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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

He did it again!


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So for 4th straight week Raygon-Jinn (that's me) has brought the pubs ranked warzones (glad that those who care about their rating didn't join :) I hate players with big *** egos) Your can check out the vid of the most recent RWZ on my youtube channel (MrNemesisgenesis) The special part about this RWZ is that... WE WERE NAKED! seems people had anger management issues about getting farmed and not having equal teams as we tried to get. So I took upon myself to make everyone going into this RWZ have only their main & off-hand.


I'm starting to develop this dislike for pubs while doing this tho... People come on here (to the forums) and preach they want to do more RWZ's. They come up with these ideas for the teams to be full recruit geared and stuff like that and all you get is the same 6-7 people saying "I'm down for that!" but you never see it happen. But here's Raygon delivering as he always does. I have a 2nd complaint against pubs. See when the first match starts it seems that all you look for is are you getting farmed and are things 1 sided. I take great offense to that BTW:mad:. The reason for the first RWZ match is to test the balance of the teams people.So we can make the right adjustments to the teams so that everyone has a fair chance to farm RWZ comms. But how can we do that if the losing team rage quits after the first match? Stop complaining about Grim Determination kicking your butts if you can't take the time to get the top gear to even the odds. You pubs see that it's Grim D in a WZ and you guit the match because you know your out of your league but when you get invited to do ranked (i don't have to invite you btw) you cry about things being 1 sided and don't want to be farmed and rage quit that also without letting me adjust the teams for more rounds of RWZ. I remember those who fail all the other pubs. I remember the names, I remember the guild tags. While everyone else's PvP experience gets a little better you will be stuck in the same spot in gear for weeks this goes to my friends and guildmates too. I only go to players and if your not a player than I won't invite you, I don't care who you are. Deal with your warzone nightmare. It seems that you RWZ ragers seem to forget. While I'm doing these RWZ pug groups, 16 PvP workhorses that wins WZ's are with me and not Q'n in regular WZ to help you guys with your wins.

Edited by RayGonJinn
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Sup Raygon!


I missed the first "Thursday Night RWZ" in 4 weeks yesterday, but I was there for all others. I'm so sorry I wasn't there yesterday though, the naked wz seems fun. The video is great!! However, whats up with no one targetting you? Did you put up a rule about attacking the organiser being forbidden? eheh.


I'm not so sure about why you are mad though, and the title is a bit narcissist lol, but I do agree with the quitters. A couple of weeks ago we wered doing a rwz, not sure you were there organising or not, but in the first game the team I was on lost badly. It was Novare and the other team was much better in terms of setup, so at some point the enemy team 3 capped us and someone complained. The guy that capped even went as far as saying he was sorry ("Didnt know we were taking south at the same time!"), but still when the game was over most of the team just quit.


To be honest, in the last 10 ranked games I have played, only two or three times we actually managed to repeat most of the team or adjust/play again. I think everyone should be more commited so that even if it takes a lot to set up the first team (and it usually does), people stay together for 3 or more before quitting. Otherwise having to spend 15, 20, 30 minutes to setup EACH team, and redoing everything after each ranked ends, is just too annoying...


Congrats on your enthusiasm and organisation of those events. I will be there next Thursday for sure.

Edited by BigGoatBR
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Nice Ray. Link the vid. :p Will have to disagree on one thing though, I don't think that pubs complain about grim D 4 and 8 man premades anymore. Pugs have actually been destroying them in warzones lately. ;)


Neo, I haven't complained in forums or anything like that, but I'm one that disagrees with them. They should do ranked more and 8man normal premades less. Its is true that they end up losing, but there are many days when they win many many matches simply because the other team is not setup at all and can't offer any kind of competition. Specially early in the night, they get some easy games which don't sound fun at all to me.


But it is pretty nice when we do win with a random group =). 10 days ago or so we had this awesome match in Void Star. I queued solo and ended up in a nice enough team, we fought a GD premade heroicly. We held them at first door in def. I don't know how many times I interrupted with 1, 0.5 seconds left, but somehow we managed to keep them. Then we nearly stayed at first door ourselves, they were pretty tough, but in the ended we planted. Actually, I planted the bomb and had one of the best games I can remember, yet nobody voted on me =(. Anyway, was a very fun much. Don't recall if you were there...

Edited by BigGoatBR
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Twin, you did an awesome job putting this together. And although I respect the decision of people to do whatever they want, it was a shame to see people leave after just one round of ranked. I can empathize with people being frustrated with PvP. Hell, if there is a list of people whom get frustrated the most with PvP, I'm probably at the top or near the top of that list. But most of the time, I will queue up again and get my rear handed to me again because I just enjoy PvP'ing.


But I digress; this thread isn't about me. Ray, you've done an awesome job rallying up people for ranked. I hate losing as much as the next guy, but I will still participate whenever I'm on and available to just because I enjoy it.


The "maker" forbid that we ever end up on the same team. We've seen what could happen when we are. lol


Regarding GD, I've noticed some PuGs actually fairing a little bit better against them during the past week. It's encouraging, but some people still have a ways to go. Some people just need to learn how to PvP, unfortunately. As much as I sometimes talk trash to GD, they are good PvP'ers, especially when they are grouped up and manage to get two pre-mades in the same match. For Imps (not Pubs), I have not seen a guild that good since Xavek and Krill's guilds back on Vrook Lamar.


I digress again. Ray, twin, keep up the awesome work. If there's anything I or the guild I'm in can do to help ya out or support this, let me know.

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Not sure why grim gets so much hate


Sorry we're the only imp guild that's left PvP wise


If it wasn't for us you would play 8 scrubs all day every day because let's face it, 90% of imperials are terrible, terrible, terrible players

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Not sure why grim gets so much hate


Sorry we're the only imp guild that's left PvP wise


If it wasn't for us you would play 8 scrubs all day every day because let's face it, 90% of imperials are terrible, terrible, terrible players


After getting my marauder to 50 and PvPing a decent amount on him I couldn't agree more. If the Good imperials from Vrook and Ieldis stayed it would be fine. But unfortunately, they didn't :/

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Not sure why grim gets so much hate


Sorry we're the only imp guild that's left PvP wise


If it wasn't for us you would play 8 scrubs all day every day because let's face it, 90% of imperials are terrible, terrible, terrible players


No one hates you guys. At least not on my end. /shrug

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Not sure why grim gets so much hate


Sorry we're the only imp guild that's left PvP wise


If it wasn't for us you would play 8 scrubs all day every day because let's face it, 90% of imperials are terrible, terrible, terrible players


I agree. most times when we get a match against imperials they just end up quitting. I actually think its kinda cool that you guys get all 8 of your people in a lot of matches, I wish I could do that with my friends. :)


saying that Grim D needs to "stick in ranked" is an invalid argument to make since nobody actually does ranked anymore...


Just think of it, if Grim D was sitting in a ranked q all day and got a queue pop against that naked ranked pvp team, im sure they would be calling them every name in the book..

Edited by J_Fred
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Not sure why grim gets so much hate


Sorry we're the only imp guild that's left PvP wise


If it wasn't for us you would play 8 scrubs all day every day because let's face it, 90% of imperials are terrible, terrible, terrible players


No hate from here either Urd, you seem like a nice guy yourself, and much GD members do. I don't mind it very much either, because there are so many nights we play pub x pub all the way, that facing a GD premade is not that terrible. But as I said, I really don't understand how fun it can be to be in a 8man premade fully coordinated against a PuG group, getting easy wins often. You seem to agree from your text yourself, and I'm sure that when you solo and face a pub premade and can't do anything you don't like it that much either hehe.


I just wish we could set up more ranked games with premades (GD included), and less normal wz with fully coordinated groups. I specially worry about fresh 50s which have even worst gear then I do, how terrible PvPing must be for them when premades are out there. But let me repeat that I do not think it's GD fault at all on this, it's partly a Bioware problem (lack of valor based matching; too few rankeds and because of that allowing premades to play normal, and so on) and partly a community problem.

Edited by BigGoatBR
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Not sure why grim gets so much hate


Sorry we're the only imp guild that's left PvP wise


If it wasn't for us you would play 8 scrubs all day every day because let's face it, 90% of imperials are terrible, terrible, terrible players


I have no problem playing a GD premade when I'm also in a premade. But earlier in the day when there's no groups around and I'm grinding for comms, all I ever do is end up facing GD premades with a random pug. It's hard to gather comms when you get steamrolled in 3 minutes, focus-fired on 4 on one at your spawn point, and can't even get enough comms to cover the medpacs and adrenals used. I'm sure GD can't find that very enjoyable either. I think the whole thing is just a PvP population problem.

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I have no problem playing a GD premade when I'm also in a premade. But earlier in the day when there's no groups around and I'm grinding for comms, all I ever do is end up facing GD premades with a random pug. It's hard to gather comms when you get steamrolled in 3 minutes, focus-fired on 4 on one at your spawn point, and can't even get enough comms to cover the medpacs and adrenals used. I'm sure GD can't find that very enjoyable either. I think the whole thing is just a PvP population problem.


Yeah early pugs are terrible. When the late afternoon pugs get on though, we have no issues with the 4 and 8 mans.

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Not sure why grim gets so much hate


Sorry we're the only imp guild that's left PvP wise


If it wasn't for us you would play 8 scrubs all day every day because let's face it, 90% of imperials are terrible, terrible, terrible players


No one hates you but I personally have lost some respect for GD. I've fought GD longer than you've been in GD and I can tell you the original members back prior to merges are great people. However its the new people who ruin it for me. There are a couple of bad apples (not naming names) who basically talk trash when its a double premade vs. me and pugs. What makes it worse is that during every organized ranked night I get word that GD doesn't want to run ranked because of excuse X. Yet throughout the ENTIRE ranked night there are at least 8 GD members still q'ing for PVP.


Its situations like that which make me lose respect for a guild that used to hold standards. To dominate unranked pvp is a joke. As you said there are a lot of bad players, both imp and pub side. To hold your own in ranked pvp is another. If GD members want to talk trash that's fine, just make sure next time GD actually backs it up in ranked warzones instead of giving me lame excuses.

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I can't speak for others only for myself. I don't do ranked much, I just don't see the point, and I don't have fun in it. I usually pug when I'm in wzs. A LOT of times I'm queued and to my surprise there are a bunch of other people from GD in the wz.


But you are entitled to your opinion as am I. I myself have lost a lot of respect for pub side players that I thought were good players but then they start trash talking, either in a match (which I mostly forgive, tempers fly and people don't always really mean what they say just because they are frustrated) or they come to the forums and have unconstructive critisizm to post, just gripes.


As far as ranked goes, we don't always have healers on, or that want to group, you can call it an excuse, but when the other side has even one, and we have none, it does give a huge advantage to one side over the other. There are not a lot of PvPers on imp side currently, not like there is on pub at least, it is just a fact. But hey maybe one day there will be no more imps and pubs can just fight amongst themselves like I see in forum chat now.


Again, this is just my opinion, everyone has one and they all stink.

Edited by Reynaga
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No one hates you but I personally have lost some respect for GD. I've fought GD longer than you've been in GD and I can tell you the original members back prior to merges are great people. However its the new people who ruin it for me. There are a couple of bad apples (not naming names) who basically talk trash when its a double premade vs. me and pugs. What makes it worse is that during every organized ranked night I get word that GD doesn't want to run ranked because of excuse X. Yet throughout the ENTIRE ranked night there are at least 8 GD members still q'ing for PVP.


Its situations like that which make me lose respect for a guild that used to hold standards. To dominate unranked pvp is a joke. As you said there are a lot of bad players, both imp and pub side. To hold your own in ranked pvp is another. If GD members want to talk trash that's fine, just make sure next time GD actually backs it up in ranked warzones instead of giving me lame excuses.


I really don't have a response since I'm a new member and came over when black sun died. But as far as dominating in non ranked matches I don't think any grim members are under the misconception that it means something. As far as ranked goes I will try and get a ranked team que'ing this Thursday. It will be all grim so I would prefer if an all exiles or all ASB team que's. When you pull from 4 or 5 guilds its unfair to us since we are pulling from one


As far as respect goes I have alot for players who refrain from trash talking and just good objective players, such as xam, ogclutchbossman, scyn, youngster


Again ik I said this 10,000x but I wish black sun's core PvP team was stil around. Lets just say the faction balance on server would be different

Edited by Riggz
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I really don't have a response since I'm a new member and came over when black sun died. But as far as dominating in non ranked matches I don't think any grim members are under the misconception that it means something. As far as ranked goes I will try and get a ranked team que'ing this Thursday. It will be all grim so I would prefer if an all exiles or all ASB team que's. When you pull from 4 or 5 guilds its unfair to us since we are pulling from one


As far as respect goes I have alot for players who refrain from trash talking and just good objective players, such as xam, ogclutchbossman, scyn, youngster


Again ik I said this 10,000x but I wish black sun's core PvP team was stil around. Lets just say the faction balance on server would be different


The only reason we pulled from other guilds yesterday was because of availability. The only ones who had their core team was ASB, with the exception of one dps who's already a skilled player. You don't necessarily have to field your best team in order to play ranked. We certainly didn't last night and lost every match, but it was because it was essentially a ranked pug. Because a lot of us were not exiles as well, we didn't know how to work well together. There was no group chemistry like ASB had. You guys seem to have group chemistry just from viewing you guys in the regs. Idk here they're at right now, but when I was a member we were stil working on getting our A team up to par. If that's what you want to fight I'm not sure if it'll happen any time soon. However if you simply want to just fight all exiles, perhaps that can be arranged next time if they can get enough. Some of their people were in raids apparently which is why a few other pugs came from DoA.


As far as Oldster, lol he likes to trash talk although its rarely in say chat so ill give him that. Gonna miss him while he's gone. No dream team without him atm. :/



For black suns, is that black maw? If so I'd have to disagree. We had no issue with them at all when imperialis exoriens was around. But that was an imperial guild. You'd have to ask pubs how they handled them I suppose. When IE was around, the imperials were the dominant faction. We're actually working on bringing them back too, hopefully.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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For black suns, is that black maw?


Not even Close. Not by a long shot. Black maw still had some good players from after transfer, (i.e. Rubika, Ushanev, and Urdnought Who's now in GD) But Black maw is Dead now, along with AOE. Both of which where top PvP guilds who would just wreck republic on vrook, we had a really good balance over there. Malevolence was really good too, which is now known as Ilum iregullars. Also, urd If Dragon comes back I'm sure more will follow. That would be amazing. I just want Hey mcfly and Rubika to come back, I miss them a lot.

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That explains why I never saw them then. With the possibility of IE coming back, itd be interesting to see how the faction dominance shifts and who comes out on top. I did see mcfly on the pub side two days ago though, a female sentinel toon. Edited by PoliteAssasin
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That explains why I never saw them then. With the possibility of IE coming back, itd be interesting to see how the faction dominance shifts and who comes out on top. I did see mcfly on the pub side two days ago though, a female sentinel toon.


I saw mcfly too! Hopefully he gets back on Hey

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awww i really liked hey mcfly. we had the most constructive discussions in wzs! "i just unloaded my everything on you and you're at 70% health. ffff scoundrels" "aww i am sorry :(" and yeah on the imperial fleet too when i switched to hug him and he would just sigh at me. :>


did he leave, why did he leave, oh no, i thought he was leveling an agent. :(

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Not even Close. Not by a long shot. Black maw still had some good players from after transfer, (i.e. Rubika, Ushanev, and Urdnought Who's now in GD) But Black maw is Dead now, along with AOE. Both of which where top PvP guilds who would just wreck republic on vrook, we had a really good balance over there. Malevolence was really good too, which is now known as Ilum iregullars. Also, urd If Dragon comes back I'm sure more will follow. That would be amazing. I just want Hey mcfly and Rubika to come back, I miss them a lot.


Yeah if dragon comes back who knows maybe a lot more ex suns will return as well. Also I'm sure sweetjuice and AOE will be back, this isn't the first time AOE has disbanded, won't be last either

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