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HuttBall 101 - A Player Guide


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I haven't personally been able utilize this, but making an incomplete pass resets the ball to the center, which in some cases would be better than letting the enemy have it. This would be best used if you don't have anyone to pass to and you're not making it out alive.
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I haven't personally been able utilize this, but making an incomplete pass resets the ball to the center, which in some cases would be better than letting the enemy have it. This would be best used if you don't have anyone to pass to and you're not making it out alive.



  • you are in the pit near your own goal
  • you have nobody to pass or leap to
  • you have a teammate next to the reset

then intentional grounding is the fastest way to advance the ball. It is particularly good if more enemies are in the pit with you than friendlies as they now have a lot of ground to cover to reach the action.

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Learn to lead your team mate when passing. If you're getting focused as a BC, start looking for open team mates. If they're running your can lead them and they can catch the ball running. I've done this multiple times and, it's always resulted in a score. A running team mate is less likely to be noticed by the opposing team as most recievers stand still and face the BC. It also gives the opposite team less time to react to the new BC. By the time they do, the new BC is usually long gone.
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They really need to give you the Pass Ball ability as soon as you enter. My character did not get the ability until after I picked up the ball for the 1st time and I had trouble finding it on my bar. The 1st time I ever played, I didn't even know to look for it. I was trying to figure out what button to press, sort of like playing Tribes CTF.
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  • 3 weeks later...
THAT would be amazing if that is the case, I will try to test this... can you do some testing to find out for sure?


they blow u away from the ball if a ball carrier is in the mid it will blow u back into the mid if it is being carried to ur goal it will blow u towards their goal and so on

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I still don't like Hutt ball and I would do anything to have the ability to not play it! Someone times I just get on and restart the computer if I see Hutt ball and don't even play after that.


Lvl 50 Sniper


Sniper is not fun to play in Hutt Ball

Edited by Chpappa
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok so I keep getting crushed in Huttball! One time I got the ball, I took two steps, and then four guys killed me! It was funny actually, but also made me sad :(


This post is delightful, brought a smile to my face.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ty, much more to come... Part 2 has 3D models and videos of the course with details on the correct paths (quickest and tricks) to score. Part 3 has videos of actual HuttBall matches with commentary.


that would be primo for us new to MMO - nice work

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Should remind people on HOW to pass the ball. I find it hard to believe there is a lack of instruction on how to pass the ball- virtually, in a literal sense.


Took me a long time to realize that I needed to target the ground where my intended recipient was standing in order for them to 'catch' the ball. That and no one tells you that the 'ability' needs to be activated prior to clicking the target landing area. HELLO!


So remember to have a Quick-Bar preset and activate before targeting your receiver's feet. 'Cause you'll only have seconds before those 1337's come for you... (I die good.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Please let me stop Queuing for Hutball WZs. If i wanted to play CTF/Football id be on Team Fortress or Fifa 12.

I pvp cos i like to kill people. 8v8 Cluster FS and Unstoppable Tank/Caster combos are boring.

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  • 1 month later...
...How do you use the ball throw ability? It's the one reason why people hate having me on their team.:jawa_redface:


When you entered your first Huttball-match, a "Throw the Huttball" ability was added to your quickbar. If it isn't there, you can find it on the General-tab of your Ability menu, from where you can then drag it to the slot and the quickbar of your choosing.


When you actually do use the ability (can only be used when holding the ball), you will have an aoe-target that you have to click on the ground. The ball will be thrown to the area which you clicked. You don't have to target any specific player, just click the ability, click the ground with the huge green target cursor and you're done. :)


It is preferrable that you bind the ability to an easy-to-reach hotkey.

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