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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Improving Alderaan Civil War?


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Right now, it seems to me like that warzone is the odd one out. The others, even Huttball, tend to have a fair share of close matches, but it is very rare to see Alderaan end with a small difference; usually, it "ends" around 350:170 after a very one-sided match.


Basically, the warzone favours the first party to capture two positions since it takes relatively long to capture a target, the process is very easy to interrupt, it is all or nothing, and "defenders" can get anywhere very quickly without a timed portal, so a steady stream of defenders can successfully stop a capture attempt even if a very strong force has just been wiped out.


Novare Coast was clearly made with Alderaan in mind, trying to fix the core mechanic, and it worked out great, but it wouldn't be very conducive to variety to just have another Novare ;)


The most basic approach could be to just reduce activation time on the targets by a small amount like one second, and see how it works out. (Involves capture time in the most primitive way, but the easiest things can be good.)


There have been proposals to remove the side speeders, which might help since it would slightly extend the time window between the last defender going down and the first one coming back in. (Involves time to target.)


It might also help to make turrets go back to grey after 4 or 5 seconds of interaction which would give some breathing room, but it would also break the timing of the warzone, having it run longer since there'd be no guaranteed damage output any more. (Involves "all or nothing" characteristic and might lead to half-hour matches.) Changing the targets to an incremental capture mechanic would just duplicate Novare.


It is also very easy to defend both side points, either from the middle target if you have that and one on the side, or from the "labyrinth" beneath the middle if you have both sides, with only a skeleton force (usually tank plus stealth DD) on the sides who can usually put out enough CC to bide their time until reinforcements arrive. Changing that would modify the time to target, but would of course require scenery changes.


I've also played with the thought of modifying the damage output of individual turrets, but quite frankly the dynamics of that scare me ;)

Edited by Laurreth
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Well, clearly you are not my target audience ;)


Also, huttball sucks and cw and novare are the best maps


I don't particularly like Huttball (I turn off voice output for those matches), but for some reason it has become better in the past few months. Also, I'm not saying that I don't like CW, but I'd like it to be better and a bit more biased towards close calls. Dawdling around half the time knowing that you've lost unless the enemy team logs out isn't really that much fun; that's why I regard NC as "CW done right".

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Only if you play assassin or sniper


Assassin, Sniper or:


Marauder, Sentinel leaping around with the ball

Sorcerer giving some friendly pulls and zipping around

Operative sneaking up for a pass or peeling away from the ball carrier

Even on my merc, I have had fun helping keep mid clear and pushing people off the catwalks.


Which class is it not fun? Might be easier.

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Only if you play assassin or sniper


I play a sniper and hate Huttball. The enemy team would have to be comatose these days to not notice a sniper up on the rafters shooting. I always get targeted by melee stealth no matter where on the ramps I position. I remember months ago, when being a sniper in Huttball meant being an annihilator sitting up there shooting down everyone the whole match, but nowadays, people have caught on, and Huttball is no longer one of those warzones where sniper go unnoticed. The only character I find Huttball tolerable on is my lowbie juggernaut, because he can leap every fifteen seconds.

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I play a sniper and hate Huttball. The enemy team would have to be comatose these days to not notice a sniper up on the rafters shooting. I always get targeted by melee stealth no matter where on the ramps I position. I remember months ago, when being a sniper in Huttball meant being an annihilator sitting up there shooting down everyone the whole match, but nowadays, people have caught on, and Huttball is no longer one of those warzones where sniper go unnoticed. The only character I find Huttball tolerable on is my lowbie juggernaut, because he can leap every fifteen seconds.


Intercede to friendly in stealth = balanced

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