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An open letter to BW(regarding new companion)


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You "solo" players are the lepers of the MMO community. I do not like you. You do nothing besides take up names and space that we MMO gamers could use. Seriously QFT and go buy a console or something. MMO games are for playing WITH PEOPLE.


Ok... so not wanting to do hardmodes makes you solo player?


Guess what? I hate doing hardmodes (or OPS) as well (so no HK companion for me either), yet I love to group and do normal flashpoints. If they got rid of the stupid and annoying enrage timers in the hardmodes, I might consider doing them but as long as that mechanic stays... sorry, no way I'll do that ever again.


Which hardmodes do you have to do for the companion anyway?

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Op. You have a right to your opinion. But you are under the delusion that you are representing a silent majority. Besides the fact that you can't prove that, I would argue that you are, in fact, the minority. How can I make that a assertion? I polled the friends I play with, which includes a crossection of experience with MMOs ranging none at all to played everything they could get their hands on for years, not one player has an issue with running an HM to get HK51. Not one. Was it a statistically valid sample? We can argue about that, but since you seem to think that opinion outside the forums are of a significant value I can tell you that none of these players post here and most if not all do not read General. Yes... I asked them after I read your original thread because I was curious.


So... speak your mind, send letters or whatever allows you to vent your frustration. But... realize, this will not go your way because you are not representing a majority or even a plurality of players.


Sorry bud... you will have a choice to make. And there are several options for you to choose from too.

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Ok... so not wanting to do hardmodes makes you solo player?


Guess what? I hate doing hardmodes (or OPS) as well (so no HK companion for me either), yet I love to group and do normal flashpoints. If they got rid of the stupid and annoying enrage timers in the hardmodes, I might consider doing them but as long as that mechanic stays... sorry, no way I'll do that ever again.


Which hardmodes do you have to do for the companion anyway?


Only one from what I have read. Maelstrom Prison on the pub side. I would imagine that it would be The Foundry on the Imp side, but... I'm only going off of what I've read.


But... if you go in there with some well geared players... those flashpoints are no longer hardmodes. Enrage timers will not be an issue if you are grouped with peeps in full Columi or better.

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Only one from what I have read. Maelstrom Prison on the pub side. I would imagine that it would be The Foundry on the Imp side, but... I'm only going off of what I've read.


But... if you go in there with some well geared players... those flashpoints are no longer hardmodes. Enrage timers will not be an issue if you are grouped with peeps in full Columi or better.


I'd still be a liability for the group in that case (wearing gear from the level 50 dailies on Ilum and Belsavis), so that option isn't really appealing for anyone.

They should make the parts available in the storymode version as well and make them bound to legacy, so I could run the normal FP (which is a very nice FP if it's indeed Maelstrom Prison) with an alt in the appropriate level range for the FP. That would be a far better solution than forcing people into a hardmode FP, even if it's just one.

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ZOMG! Injustice! When I read the OP I wanted to strap on my lollerblades, skate to my roflcopter, and pick up the OPer up. That way we could fly to Austin and get the outlawls for this injustice. But I figured they would just shoot us down with their lmaoplanes. So I decided to take the OPer out to get some wtfbbqpizza and some lolmonade; some icecream in a roflcone for desert to cheer him up....


I was just going to say 'lol' but it wasn't 5 characters. NEXT THREAD!

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ZOMG! Injustice! When I read the OP I wanted to strap on my lollerblades, skate to my roflcopter, and pick up the OPer up. That way we could fly to Austin and get the outlawls for this injustice. But I figured they would just shoot us down with their lmaoplanes. So I decided to take the OPer out to get some wtfbbqpizza and some lolmonade; some icecream in a roflcone for desert to cheer him up....


I was just going to say 'lol' but it wasn't 5 characters. NEXT THREAD!


But .. your sig ...


Oh wait what did I just do! :eek:



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I'd still be a liability for the group in that case (wearing gear from the level 50 dailies on Ilum and Belsavis), so that option isn't really appealing for anyone.

They should make the parts available in the storymode version as well and make them bound to legacy, so I could run the normal FP (which is a very nice FP if it's indeed Maelstrom Prison) with an alt in the appropriate level range for the FP. That would be a far better solution than forcing people into a hardmode FP, even if it's just one.


you can 3 man most of these flashpoints HM with a companion now even if u rocked up in greens you could do it now, belsavis daily stuff is fine for the Flashpoints needed

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But .. your sig ...


Oh wait what did I just do! :eek:




Yes I know; but even an anti-troll advocate like me has a hard time resisting something like this. Anyway, I can only assume that this thread was a troll thread anyway based on how ridiculous the OP is.


P.S. This game is an MMORPG...

P.P.S. HK-51 is an optional feature.

P.P.P.S. Why are you making a fuss (or trolling us) about HK-51 when it's clearly not the first thing that is unavailable to solo players?



EDIT: OM NOM NOM (sound a troll makes when it's eating)

Edited by Xiij
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Companions are basically single player content.

As such, they should require only single player content to unlock.


Simple as that. While I feel the OP's letter is extremely poorly worded, (probably because he appears to be asking for preferential treatment for himself in particular), I happen to agree that requiring multiplayer content to access single player content is a very bad design decision. 'Course, I also happen to think that requiring mutliplayer content to high end crafting content is a very bad design decision, and Bioware continues to happily run skip and jump down that road.


So, basically, Bioware is (iMO) clueless about why separation of content is a good idea, and seems to want to force EVERYBODY to do group content, even when it seems that in most RPG's, the majority typically doesn't LIKE group content. Though the posters on the boards always seem to... maybe something about being social on boards equates to being social in games? Nah, that'd make too much sense.

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I don't consider the forums to be the silent majority. In any case the letter been sent yesterday and I hope they re-consider. Speaking on behalf of solo players.


so you want everyone who is in favour of making hk even HARDER to option to write them a mail too and waste more of their time?



some people have issues...

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I'm probably not the first one to tell you so, but you do realize this is an MMO, right?


You understand that it needs to cater to other people's needs and not solely your own? Say, for example, those that play the game for the MMO part of it more than the RPG part of it and have been asking for things that will make the game feel more like a mmo than a single player game.


If you are a PVPer or just play the game for the story, the companion is useless anyway.


Last but not least you also do realize that not having HK-51 doesn't hinder your solo play, because you still have 6 other companions to use, right?


^ This, this and this.

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