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Server crash?


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It was report with great sadness that Neil " the hampster" Armstrong that runs the servers passed awile while he tried to use dopping to insure his continued strength. I think we need a moment of silence for our beloved hampster that spent many months running around on the wheel so that you could enjoy the game.
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The system alert when they went down said down for patching between 1700-1800 CEST.


Now its updated saying you don't know why they are down? In other words, you don't know why you are patching them ?


The guy that wrote the meesage didn't know why they were down. That should tell you something about how information flows at BW. Apparently we intended on bringing the servers down for a patch but nobody told me so I'll just put a vague system alert message out there about unscheduled maint or investigating the problem and then not fill the players in and hope they forget about it even though I full well know why they are down at the moment.

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Good news.... The public test server is still up.... which means you can progress a toon and loose all that progress in 2 weeks






I just logged PTS for the first time in six weeks. Both of my 1.2 and 1.3 chars were still on PTS. How did I "loose" that progress?

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Good news.... The public test server is still up.... which means you can progress a toon and loose all that progress in 2 weeks




Actually your toon stays there, was the same level when I left it there from the last PTS test. Though it's not a level 50 toon only level 29. Have to level him up just to test the new content.

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Relax buddy. I'm not sure if you read the entire thread, but most of us are just having a bit of fun at Bioware's expense, poking fun and all. Sure, a few are fired up, but I think most of us are just getting a giggle out of it.


Eeerm I am the epitome of relaxation buddy... And if you read my post again.. I didnt say anything about everyone or most or other words to that effect.. I said " and those that whine about the downtime, planned or unplanned"... meaning its aimed at only those... so chill and enjoy the fun some more, cos I am.... its Friday and this kinda thing just helps get the wekend under way that much quicker :D

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