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Armour questions


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Yes, you can wear light armor, however all else being the same, light will give you a lower armor rating than medium (meaning it will be less effective in preventing damage).


If you really want the look of a piece of light armor, in my opinion it's OK to wear it, as long as you are aware of that it's worse than medium armor.


Also remember that depending on what exact piece of armor it is that you like, there might also be something similar available in the game as medium armor, meant for Marauders.

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you're only losing armor value using light armor so as long as you are not tanking, you should be able to get away with the rare event that you've got aggro from a mob hitting on you.


Armor also only mitigates kinetic and energy damage. Elemental and internal ignore armor so losing armor value won't increase the damage from elemental (fire for example)...

Edited by Oggthebase
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Hi I have a few questions about armour, purely from a vanity appearance standpoint. Can I say mod a light armour piece for my agent? Do I lose any bonuses by using armour purely as a "skin" to hold mods?


Cheers :)


Use orange armor. Social orange armor is adaptive and will scale based on your class. Orange armor was created to let you change or keep your look because all the stats come from the componants, which you can swap. With it you can keep something you like all the way to end game. It's the one change to how MMOs work that SWTOR got right.

Edited by Owsley
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Use orange armor. Social orange armor is adaptive and will scale based on your class. Orange armor was created to let you change or keep your look because all the stats come from the componants, which you can swap. With it you can keep something you like all the way to end game. It's the one change to how MMOs work that SWTOR got right.


Just to nitpick that I don't think they got this right. Systems that use Cosmetic slots got it right. Either way though, Social Gear (or appropriate weight Orange gear) is the way to customize your look and still keep your stats.

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  • 2 months later...
hi im a sith assassin and i was just asking if i cud change light armor to medium armor ? i wud b really greatful if any1 can tell me if i cn or nt thnx :)


Watch for good adaptive armor in the cartel market. It can be any armor you like and can look a bit more "beefy" than the usual light armor.

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For example, I started a new character and I want him to wear Destroyers aror, but not high lvl enough. So can I remov mods from this adaptive armor and lower required lvl?


most armour have a level requirement set, I think, from the level they drop at. If you pick one up and it is min. lvl of 31, then even removing all mods and enhacements the piece will remain level 31. Even if you put a level 9 armour mod in it I don't believe it will drop.

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most armour have a level requirement set, I think, from the level they drop at. If you pick one up and it is min. lvl of 31, then even removing all mods and enhacements the piece will remain level 31. Even if you put a level 9 armour mod in it I don't believe it will drop.

Thank you)

Pity, gonna try to find something else )

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most armour have a level requirement set, I think, from the level they drop at. If you pick one up and it is min. lvl of 31, then even removing all mods and enhacements the piece will remain level 31. Even if you put a level 9 armour mod in it I don't believe it will drop.


Correct, you can still only put it on being level 31 even if all mods are stripped and replaced.

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Just to add to that. When you put higher level mods in the requirement will go up too. So level 31 would be the lowest it can go but if you put a level 49 mod in it it will become level 49 armor.

Pretty logical, modable armor doesn't allow you to cheat to higher equipment.

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