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Marauder needs a Nerf


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Just look at these threats:







"I did 1 million dmg!! lol"


No people. This is NOT normal


It's not normal to deal +6k dmg every time you use Smash. It's not normal that you can charge 3 times in 15 sec. It's not normal that you have more Defensive CD's than my Vanguard Tank and a Stealth, and a "I can't die lol" buff.

Edited by Royox
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Im loving that 31/31/31 spec youre talking about lol.


A Rage marauder can do all What I said and they have Crush....because if it was hard to scape from a person with 2 charges, they can slow you with that ****.

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Just look at these threats:







"I did 1 million dmg!! lol"


No people. This is NOT normal


It's not normal to deal +6k dmg every time you use Smash. It's not normal that you can charge 3 times in 15 sec. It's not normal that you have more Defensive CD's than my Vanguard Tank and a Stealth, and a "I can't die lol" buff.


Sucks to be you, should've rolled a Marauder at launch.

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Just look at these threats:







"I did 1 million dmg!! lol"


No people. This is NOT normal


It's not normal to deal +6k dmg every time you use Smash. It's not normal that you can charge 3 times in 15 sec. It's not normal that you have more Defensive CD's than my Vanguard Tank and a Stealth, and a "I can't die lol" buff.


The only class that can do 3 jumps in 15 seconds in a Jugg. And from what I see you wrote is...what you play.


Ummmm you mean our can't die button that lasts 4 seconds and costs half our current HP.... and with the Resolve changes. Please. Why don't you go complain about Force Shroud before you complain about undying rage - it can last 5 seconds/ with a lower CD/ and makes them immune to stuns+ costs very little resource to use.


If you want to nerd rage about the buff to Rage... thats fine. But if you are going act like we have this magic 31/31/31 spec. then learn before you talk.

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Just look at these threats:







"I did 1 million dmg!! lol"


No people. This is NOT normal


It's not normal to deal +6k dmg every time you use Smash. It's not normal that you can charge 3 times in 15 sec. It's not normal that you have more Defensive CD's than my Vanguard Tank and a Stealth, and a "I can't die lol" buff.


What about Sniper's defensive CD's?

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Just look at these threats:







"I did 1 million dmg!! lol"


No people. This is NOT normal


It's not normal to deal +6k dmg every time you use Smash. It's not normal that you can charge 3 times in 15 sec. It's not normal that you have more Defensive CD's than my Vanguard Tank and a Stealth, and a "I can't die lol" buff.


You're right, it's not normal. It's extremely rare to see anyone of any class break 1 million damage in a warzone. I have been playing since beta invite weekends, and I've been in full war hero for months, and this is the first time I have gotten over 1 million. I'm Valor Rank 97. That is a LOT of pvp. Want to see a more "normal" or average screenshot? here:




Uploaded with ImageShack.us


This was a ID vs Physics Ranked game, the result was 2% to 0%. We won by the skin of our teeth, and those are the average numbers. As you can see, not overpowered at all. I'd also like to mention, that while my only 1 million damage game has been as Rage, I have had 890k as annihilation, and numberous 750k+ as carnage. I have seen similar numbers from many other classes. Games like my 1 million damage post come from a large gap in gear, and both teams being under skilled. basically you get 2 teams , one with 8 mediocre players and one with 6 mediocre players and 2 "top of their class" players, and you get results like this. The reason I was able to do so much damage is because others on our team were not putting out appropriate damage for their class. In rateds, like the game I posted here, everyone pulls their weight, and numbers are balanced.

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Yeah, marauders themselves don't need nerfs... The Rage tree does.

In PvE DPS, Idk its more respectable to say they need a nerf, Im running several hundred thousand more damage per boss fight than other geared DPS as a carnage mara (and trust me, the other dps are not bad lol)

Honestly, the only thing that needs a nerf for maras is how much damage they do in respect to PvE.

My log, doing nearly 1800 on tanks in ec hm tonight (This not even being the highest I've done on that boss), and the closest DPS to me having done about 1500.. I'll call that overpowered, and deserving of a nerf.



In PvP though? Mara's dont need a nerf, rage does.

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Why would we need a nerf in PvE damage output?

Being able to do 1800++ dps on certain boss fights comes as a result of having done a lot of work on your gear, and rotation.

Marauder is one of only two pure dps advanced classes in the game, why should we not be top DPS?

It was the same deal in 'that other mmo', so called 'hybrid' classes had to work harder to compare with the pure damage dealers.

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Because, even being a pure DPS class, they should only be that 5% ahead that BW claims we would be. Definitely not seeing 5%.


Which well played DPS are we not within 5% of?

Is it the VG/PT that has taunts and guard available? Dont think so.

Is it Mando/Merc that can self heal? Dont think so.

Is it Sniper/Slinger the other pure dps? Not by 5%

Is it Sage/Sorc with self heals? Not by a long shot.

Is it Jugg/Guard with taunts and guard available and their own smash spec? Nope

Is it Op/Scoundrel with self heals stealth and great burst/cc? Nope

Well then it must be the Sin/Shadow with taunts guard and stealth. No again


So which is the AC we outperform by 5% given equal player skill?

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Which well played DPS are we not within 5% of?

Is it the VG/PT that has taunts and guard available? Dont think so.

Is it Mando/Merc that can self heal? Dont think so.

Is it Sniper/Slinger the other pure dps? Not by 5%

Is it Sage/Sorc with self heals? Not by a long shot.

Is it Jugg/Guard with taunts and guard available and their own smash spec? Nope

Is it Op/Scoundrel with self heals stealth and great burst/cc? Nope

Well then it must be the Sin/Shadow with taunts guard and stealth. No again


So which is the AC we outperform by 5% given equal player skill?


Marauders are the highest DPS of any class, in PvE, and in PvP. Pure Mathematics, they are.

In application (especially during raids), they are also the highest.

In PvP, they have unparalleled on demand survivability, along with amazing group buffs. PT's, Assassin's, and Jugg's dont have anywhere near that much survivability (being the other mDPS). Marauder's also outperform Snipers, and albeit Sniper's are usually the one class that is hard to kill (Seriously, holy **** I hate you guys!!) they dont have anywhere near the utility in ranked that a marauder does.


Personally, I am a PvE'r and from that side of the house.. Marauder's are by and far, much much farther ahead in DPS than any other AC, (Including Snipers, PT's etc).

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Just look at these threats:







"I did 1 million dmg!! lol"


No people. This is NOT normal


It's not normal to deal +6k dmg every time you use Smash. It's not normal that you can charge 3 times in 15 sec. It's not normal that you have more Defensive CD's than my Vanguard Tank and a Stealth, and a "I can't die lol" buff.


If that's all you've got? I suggest you need to quit. There are a lot of ways to annihilate a marauder/sent and it has a lot of weaknesses 2. Please **** with those stupid posts about nerves, try to learn your own class instead ;)


p.s. the +6k damage is even worse on guardians/juggs. Its the tree that needs to be nerved.

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I've done over a mil in carnage and rage...and damn near it in anni.....it isn't a normal occurrence though, like Mr. Alluvian was saying, if you're in a group with competitive teams, everyone kind of evens out...if those 1 mil games were a regular occurrence, people wouldn't feel the need to make a forum post showing them off. I've seen the same from snipers and powertechs as well :)
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Just look at these threats:







"I did 1 million dmg!! lol"


No people. This is NOT normal


It's not normal to deal +6k dmg every time you use Smash. It's not normal that you can charge 3 times in 15 sec. It's not normal that you have more Defensive CD's than my Vanguard Tank and a Stealth, and a "I can't die lol" buff.


You must play a merc?


Sure this QQ post isnt ment for the juggie forum? They beat us by far in Rage specs !

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Marauders are the highest DPS of any class, in PvE, and in PvP. Pure Mathematics, they are.

In application (especially during raids), they are also the highest.

In PvP, they have unparalleled on demand survivability, along with amazing group buffs. PT's, Assassin's, and Jugg's dont have anywhere near that much survivability (being the other mDPS). Marauder's also outperform Snipers, and albeit Sniper's are usually the one class that is hard to kill (Seriously, holy **** I hate you guys!!) they dont have anywhere near the utility in ranked that a marauder does.


Personally, I am a PvE'r and from that side of the house.. Marauder's are by and far, much much farther ahead in DPS than any other AC, (Including Snipers, PT's etc).


You must have terrible mercs...

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Maybe instead of QQ'ing roll one and see if you can do the same damage, and maybe you will see that numbers like that are a lot harder to get to, and takes time, commitment, and skill to your class and the right the enviroment to pull it off. If every swinging richard and jane were pulling that off consistently in wz's then maybe you would have ground to stand on, but it does not happen, so therefore you have no arguement just saying.:D Edited by EGNbusa
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You must have terrible mercs...


No, it really is the case right now that PT Pyro and Marauder are the highest theoretical DPS and it is proven out in actual gameplay.


The new Operation, TFB, is particularly good at punishing the uptime of more than 1 melee, which helps compensate for the higher ceiling, but when only 1 melee is in the picture, they have a clear lead.


Of course, if they blanket-nerfed Marauder, then any time you can't guarantee near-100% uptime, it'll be a lame duck DPS like Operative.

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Honestly they do need to be nerfed. RAGE tree especially for juggys & marauders. I could have pulled 2 million damage in a Novare Coast where our team immediately captured south and east nodes. Had almost 1500 dps. I had just under a million damage and the game ended early with our base at 90%. The enemy team had expertise they weren't baddies. They had 3 healers so people stayed alive longer than usual for a warzone, thus more Smashing.


To the original post:

All marauder trees are absolutely excellent damage. This is fine, however I think maybe their defensive cooldowns are what should be looked into once Rage tree is slightly nerfed. Cloak of Pain should be -15% taken from -20%, and their immortality should have 1 more second choppped off of it as well as their vanish with -1 sec duration. Small changes like this are needed but I fear they won't act on it.


#1 issue right now for PvP honestly is the commando/mercenary class not having some sort of mobility ability (jetpack leap/disengage) for when melee engage them in pvp. Its kind of a joke. They need to act on that first, and then decide where to go with PvP balance.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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Honestly they do need to be nerfed. RAGE tree especially for juggys & marauders. I could have pulled 2 million damage in a Novare Coast where our team immediately captured south and east nodes. Had almost 1500 dps. I had just under a million damage and the game ended early with our base at 90%. The enemy team had expertise they weren't baddies. They had 3 healers so people stayed alive longer than usual for a warzone, thus more Smashing.


To the original post:

All marauder trees are absolutely excellent damage. This is fine, however I think maybe their defensive cooldowns are what should be looked into once Rage tree is slightly nerfed. Cloak of Pain should be -15% taken from -20%, and their immortality should have 1 more second choppped off of it as well as their vanish with -1 sec duration. Small changes like this are needed but I fear they won't act on it.


#1 issue right now for PvP honestly is the commando/mercenary class not having some sort of mobility ability (jetpack leap/disengage) for when melee engage them in pvp. Its kind of a joke. They need to act on that first, and then decide where to go with PvP balance.




Smells like troll to me, anyone saying they could have pulled of 2m in a WZ thats not standstill (even then)!


On another hand, mercs could use a ability to gain distance; also bioware said mara/sents were where they are supposed to be pre the rage "buff", and in all fairness, rage (lolsmash) was never buffed. Maras/juggies have had the same rage spec and 6k+ smashes since ages ago, they only changed berserk in rage, wich doesnt effect the smashes in any other way then what it did before.

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