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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free to Play Preview


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This is pure speculation, but if you take a close look at the screenshot from the preview, it looks like they blurred out the Cartel Coin prices, and to me it looks like we are talking xx for what looks like Space Mission pack (?), xxx for the Carbonite Chamber/Crystal/Crimelords Cartel Pack/Speeder/Rancor and xxxx for the for the Armor and the Cartel Coin logo with the arrow pointing up (Buy-a-Level???)


Again, this is pure speculation. Just thought I would point it out :)

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...the Cartel Coin logo with the arrow pointing up (Buy-a-Level???)


Again, this is pure speculation. Just thought I would point it out :)


I figure it's suppose to be a pack of more cartel coins. Because, if it was anything that someone could say is "Play to Win" the ************ and moaning would never end. :p

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This is pure speculation, but if you take a close look at the screenshot from the preview, it looks like they blurred out the Cartel Coin prices, and to me it looks like we are talking xx for what looks like Space Mission pack (?), xxx for the Carbonite Chamber/Crystal/Crimelords Cartel Pack/Speeder/Rancor and xxxx for the for the Armor and the Cartel Coin logo with the arrow pointing up (Buy-a-Level???)


Again, this is pure speculation. Just thought I would point it out :)


upon closer inspection I feel that you have made a pretty good speculative guess. It's very hard to tell but I think you assumption might be on to something. good catch.

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the carbonite chamber looks kinda cool but I wish they would have just developed this content for MMO gamers and stuck with the subscription model. I love the game I really do, but I actually might quit forever after F2P goes live. I suppose there are other MMOs out there that can just take up my time waiting for the next good one... like I did with wow waiting for this game for a few years.
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the carbonite chamber looks kinda cool but I wish they would have just developed this content for MMO gamers and stuck with the subscription model. I love the game I really do, but I actually might quit forever after F2P goes live. I suppose there are other MMOs out there that can just take up my time waiting for the next good one... like I did with wow waiting for this game for a few years.


Hehe my first thought on the carbonite chamber was "Yea, because it is totally possible for us to run around with a pocket carbonite freezer that 4000 years later is the size of a freaking room! And I sure don't remember Han feeling especially uppity after his unfreezing!"... Come to think about it, I actually hate that item much more then I should :(

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Hehe my first thought on the carbonite chamber was "Yea, because it is totally possible for us to run around with a pocket carbonite freezer that 4000 years later is the size of a freaking room! And I sure don't remember Han feeling especially uppity after his unfreezing!"... Come to think about it, I actually hate that item much more then I should :(


haha, I like it, cause it looks kind of cool but I hate it for the same reasons you do... I am torn.

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Hehe my first thought on the carbonite chamber was "Yea, because it is totally possible for us to run around with a pocket carbonite freezer that 4000 years later is the size of a freaking room! And I sure don't remember Han feeling especially uppity after his unfreezing!"... Come to think about it, I actually hate that item much more then I should :(



Lol I did not even put any though into that... now I feel the exact same way.


Honestly I am trying to find another MMO that is not a F2P hunk of garbage so I can wait there untill the next bigname title comes out and I can try that. Are there even any out there?

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haha, I like it, cause it looks kind of cool but I hate it for the same reasons you do... I am torn.


well the the movies he didnt say that carbonite had never been used on humans.


he said that THAT specific carbonite chamber was for something else and had never been tested on humans.

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well the the movies he didnt say that carbonite had never been used on humans.


he said that THAT specific carbonite chamber was for something else and had never been tested on humans.


OOOh, your loophole in the story makes me like it again.

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Still no word on how many character slots they gonna let us keep cuz i doubt they gonna let us keep the 12 slots


They didn't answer really any questions. They said it had answers to the most frequently asked questions but I imagine those were the most frequently asked questions 3 months ago when this plan was announced.

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I think he means if a subscriber goes from subscriber to F2P they won't get to keep all the slots. F2P players will not get 12 character slots.


If that's the case, I'd imagine they would allow you to choose the characters you want to play and freeze the rest in carbonite.

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If that's the case, I'd imagine they would allow you to choose the characters you want to play and freeze the rest in carbonite.


Yes, this is what happens in other games. Your characters are still there but you have to choose which ones you can play when you don't have a sub, unless you buy unlocks.

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I have yet to see a company that did not gouge its customers and do a u-turn on the "no game-changing gear in the store" line, which we all know is utter tripe.




It is only a matter of time before this game is Pay to Win. They ALL do it. Why? Because they make more money off their F2P players than they do on their subbed players, so they start to cater to them more and more until eventually you are the underdog if you are subbed up and DONT buy stuff off the store.


That is why I am no longer playing when this game goes F2P. This game is a great game and I dont want to witness the destruction that F2P is going to cause it. Dont get me wrong. I GET why they are doing it. They need to make money and F2P will most likely do that for them. It will just ruin the game.



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