, or facsimiles thereof, that operate by chance or partially so, that as a result of the play or operation of the game award credits or free games, and that record the number of free games or credits so awarded and the cancellation or removal of the free games or credits; and

(B) does not include any electronic, electromechanical, or mechanical contrivance designed, made, and adapted solely for bona fide amusement purposes if the contrivance rewards the player exclusively with noncash merchandise prizes, toys, or novelties, or a representation of value redeemable for those items, that have a wholesale value available from a single play of the game or device of not more than 10 times the amount charged to play the game or device once or $5, whichever is less.


Texas penal code, this game is solely for amusement, and thus is not classified as a electronic gambling devise


(7) "Lottery" means any scheme or procedure whereby one or more prizes are distributed by chance among persons who have paid or promised consideration for a chance to win anything of value, whether such scheme or procedure is called a pool, lottery, raffle, gift, gift enterprise, sale, policy game, or some other name.

(9) "Thing of value" means any benefit, but does not include an unrecorded and immediate right of replay not exchangeable for value.

There is no benefit or value to anything that is coming out of those grab bags. So no it is not classified as gambling (even electronically) or Lottery (there is nothing of Value), they are for pure entertainment and/or amusement. So whats up now Goretzu

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texas penal code, this game is solely for amusement, and thus is not classified as a electronic gambling devise




there is no benefit or value to anything that is coming out of those grab bags. So no it is not classified as gambling (even electronically) or lottery (there is nothing of value), they are for pure entertainment and/or amusement. So whats up now goretzu



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Hey guy who still complaining even though he's wrong.

Look here, http://vindictus.nexon.net/News/Content.aspx?boardNo=200&contentNo=00FKM bottom of the page.


More "grab bags"


and here




and here, a star warsy one





So seriously. Enough already.


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