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LF1M, Healer, XXXXX Instance


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I am leveling a tank in a static group of 4 ... we're doing fine obviously.


I am also leveling a healer solo when my groups not around, on my server there must be more healers around since I was yelling for FP's on my healer with no joy earlier /sigh.


(Trooper tank is 23, Smuggler healer is 21 atm)



Whats sad is that the sages, commando's and Scoundrels running around that point blank refuse to toss a god damm heal. I've had a couple of groups with good folks who seem to be aware that even as DPS they do have a few baseline heals and (in the sage's case) absorb shields. Yes yes I KNOW not all DPS have these options ... notice I was very specific about the AC's that DO.


Then theres the tanks and DPS who believe that because they can AoE trash mobs in the world that its fine to break all my CC and force me to heal through 3 elites and half a dozen trash MoBs THEN run straight into the next pack as I try to regen. /facepalm.


In short .. PuGGin .. /end


Learn healing mechanics interrupts - long cast and long Regen

If commando and not specked for combat medic your heals and healing suffers - I went full out combat medic - also the use of ammo on trooper for heals means it has to be regenerated which means combat again unless your specked


people need to learn classes before spouting off about healers I am sick of everyone blaming healers when they don't understand the simplest of the healing mechanics.


You herd you die, you don't get aggro off the healer you die, no one targets same mob as tank you die but of course its the healers fault.

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I'm a Juggernaut running with my brother (sorceror heals) and I still have problems finding DPS for flashpoints. :(


Between you, your bro, and your companions you can probably do flashpoints that are 1-2 lvls below you easy. Quick way to farm gear and XP. Those blues sell for an easy 3-4k on the GTN.

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I used to complain about lack of healers too...



...and then a new game came along and I had the chance to put my money where my mouth is. I accepted the challenge and rolled a healer. If you are just complaining about it, you are part of the problem...




23 scoundrel sawbones

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That being said I find it much harder to find dps that don't leroy jenkins through stuff more than finding a healer lol.




I was witness to that several times today, with some guys who had no concept of crowd control; kept breaking the CC'd mob, pulling other packs of mobs, falling off elevators, and standing in fire...


Fun times! :D

Edited by Sith_Sev
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My biggest problem as a healer (sage), is just a lack of coordination by the group. Have to remind people not to pull aggro, try to attack the same target..don't hit the one I just suspended in the air lol


PUGS!!!! They can suck. Most ops and flashpoints i've done have been with my guild so I dont run into this problem that much *voice comms ofcourse*. The few pugs that I've done haven't been that bad. An occasional OHCRAP moment is necessary to keep us healers on our toes. :p

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There should be no limit on respecs cost. It should keep going up the more you respec. THough respecing is almost just like wow. Every week it will reset in cost. And who says you have to heal as heal spec while leveling? As a sorc in the lightning tree I have healed heroic 4s and flashpoints with no issues. And solo heroic 2s with my companion.


The only time you really need to be a healer is if you are doing heroic flashpoints. And operations. And like many people have pointed out you can whip out a dps companion and mow through things.

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Im leveling as a healer and have no issues on how long it takes.. Seems rather well paced to me.


I don't group with many people to often and often ignore the "need heals" in general chat because many a times, I join and the group is just so incompentent its sad. People have no clue what CC is.. People are spoiled and don't care to learn mechanics. WoW made gamers weak by handing them gear and making it so easy that they can basically afk play.



THIS! I'm always willing to group with people because it's an MMO after all, but I can't believe how utterly bad/stupid some people can be. I know it's mean to say that, but this isn't rocket science. If anything, leveling as a healer or tank is the BEST way to level at the moment because the companion system allows to you solo as well as anyone else, and you can always find a group for the harder stuff when you need to.

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My biggest problem as a healer (sage), is just a lack of coordination by the group. Have to remind people not to pull aggro, try to attack the same target..don't hit the one I just suspended in the air lol


Speaking as a tank who has done up to Maelstrom Prison, CC is largely unnecessary and if a tank loses aggro it is because of a) as you mentioned, DPS on the wrong target (this will never go away) or b) the tank is bad. IMO, if the DPS are on the tank's target, a good tank should never lose aggro.

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Learn healing mechanics interrupts - long cast and long Regen

If commando and not specked for combat medic your heals and healing suffers - I went full out combat medic - also the use of ammo on trooper for heals means it has to be regenerated which means combat again unless your specked


people need to learn classes before spouting off about healers I am sick of everyone blaming healers when they don't understand the simplest of the healing mechanics.


You herd you die, you don't get aggro off the healer you die, no one targets same mob as tank you die but of course its the healers fault.


Did you even READ my post?


I play a healer, I'm well aware of the healing mechanic's and how spec's work. My Scoundrel is full spec'd healing. My wifes sage full spec'd healing. Yes I play a tank too. My trooper in beta was a Medic. I know healing.


Funny but in my static group I tank, we CC and OMG the sage (DPS) and commando (DPS) actually have thier heal's on thier hotbars and if needed will cast one. There have been time's (Eq the boss with the fireballs that track a player - forget his name) when our healer (my wife) gets targeted and runs. Our other sage will toss a heal or shield if needed and omg its easy.


PUG DPS continue to PEWPEW because healing *Aint my job* ...


I'm aware that not being sepc'd healer makes your healing weak and slow casting. My point is that at times a weak slow cast heal is a damm sight better than no heal.


I also pointed out that as a Scoundrel I have CC, Flash bang, Slice droid hell even kick. I use CC. DPS and tanks generally just break it.


Such is Puggin.

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Im a healer, in this game, leveling as a healer is fun, you gotta be a bit strategic when you pull, and change from healing to damange on the fly. Believe me, its not slow.


Having said that, i do hate pugging for flashpoints, have you done Mandalorian Raiders with a pug? as a healer, its not a pleasent experience, so for now, until people learn how things work in the game, im staying away from pugs, and doing things almost exclusively with my guild.


Vent coordination makes a world of a difference in a lot of dungeons. blame the UI, we cant carry baddies.

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I've healed all of the H2 and H4s up to level 18 so far without any problems and I'm spec'd full Arsenal. I imagine that it will get too hard to do this at some level, but I haven't found that yet.


The biggest problem that I've had is finding tanks who are spec'd into tanking and DPS who don't try to tank 2-3 mobs at a time. People have been fairly good at not breaking CC, but DPS also don't mind charging into groups of 3 mobs before the tank...


The most commonly asked questions for my groups is 'who's the tank?' and 'which one of us should heal and which dps?'.

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We really need the ability to respec cheaply (read FREE) OR multiple specs...


Everywhere I go I see LF1M, Healer... NEED HEALS...


Not many people level as a healer as it's just too slow. My friend and I are just skipping all the H4s and Flashpoints for now because it's just not fun waiting around for, literally, hours trying to find a healer ...


I understand what your saying about healers and that may apply in other games, but not this one. Healers in SWTOR level just fine speced as a healer, it's not an issue.

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I have 2 healers now, one on each faction. I'm considering making 2 more.


I really think people under estimate the usefulness of healers outside of raids and Flash points. Honestly I die a whole lot more on my JG than I ever do on my Sage. And I've soloed a lot of mobs with the Sage that I could not do with the JG.


The JG's may be really cool and hit hard. But if they arent getting healed they wont last long.


Most classes can respec into another field. Outside of the 2 pure DPS AC's. The rest have at least some options to go DPS or something else.

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We really need the ability to respec cheaply (read FREE) OR multiple specs...


Everywhere I go I see LF1M, Healer... NEED HEALS...


Not many people level as a healer as it's just too slow. My friend and I are just skipping all the H4s and Flashpoints for now because it's just not fun waiting around for, literally, hours trying to find a healer ...


Roll a healer then :mon_trap:

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We really need the ability to respec cheaply (read FREE) OR multiple specs...


Everywhere I go I see LF1M, Healer... NEED HEALS...


Not many people level as a healer as it's just too slow. My friend and I are just skipping all the H4s and Flashpoints for now because it's just not fun waiting around for, literally, hours trying to find a healer ...


uhhhh im levling with a dps spec and ive healed in flash points, heroic 4+ quests, etc. whats the problem? This isnt wow where you cant heal when your dps specced.

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Really? My experience has been completely the opposite. I'm a healer, and there have been many occasions where there are only healers and I end up in groups with 3 or even 4 healers for heroic quests. Fortunately no elites were a match agianst 4 CCs.
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