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Will F2P restrictions revive ilum?


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If F2P players would start to roam around Illum and have huge battles like in the past it would be amazing, however aug War Heroes would come to ruin their fun pretty fast I'm afraid. Two rage/focus WH juggs/guardians leaping in a group of F2Players and one shooting them sure would be awesome ;) The expertise difference would be just crushing and they can't get any gear really.


I don't like this sentence, but SWTOR will be pay to win or rather subscribe to have a chance.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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Was Ilum fun before when we had massive lagfests there? Not unless you happened to get on one of the turrets when your base was getting zerged. And since there are no incentives to doing outdoor PvP currently, not to mention all the fundamental problems with outdoor PvP in this game that still haven't been addressed, there's even less reason to waste our time in places like Ilum.

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Do you need valor now? You need WZ comms to gear up.


You still cannot purchase Ranked Warzone Commendations until you have Valor Rank 40.


You still cannot wear certain PvP armor until you've reached a certain Valor Rank. I haven't check this last one recently, but someone told me about a week ago that that restriction is still in place for War Hero gear.

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I assume Ilum pvp (and the revamped Ilum) will be excluded from FTPers. As will many other things in game.


Some possibilities-

-No selling on the GTN

-Limited Flashpoints

-No access to new WZs/Content

-One toon per server and/or one server access

-Limited character customization options

-No legacy/legacy perks

-No expanding inventory slots

-No joining/starting guilds

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Unless they change the engine...NOTHING WILL REVIVE ILUM.



The engine cannot and will not support more than 20 people on each side pvping. It becomes nothing more than a slide show for most people.


It's not really the engine's fault as much as individual players' hardware being asked to do too much.


I played on Ilum everyday with settings up as high as they would go. My machine could handle 50v50 (I'm estimating, of course) perfectly fine. Around 100v100 it would get choppy. If I just turned down my graphics settings, no problem.


However, about once a day, my connection would be dropped. It's hard to tell if that was the server dropping me, or something about my personal Internet connection that would force SWTOR to drop my requests.


Honestly, I mainly blame all the people that played Sorcerers. Most players' graphics card's processors probably had a hard time handling all that lightening. That, and TONS of people would refuse to lower their graphics settings. Lol. "If your machine can't handle it, turn it down." That should be a PSA.


All that being said, I can think of at least a few "backend" improvements that could probably be done to help with some of the issues that players were experiencing. I'm assuming that's what Dev is "working on" right now to improve Ilum. But that's anyone's guess.

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It's not really the engine's fault as much as individual players' hardware being asked to do too much.


My machine could handle 50v50 (I'm estimating, of course) perfectly fine. Around 100v100 it would get choppy. If I just turned down my graphics settings, no problem.




It doesn't matter what hardware you have, 50v50 or 100v100 would be a a slideshow on any hardware. It IS the engine's fault. A few days ago we organized some open world PvP on my server. The big fight was probably around 60v60 and my framerate was around 9-10FPS. I have a SSD, i52500k CPU and GTX670 GPU. Turning the setting to low had no effect, I had the same framerate. Also, my CPU was used about 50% and my GPU was only used 20% in the fights. No SSD activity either (have 12GB RAM too).


It doesn't matter if you have the latest hardware of turn your settings down, if more than 70 - 80 people total are fighting, the game is unplayable. So please don't tell us you can "run 100v100 fights with no problems"

Edited by Pahomi
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