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no hk51 for solo players


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Sorry, but you're wrong again. The solo players who refuse to group up are the extremely small subset of players.


This game doesn't have a billion subs. I have played since Beta. I wanted this game for years before it came out. When it was very first announced. I googled the company to finding out ANY bit of progress. I have invested just as much into this game as someone who plays Hard Modes.




I assure you with a game with 500k subs or under. It's a major deal to lose ANY subs. That's money not going into their pocket. That's like saying no hard modes. They are only a small minority. Do you have any numbers to back up your case?


No of course not.

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Sorry, but you're wrong again. The solo players who refuse to group up are the extremely small subset of players.


If BW stated somewhere that 90% of accounts have entered HM flashpoints I'd like to see that link, otherwise you're opinion is noted.

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This game doesn't have a billion subs. I have played since Beta. I wanted this game for years before it came out. When it was very first announced. I googled the company to finding out ANY bit of progress. I have invested just as much into this game as someone who plays Hard Modes.




I assure you with a game with 500k subs or under. It's a major deal to lose ANY subs. That's money not going into their pocket. That's like saying no hard modes. They are only a small minority. Do you have any numbers to back up your case?


No of course not.


No, you shouldn't get equal treatment. if 450k of the fanbase are actively involved in guilds and like playing hard modes and grouping together then that is the group that should be catered to. No matter what Bioware does they cannot cater to everyone. It also isn't that big of a deal if they lose subs now as F2P is right around the corner which is going to bring in a massive influx of players.

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This game doesn't have a billion subs. I have played since Beta. I wanted this game for years before it came out. When it was very first announced. I googled the company to finding out ANY bit of progress. I have invested just as much into this game as someone who plays Hard Modes.




Umm, yes you are. You need to do exactly the same things as everyone else to get the new companion.


By your logic, you're not getting equal treatment if you want the Dessler Avenger speeder as you have to complete nightmare Eternity Vault to have a chance of that. Someone who hates class quest and never does them won't get any companions. Would you say they're not getting equal treatment just because they prefer to PvP all the time?

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No, you shouldn't get equal treatment. if 450k of the fanbase are actively involved in guilds and like playing hard modes and grouping together then that is the group that should be catered to. No matter what Bioware does they cannot cater to everyone. It also isn't that big of a deal if they lose subs now as F2P is right around the corner which is going to bring in a massive influx of players.


If what you say about HM's is true I agree with you however I don't believe it.


Still waiting for that link ;)

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No, you shouldn't get equal treatment. if 450k of the fanbase are actively involved in guilds and like playing hard modes and grouping together then that is the group that should be catered to. No matter what Bioware does they cannot cater to everyone. It also isn't that big of a deal if they lose subs now as F2P is right around the corner which is going to bring in a massive influx of players.


But you don't know that 450k are doing hard modes. You just magically came up with that number. I have numerous guild's and 7 50's and not once has a guild said "We do Hard Modes" is anything a guild is just a place to be social to somehow say that they do "Hard Modes" is utter and complete BS.


You want to carter to Hard Modes people? Warcraft had the same idea of making everything elite hard and they lost millions of subs in their cata expansion. It did not work then...and it will not work now. People who play are casual gamers. Like myself they play for the story.


You blowing smoke will NOT STAND. You or I do not know who plays what. So don't act like more people play hard modes. I been playing this game for almost a year and I've never done a hard mode. In fact when I hit 50. I just re-roll.


Bioware would do well to make this companion open access to everyone. I don't think they want to run the risk of losing subs based on your arm chair speech. If they do. That's fine. One less sub they have to worry about.

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If what you say about HM's is true I agree with you however I don't believe it.


Still waiting for that link ;)


Unfortunately, only Bioware has that information. Do you honestly think that the majority of people who play an MMORPG don't group up and refuse to do so?:rolleyes:


Show me some statistics that the majority don't group up.

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Unfortunately, only Bioware has that information. Do you honestly think that the majority of people who play an MMORPG don't group up and refuse to do so?:rolleyes:


Show me some statistics that the majority don't group up.


I can tell you that before the last expansion the majority of players in WoW were not 85, that less than 40% run raids, even in their dumbed down LFR end game.


I've grouped up with people, helped people and even run FP's with my friends (unfortunately they have left the game) but don't want to be in a guild or run PuGs. It's my opinion that group finder was a bad idea, if you check the old threads those asking for one seem to have, almost to an account, now left the game based on their account activity.


If your question was 'have the majority of accounts run a HM or level 50 flashpoint', I would suspect not, however of course you chose a totally irrelevant question to ask. Why is it irrelevant, because you have to enter a HM and level 50 flashpoint to complete some of the quest chain. These can't be run by 1 or 2 people unless you are really well geared (which of course means you run Ops).

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Unfortunately, only Bioware has that information. Do you honestly think that the majority of people who play an MMORPG don't group up and refuse to do so?:rolleyes:


Show me some statistics that the majority don't group up.


This poster claims that a MAJORITY of players group up and only a small minority play solo. Then when called out for his BS. He claims "Only Bioware has that information" yet he claimed to KNOW that information. Very poor attempt at back peddling.

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This poster claims that a MAJORITY of players group up and only a small minority play solo. Then when called out for his BS. He claims "Only Bioware has that information" yet he claimed to KNOW that information. Very poor attempt at back peddling.


The proof is in the pudding in the way that Bioware is releasing content. ;)

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The proof is in the pudding in the way that Bioware is releasing content. ;)


You have no information. Yet you claim other wise. Your BS is completely and utterly full of it. Your information should be dismissed. They haven't released content since the legacy and that's to encourage people to re-roll. That's if I'm not mistaken for social players not groups.


Your creditably is down. Just admit you don't know. This on topic EVERYONE should be able to access the companion. Regardless of HOW they play the game. PVP or groups. It should be EASY. This is a friggin VIDEO GAME it's for entertainment value. Once you start making things not fun.


It's like when Bioware gave out a free month to players of a certain legacy then said it would be open to everyone that had an account etc.


We find something else to play.

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It's pretty amazing some people are making such a stink about this. HK-51 is a luxury and companions at 50 are pretty much useless anyway.


That's simply a false statement. Companions may not be needed by people in full <whatever the current tier may be> gear, but for those of us who don't run hardmodes or Ops (regardless of difficulty evel) companions aren't useless at all.


The reason for the long quest to get him is the lore behind him. I find it amazing that the solo players who play this game for the story content don't want to go through story content to get a companion whose only redeeming value is having a deep rooted storyline throughout the KOTOR series. It's baffling. The lore and story to get HK-51 is what's the entertaining part.


Most of us want to go through the story part, just not by being forced into playstyles we dislike (e.g. PvP) or having to do a hardmode. I'd be more than happy to group up for storymode Maelstrom Prison again, whether on my main char or an alt is completely irrelevant, but hardmodes are simply not a sort of content I enjoy and therefore won't play just like I'll never do an Ops.

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Getting HK-51 is not hard; the hardest thing is Foundry Hard Mode and that only requires 4 people with recruit gear. I use to only play solo throughout the story and planet missions then I started grouping up for Heroics and realized how much fun it is. It only takes about 2 hours to get HK-51 so that is not bad for non-sociable people to group up for a little bit. Besides it is always nice to meet someone new and try out new content makes an MMO more engaging and fun.
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Everyone has an equal opportunity to earn HK-51. Stop saying otherwise. If you don't want to group up for HM Foundrry/Maelstrom, then you do not deserve it. Seriously, put yourself in to group finder and select only that FP. Then as soon as you load say "Hi guys, I haven't done a HM FP before, and am only doing this for HK, can you help me out?".


99% of players will help you. 1% will get angry and kick you. But those 1% of players would have been a bad experience anyway.


Please dont respond with a "daww I dont want to"/ "daww I shouldn't have to" type response.

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well if they don't support the solo players i will unsub.


well considering that about 96% of the content is for solo players, i think they should do more work which is for group players. Just because you are too lazy to click a button to join others in a quest you feel that they should just pretty much give you HK for doing nothing.


Saying that you will un sub just because you want to play a single player game and not an mmo is just a pathetic excuse. why buy, signup, and play an MMO if you dont want to play an MMO?

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It's bad design because of the way it has been advertised as 'coming' in BW/EA adverts. Those adverts never mentioned it was a reward for grouping, or for PvP.


- Some people do all the game,

- Some people only PVP and do class stories

- Some people PVE and quest

- Some people solo

- Some people do any other combination of the above.


If they had advertised it as a flashpoint reward I personally would have switched off and said meh, whatever, but they didn't.


'Forcing' people play outside of their style and/or comfort zone is a silly idea that makes people resentful and more likely to leave. By the way the outlaws den part doesn't bother me but I see how others may not like it.


The advertised it as a hard quest and thats what it is... although its not really hard either. This is not a flashpoint reward so you can drop the hyperbole. Flashpoint is part of the bigger questline. They never advertised this to be a solo game and a solo game it isnt.

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My money is just as good as the elitist in this thread. You all have also shown why most of us play solo, no drama or bad attitudes. There is no reason for you all to lash out when we ALL pay the same amount each month. You say it isn't fair for us to be able to get this companion since we don't want to put in the time. I don't think anyone in this thread wants to be handed the companion. We would just like a way to get him solo or in a small group. I personally feel it is unfair for me to have to pay (with my monthly fee) for content I will never use or see. I don't PVP and I don't do group instances/raid. So my money is already wasted when all I would like is more story ;D.


So again, please give solo/small group players a way to get this companion. For some of us meatbags we want to work for him but asking us to do a pug is a little much. I would rather be set on fire than subject myself to another pug ;P


Small group is 2 people. You can do the flashpoint with 2 people and your companions. As for attitudes.... solo players have the same attitudes as everyone else.

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I pay my money to play this game just like EVERYONE else. I have to laugh at these people saying "Work for it" we're all sitting down on our butt's playing a video game for HOURS. It's supposed to be entertainment. The new companion is content. They should let everyone access content regardless.


It shouldn't be solely or partially on PVP, or Dungeons to complete. It should not be a quest line. It should be as EASY to obtain as logging in. WHY? Because we're all playing a video game. Let's not act like we're doing hard work sweating our butt's off.


Your only making people who don't like to sit with others forcing them to do that content. It's without morals. We got the founders title easy enough logging in. Why do I have to rebuild the world in order to play the companion. GIVE ME MY DARN COMPANION if you want me to stay subbed.


Logging in does not equal playing a video game. /end arguement

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This game doesn't have a billion subs. I have played since Beta. I wanted this game for years before it came out. When it was very first announced. I googled the company to finding out ANY bit of progress. I have invested just as much into this game as someone who plays Hard Modes.




I assure you with a game with 500k subs or under. It's a major deal to lose ANY subs. That's money not going into their pocket. That's like saying no hard modes. They are only a small minority. Do you have any numbers to back up your case?


No of course not.


You are getting equal treatment. You have the exact same ability to do anything in game as everyone else does. The fact that you limit yourself is not a differential in treatment. If anything you are asking for special treatment.

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You have no information. Yet you claim other wise. Your BS is completely and utterly full of it. Your information should be dismissed. They haven't released content since the legacy and that's to encourage people to re-roll. That's if I'm not mistaken for social players not groups.


Your creditably is down. Just admit you don't know. This on topic EVERYONE should be able to access the companion. Regardless of HOW they play the game. PVP or groups. It should be EASY. This is a friggin VIDEO GAME it's for entertainment value. Once you start making things not fun.


It's like when Bioware gave out a free month to players of a certain legacy then said it would be open to everyone that had an account etc.


We find something else to play.


What? The content they have added since launch was a small portion of solo dailies, a small potion of group dailes, 2 group dungeons, 1 warzone (which is pretty much group play), ranked warzones (group play) and some operations and world bosses (large group play). The majority of content released was for a player to group up and do.


Do you have evidence that most people solo and refuse to group? No you dont.

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That's simply a false statement. Companions may not be needed by people in full <whatever the current tier may be> gear, but for those of us who don't run hardmodes or Ops (regardless of difficulty evel) companions aren't useless at all.




Most of us want to go through the story part, just not by being forced into playstyles we dislike (e.g. PvP) or having to do a hardmode. I'd be more than happy to group up for storymode Maelstrom Prison again, whether on my main char or an alt is completely irrelevant, but hardmodes are simply not a sort of content I enjoy and therefore won't play just like I'll never do an Ops.


HMs are the same thing as the normal mode dungeons. The mobs have slightly more hit points and hit slightly harder. Thats the only difference.

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HMs are the same thing as the normal mode dungeons. The mobs have slightly more hit points and hit slightly harder. Thats the only difference.


I think there some folks that don't like the idea of being forced to do it for the special item.This isn't gear.Your paying a sub to play the way you want as long as it is within the rules.HK is a special deal because of K1 and K2 for some folks.To me meh.I would put him on permanent KP or latrine duty if he came in the mail box.That's me.Most folks don't mind putting in the work to get him.It is the idea of them being required to play the different play style. I don't think some folks would do the group thing if you could run thru it buck naked and singing Up Jump The Monkey From The Coconut Grove.I not sure what BW was thinking.It is not a good idea.Games are suppose to be fun.

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Your creditably is down. Just admit you don't know. This on topic EVERYONE should be able to access the companion. Regardless of HOW they play the game. PVP or groups. It should be EASY. This is a friggin VIDEO GAME it's for entertainment value. Once you start making things not fun.

Okay... so I've cleared HM TFB with a group. Now I should just be able to walk in and get my free gear because doing the same operation over isn't fun. In fact, I should be able to do it solo because I don't find clearing HM TFB over and over again entertaining... only decking myself out in lvl 63 BiS gear.


Speaking of which, I should just go to my mail and open up and see all the credits and daily comms I would have gotten had I done daily quests. But those aren't fun either. I mean, c'mon... "This is a friggin VIDEO GAME it's for entertainment value" so if I'm not entertained by doing dailies, then just give them to me for free. I pay for my subscription and I deserve to get my comms how I want to. I wanna play this game by checking my mail. That's how I play it. No one should make me play it "their way". I play it by standing next to the mailbox and opening it up to see what's arrived. Sadly, it's never anything. But if they would just give me all this stuff I've asked for and put it in the mail, then I can have fun the way I want to.


So... how does that sound?

Edited by Lostpenguins
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