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Why didn't Lucas continue to make SW movies?


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His inability to accept criticism is not our concern. George Lucas refuses to consider even the most well thought out and articulate feedback about his movies. The question is, why would any fan of Star Wars want George Lucas to lead the next movie project? When he was making the prequels, he surrounded himself with Yes Men, and his movies suffered for it.




Of course some of the criticisms make sense, though most do not. I still agree with his decision, I can only imagine the amount of hate he would get from a small amount of incredibly loud people for making a 6, 7 and 8th. No movie is perfect, people just get angry because Star Wars is so iconic and important to them. They need to take a step back and just realise its a film series like no other, and is going to have some problems and draw backs.

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Mr. Lucas is to busy swimming in an Olympic size pool full of 100 dollar bills, that fans who despite them saying he ruined there childhood just can't stop throwing at him, to make any more movies


it's a hard life but someone has to do it

Edited by Liquidacid
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LA are not short of money. We got tons of great epic tales in EU, so as long as they follow it and make some nice small changes we don't have to worry about the plot. Sure some people might argue about Hayden but overall GL was very good at picking actors, he could also get a good director. It's a very good way to keep the influence.


I have your answer: The "fans"


All the hate and just that he is getting older and all the stress over the decades kind of takes a tole on someone. But mostly the hate from those who claim to be fans yet wish George Lucas to be dead and otehr things because Star Wars wasn't made for them.

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i have your answer: The "fans"


all the hate and just that he is getting older and all the stress over the decades kind of takes a tole on someone. But mostly the hate from those who claim to be fans yet wish george lucas to be dead and otehr things because star wars wasn't made for them.



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I don't get why people would think weirdo fans talking trash would upset George...


Fan makes a big long diatribe about how Lucas is an idiot, ruined his childhood and should die

Lucas reads this

Lucas then looks at his Bank balance online

Lucas smiles, laughs, and gets back to living his fantastic life

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There's actually a very simple answer to this question, and it starts with a question; Would Lucas rather spend tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars on making more movies, promotional deals, hiring actors, advertising, etc etc, or would he rather spend maybe a hundred-thousand on a bunch of people to write Books to print and sell?
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There's actually a very simple answer to this question, and it starts with a question; Would Lucas rather spend tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars on making more movies, promotional deals, hiring actors, advertising, etc etc, or would he rather spend maybe a hundred-thousand on a bunch of people to write Books to print and sell?


I think ultimately this is a good thing though. Lucas as created such a huge universe that even he couldn't have first imagined, theirs so many aspects to it and possible aspects and so many people love it. Its only fair that he lets them continue the story themselves.


Also I seem to remember that in his opinion, the Star Wars Saga ends with the death of the Emperor, because the story is about Anakin Skywalker and his story ends their. I also get the impression that Lucas isn't such a fan as Star Wars as other people are. So I wonder what he thinks of things like The Old Republic, and how interested he is in it. It must be cool seeing people continue your ideas in their own way.

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The fact is the so called diehard 'fans' of star wars actually killed the Star Wars films


"Han shot first!"


"I hate Jar Jar!"


"Anakin is an emo!"


"You've ruined my childhood!"


"Bring back Sebastian Shaw!"


The irony is it is the fans that killed Star Wars, like George Lucas says "Why would I make any when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?" If people hadn't complained so much he might have made some more, sad really. My sympathies for George Lucas.


"Han Shot." - self explanatory for those who have seen the original OT before any modifications. For those who haven't, it established Han Solo as NOT a nice guy. He murdered Greedo in cold blood. It was described at the time as his position at the start of his journey from cold-blooded mercenary to full-fledged hero by the end of RotJ.


"I hate Jar Jar." - Jar Jar was amusing for exactly 2 minutes 28 seconds. Then he crossed the line into annoying. Even the kids that Jar Jar was made for found him annoying. That says something right there.


"Anakin is emo!" - Mostly due to George directing Hayden that way. It's been said that the true mark of a great actor is to survive being directed by George Lucas and STILL come out of it without looking like a hack.


"You've ruined my childhood!" - Ok, this one is a bit out there. Didn't ruin MY childhood so much as it made it so I can't have a decent conversation with the new generation SW fan without having to break out my Original OT to prove my point. We can thank George for that, since he decided not to give the fans a choice as to which OT they liked the best. He could have put all the OTs together into one package, charged $150 for it, and people would have bought it.


"Bring back Sebastian Shaw." - I also have to agree with this. When George added Hayden as the Force Ghost at the end of RotJ, it was a pretty bad move, imo. Not saying that it ruined Star Wars on its own, but put together with everything else, it was the final straw for some fans.


Tbh, the best thing I think George did in the remakes was adding Biggs Darklighter to the scene when the Rebels were about to take down the first Death Star in ANH. That provided some backstory for those who hadn't read the books when the OT first came out. It showed that Luke and Biggs were old buds from way back.


The fact is that George himself seems to have no artistic integrity anymore, judging by how he handled the criticism of the Prequels. Granted, some of the rabids REALLY went over the edge, but they were in a very vocal minority. Personally, I thought the Prequels weren't horrible movies, but they were definitely not his best work. As pure sci-fi action movies, they were good. As a political commentary, they were outstanding. The special effects were great, but that's where it went wrong, imo. As a Star Wars series of movies, they left something to be desired. It seemed to me that George decided that he would use special effects and superb fight choreography to cover for the lack of storytelling ability when it comes to characters. It's a bit of a shame, since his best work in character development was in fact Han Solo in the OT. But he blew that the moment he had Greedo shoot first.

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