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Has anyone suggested having taunts affect enemy healers?


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As a tank, why are you pestering the enemy healer? You are best at guarding your healer and taunting everything that attacks them, use your annoying CC's on DPS burning down yours and leave the healers to actual DPS. If you are busy pestering a healer, you are paying less attention to your healer. Edited by Devilk
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Between Mind Snap, Force Wave, Force Stun and Spinning Kick, Shadows can pretty much interrupt 5 consecutive casts, as well as do pretty decent damage. Yeah that's one tank out of three but the only one with which I have experience with.


But if you want to go down this route, taunting healers should cause their next heal for the duration of the taunt land on the taunter.


And Jugs, can Leap, choke, interrupt, push, leap, interrupt, backhand, Roar for a ton of lockdown on healers. Lets not forget slow. One of my favorites is to leap, slow and push in coast south node. Since they are on a hill, they go a good ways and it takes them forever to get back into position. If they waste their break on the slow, then they are eating a mezz.

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As a tank, why are you pestering the enemy healer? You are best at guarding your healer and taunting everything that attacks them, use your annoying CC's on DPS burning down yours and leave the healers to actual DPS. If you are busy pestering a healer, you are paying less attention to your healer.


You can get away with this a bit more as a Jug tank since you can always intercede back to your healer. And if you have a 2nd tank in your group then it not that bad to just stay on a healer and keep their output way down.

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Powermongerr, I think this is a brilliant idea!


I wonder how many people stopped reading after that sentence? Now, hear what I mean by this... The burden of making a character "less effective" should be the responsibility of "active strategies" by other players.


So, interrupting a casting healer? That should be something that another player has to do, just like it currently is in the game. However, much of what both Juggs and Guardians have to do is primarily passive in PvP, and I think having an "active healing taunt" that they could use would really add a lot of gameplay strategy for those Advanced Classes.


That being said, two of my characters are healers, and between getting as focused as frequently hard and often as we do, AND the fact that so much and so many of our efforts are "wasted" efforts already (which, they should be, btw), if a mechanic like the one you mentioned was introduced, there would HAVE to be a balancing effort. With our ability to wipe debuffs, we would already have somewhat of a defense against it (assuming the taunt was considered a normal debuff), but we'd still need some kind of "compensation," otherwise, it would negatively impact class balance too much.


So, I like your idea, but this is the situation I see:


1) Give tanks a healing taunt mechanic + Do Nothing to "buff" Healers = Some Dev Time Invested (DTI) AND Community Discontent AND considerable combat mechanic balancing impacted.

2) Give tanks a healing taunt mechanic + "Buff" Healers = Lots of DTI and at least some Community Discontent and a huge amount of combat mechanic balancing impacted.

3) Do nothing = No Dev time required, no appreciable difference in Community Contentment and no combat mechanic balance changes.


So yeah... I love the idea because I too, feel that tanks are not as participatory in PvP as they could/should be, but I just don't think it's in the cards.


We do feel a bit passive a lot of the time, don't we? Guard the healer, taunt folks, try to lend some cc and damage support ... but the damage output is so low it's hard to get folks to focus on us unless they're determined to break the healer/tank guard combo.

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Sorry but like most people, especially being a healer main and tank alt myself, just bad idea.


If anything, I'd like to see cloud mind (used in pve to reduce threat) apply a damage reduction in pvp for a very short time as a defensive cooldown. The ability cannot be spammed and only applies to yourself and shouldn't be game breaking but at the same time, since 1.4 healers are already performing MUCH better so is arguably not needed. Especially since a TANK should be guarding the healer anyway.


As a tank in pvp, hybrids are great and prolly most common, but as a fully spec'd and geared tank you can effectively perform well as a damage midigater, shut down healers with what seems like endless interrupts, peel, and guard objectives like a BOSS!

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