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LF1M, Healer, XXXXX Instance


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I guess this is a WoW generation thing. I can see the value in a respec if you screw up your build or they nerf some skills in a build but flip flopping between dps and healing or tanking and healing just seems odd to me. Get attached to your build and enjoy it. I don't think the healer is that bad for leveling anyway, after-all they are also a dps class. They just dont have the points in that tree to over-drive their dps. Besides, in case you weren't aware, if you refrain from respeccing for awhile the cost will drop back down to normal. So the sky isnt falling Chicken Little. Edited by Razhah
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At what point do you need heals?


I've only done Hammer, Esselles, and all the 2/4 person missions up through level 22. Will probably do Athiss if my buddy is around.


I've been with a 2 person team, Vanguard and Gunslinger, with Aric/Corso through all of it...


Haven't needed heals yet. LOS, Med Packs, good positioning and or CC, etc.


I think it's more fun like this... Admittedly that excavator droid did take 4 tries in Hammer.


As a side note, if Bioware/Lucasarts has the balls to go forward with breaking the new standard of microwaveable groups and asks sacrifices of us to build community and make our reputations as players matter again, I'm all for it. WoW-cade has it's place, but I for one have experienced the other side of things, including WoW pre-LFG and cross-server matching, and frankly... I enjoyed it more. If they don't mind sacrificing the subs to this ideal... hurrah.

Edited by VisigothX
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Two successfull concepts from other games:


- Dual specs.

- Dungeon Finder.


2 companions or one dps/healer with a healer companion, there is a reason why you can use companions this issue is your own.


Healer companions are not as smart as human players are.

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I'm not sure what server you play on. So I can't speak for it.


I've had no problems leveling my Imp Sorc or my Jedi Sage. I have had only one or two times when finding a group was a pain for me, but I've found a guild and that took care of that. Of course, I'm playing as a healer so. . . .


I will say that most of the groups I've been in have had at least one other healer in them so they may just be plentiful on my servers.

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We really need the ability to respec cheaply (read FREE) OR multiple specs...


Everywhere I go I see LF1M, Healer... NEED HEALS...


Not many people level as a healer as it's just too slow. My friend and I are just skipping all the H4s and Flashpoints for now because it's just not fun waiting around for, literally, hours trying to find a healer ...


Evidently you know little of the combat medic Trooper commando. You are sorely mistaken as leveling is not slow at all


We do not need hybrids infecting the game people don't play healers because healing in TOR is much different than wow or other games you cant take on herding mobs and expect not to wipe. People don't play healers because tanks and Jedi think they are invincible and when they die due to stupidity they blame the healer.


How do you know that many people don't level as healer. They just don't want to put up with bad groups and stick to their own guild.

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Surprisingly, in my guild we haven't had many Sorcerers. We have one that's progressing quite well but the majority of the people I've grouped with in my guild have been BH's and IA's. I'm not saying this is an indication of the Jedi Covenant server but I really have seen as many Sorcs as I'd imagined.


I play a BH while my husband plays an IA and I went Mercenary. Since I haven't tried many classes I can't really compare the healing but the scans I have have been sufficient for our groups. Even before I get my advanced class, we had no problems with the initial Flashpoint and we had mostly dps.


I also realize that the early flashpoints are just a training ground for later ones. But I group constantly in game and while some missions are difficult without healing, they can be done without if you try different strategies.


I personally love the BH Merc spec. I'm going up the healing tree so while my dps won't be as good as others, I find that it really seems like a decent mix for groups. I do enough dps to make most combats easy and when the fights are challenging, I stick to healing and even the random big bosses in the wild haven't been unreasonable.

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Two successfull concepts from other games:


- Dual specs.

- Dungeon Finder.




Healer companions are not as smart as human players are.


Don't say Dungeon Finder, you'll upset all the people who demand you sit in the main city and spam LFG xxxxx for an hour because that builds a sense of community.

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I am leveling a tank in a static group of 4 ... we're doing fine obviously.


I am also leveling a healer solo when my groups not around, on my server there must be more healers around since I was yelling for FP's on my healer with no joy earlier /sigh.


(Trooper tank is 23, Smuggler healer is 21 atm)



Whats sad is that the sages, commando's and Scoundrels running around that point blank refuse to toss a god damm heal. I've had a couple of groups with good folks who seem to be aware that even as DPS they do have a few baseline heals and (in the sage's case) absorb shields. Yes yes I KNOW not all DPS have these options ... notice I was very specific about the AC's that DO.


Then theres the tanks and DPS who believe that because they can AoE trash mobs in the world that its fine to break all my CC and force me to heal through 3 elites and half a dozen trash MoBs THEN run straight into the next pack as I try to regen. /facepalm.


In short .. PuGGin .. /end

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You'd be surprised how much smarter healer companions are over some players. ;)


Haha, too true. Goes for any class really, I had a Sorceror using his knockbacks as a regular part of his rotation. Kind of frustrating for me as a tank. Would of gladly swapped him for a companion if I wasn't a nice person.

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Two successfull concepts from other games:


- Dual specs.

- Dungeon Finder.




Healer companions are not as smart as human players are.


i think they are about as smart as people who want dungeon finder and dual spec for this game.

Edited by shananigan
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My biggest problem as a healer (sage), is just a lack of coordination by the group. Have to remind people not to pull aggro, try to attack the same target..don't hit the one I just suspended in the air lol


But its not that bad, and I find that if I just help dps targets down and only throw a force shield out once in a while maybe a small heal here and there; its a bigger help than just standing there and healing.


'Healing' in tor is kinda like it was when cata first came out (for those that want a comparison). Its everyone's responsibility to do what they can to mitigate damage. Use CC/stuns..ect.


Also the person that mentioned using companions...right on!! Before severs went down I did a heroic with one other person, a commando with his healing companion. I pulled my tanking pet out, and it was way easier than the last couple I did with a full group. So just grab one person and use your companions. They seem to work much better than the 'pets' in other games.

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Don't say Dungeon Finder, you'll upset all the people who demand you sit in the main city and spam LFG xxxxx for an hour because that builds a sense of community.


If you're a good player, the people around you figure it out, and they bring you along... it doesn't take hours. Once the server is established, word gets around. You also remember who you played with and who you will never, ever invite again.


But ah... if you're not good enough, yeah, I can see why you might want a Dungeon Finder.

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Don't say Dungeon Finder, you'll upset all the people who demand you sit in the main city and spam LFG xxxxx for an hour because that builds a sense of community.
I don't think you understand the argument about that.
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so far as a commando dps(gunnery) i've been able to jump in and heal as a dps spec just fine lvl25 atm


You are an aberration ... in my experience. Most DPS with baseline heals appear to think thier hotbar space is far to valuable to waste on such things as healer ...

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'Healing' in tor is kinda like it was when cata first came out (for those that want a comparison). Its everyone's responsibility to do what they can to mitigate damage. Use CC/stuns..ect.


agreed, crowd control is most helpful. I like it better this way

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Not many people level as a healer as it's just too slow.


What do you base that statement on? I'm a 24 Sorc speced into FULL heals atm. I solo HEROIC 2+ that are only 2 lvls below me. As far as doing quests....I blow though them. I do not feel slow, gimped, underpowered in any way. With my KV out I can pretty much kill anything. Right before server shut down tonight I took down a lvl 21 (or 22 dont remember) champion solo in about 2 minutes. I'm actually ahead of most of my guildmates.

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All the flashpoints I've done we've had no issues getting healers (never had to ask for healers either - there's always at least 1 replying to the first LFG message)- the biggest gap is tanks at the moment, so I'm having to tank in my DPS Guardian.


I'm level 41 now and I've seen more than enough heal capable classes around my level (~30% if I had to guess).

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