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Suggestion: 16 man raiding guild (Empire side)


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This message is an appeal to the remaining active guilds on the server: Saga, Guardians of Stars, Hubris, Status Quo, The Brotherhood of Darkness, Malevolence, Element Zero, Floor Inspectors etc., the 16 man guilds that quit altogether: Impetus, Placeholder etc., and finally to anyone who is still playing the game on Empire side on TOFN who has the gear, experience and will to raid 16 man.


There is no 16 man raiding guild on the Empire side. I believe there is only one on Republic side (FriendlyFire), but there might be more, that's not important right now. A few questions for everyone- How long since you last killed Nightmare Pilgrim? How long since you last raided 16 man? Is your guild's recruitment forum emptier than a toothpaste aisle in an English store? If you answered with "Yes." to any question but the last, what?!


This is a serious matter though, so I'd like to see how many people are actually interested in raiding 16 man. Yes, the game is ridiculously easy. Yes, the content comes out less often than Halley's Comet. Yes, the subscription numbers are too low to have multiple 16 man guilds. Yes, people are happy with being in an 8 man guild and play casually. BUT, why not try and make a "last stand"? Why not try and form a 16 man guild for the upcoming Nightmare Modes? Why not put some faith in the NiM difficulty that we've been promised? Who's with me?


I guess this wasn't as inspirational as I'd have thought. However, my appeal is for the remaining 8 man guilds who actually want to raid 16 man but do not have the player base and are struggling, to unite and attempt to form alliances, mergers or lend people to fellow guilds to possibly do 16 man. The way I actually see it is to have the best 4- 5 players from say 6 guilds form a guild. Or possibly a different distribution like 8 people from 4 guilds. The idea is to have a 30ish member guild, since from those 30 5- 6 will not make the cut, 5- 6 will quit shortly and not integrate and we are left with 20ish people, which might become a problem if more than 3- 4 people miss a raid on a given day. But I can see how this is unreasonable, given the fact that every hardcore raider that I know has stopped playing or doesn't want to play hardcore. So the appeal is more for 16 man raiding than anything else. 10 people can carry the other 6 and I'd have no problem with that, it's more challenging that way.


I leave you with the questions "Are there any similar minded people left?", "Does anyone feel the same way?", "Would you put aside your "community" and leave the comfort of slacking to actually be part of a guild that does 16 man in a dying game or rather stay in an 8 man raid with friends, who you know aren't very good players, but you still have fun?". I know it's too much to ask, so I don't have my hopes up. Let me know how you feel. Try to communicate between guilds, contact each other if the above is something you'd be interested in doing. The F2P players aren't raiders, they won't sub to see NiM operations. We are the last of our kind. Don't let us die out. The game needs the 1%.

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Guess CORAL succes in both the PvE and PvP arena proves that one thing doesnt rule out the other ;)


Its true though, that this server properbly has alot more players in full War Hero than Full Campaign (Didnt actually make a survey of this, so feel free to /slap if im wrong)


For me, im pretty happy at the moment with just seeing the Operations in story-mode. Dont think my War Hero geared sniper is strong enough for NiM mode anyway??


Good Initiative though, I hope you guys get a group together ;)

Edited by ZipZep
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-----> Just for the record i am not an officer so i don't speak for the guild <-----


For The Brotherhood of Darkness its all down to raiding time !!


Most guilds like to start at around 20:00 cet. We start at 22:30 cet. Only other guild that i know of that starts that late is primera sangria, a spanish only guild.


Currently most 16 man content doesnt seem worth it in my eyes. TFB 16 man sm just seemed abit to easy and fits really well with the kind of loot you get from it. And do people really still want to do EV and KP (kinda sick of those places)


Obviously it would be cool to try TFB 16 man HM some day and to finish of the 16 man EC HM.

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-----> Just for the record i am not an officer so i don't speak for the guild <-----


For The Brotherhood of Darkness its all down to raiding time !!


Most guilds like to start at around 20:00 cet. We start at 22:30 cet. Only other guild that i know of that starts that late is primera sangria, a spanish only guild.


Currently most 16 man content doesnt seem worth it in my eyes. TFB 16 man sm just seemed abit to easy and fits really well with the kind of loot you get from it. And do people really still want to do EV and KP (kinda sick of those places)


Obviously it would be cool to try TFB 16 man HM some day and to finish of the 16 man EC HM.


This whole thing will mostly come down to agreeing the raiding time IMO. And if I understand the OP correctly (and what would make the most sense) the raiding team would consist of people ready for TFB HM.

Edited by vandana_
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warriorcat, I'm surprised you don't know that, but it's a consensus for top raiding guilds and raiding guilds in general to roll on PvP servers. It might not be intuitive, but all or the vast majority of the guilds who beat the hardest encounters in WoW/SWTOR are on PvP servers. There are a number of reasons for this, but it is a whole different topic and I'd rather not digress. The actual problem is the lack of activity anymore. There were quite a few 16 man raiding guilds both on my previous (also PvP) server, as well as on this one. However, it seems that the people who want to do the hardest operations are the first ones to unsubscribe (mostly due to lack of difficulty as well as content), hence the lack of raiders.


vandana, my character is Anubisblack, a DPS Sorc. I was full BiS in 1.2? I believe when we were clearing KP and EV 16 man Nightmare Mode in one night every week with a guild called Cosmos on Legions of Lettow until people, myself included, gave up (everyone was BiS). Then I came to TOFN and joined Regret, where we again cleared EC 16 man HM every week and everyone was BiS until people, again myself included, gave up. Now I'm back for a third time and I can't find a 16 man guild to raid with, hence I made the topic. I am TfB 16 man HM ready in terms of gear as well as tactics, but I sincerely don't see the difficulty of the instance. The general idea is to get geared for and mainly focus on the upcoming Nightmare Modes. The rest of the content is laughable and hopefully those will stand out.


Smithie, it's good that you are enthusiastic about the idea. It would be even better if you can contact your officers and see what they think about this, as well as the whole guild. The late night raiding could be a problem though, since the way I see it, your guild prioritizes the time of the raids over actually getting the bosses down. I.e. I doubt people would be available to raid as soon as the servers are up (extreme example).


Malevolence used to be 16 man, so I expected at least someone to be eager to raid in a larger group again. It would be good if we can see the stance of other guilds. I'm happy to create a guild under a new tag, to get all the people to join under an existing tag, or to get a raiding team from random guilds not under a common tag. Regardless, the idea is to get 16 man TfB HM down and get geared/prepared for EC 16 man NiM as well as eventually TfB 16 man NiM.

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Yikes, to be honest the answer to most of your questions would be "a long time ago", 1.3's lack of content really did a number on our raid team. We really pushed for 16mans in EC, and we did quite a few times, never killed Kephess though, as eventually people quit and we didnt have the numbers to continue. Since then we've recruited like 20players only to lose 15 (rough example), and it is a real pain at times.


But we (Element Zero) like 16mans. Not so much for the difficulty, but for the social fun aspect of it. We just find 16mans to be more fun, so we plan on continuing recruiting until we can do them again. As for the difficulty, its up for debate and cba really. It's clear BW try to make them as close as possible. Most of EC was harder on 8, except for Stormcaller and Firebrand. 16 just sometimes gives the perception of harder due to, as you said, 10 carrying the other 6.


Were pretty close to building a solid team now. We have 2 very active tanks (me being one), about 6 healers, but only about 10-12 dps overall, all of which rarely can attend a single raid.

So naturally, as listed in our recruitment thread, were looking for 1m tank and a handful of dps to join the team.


However we only raid 3 nights a week, were not particularly hardcore and so we might not be what you're looking for Anubis :) still the offer is there, feel free to fill in an app and join us in the effort for 16man raiding.


-Kazar (Tank Role Officer @ Element Zero)

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Kazar, the question is if you'd rather push it. I understand the comfort of being in the guild you are in and the community and that is exactly why it's such a tough call to go for more. If I had to choose a guild to join, it'd probably be Saga. The initiative here is to go for more. I.e. Saga + Guardians of Stars + Hubris etc. in a 16 man raiding guild doing 16 man TfB HM.
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I've always prefered the bigger raids. In WoW, I was a member of a 25m raiding guild, and the mayhem and chaos of trying to get 25 individuals to work as a team is really as much fun as it gets for me. In SWTOR, I've only experienced 8m ops, sadly. I've been a member of 2 raiding guilds, and experience taught it was hard enough already to get 8m together to raid, 16m was completely impossible.


Recently my second raid guild died, and even though I love the game, I've given up and unsubbed. I just don't relish the thought of applying to and settling in with yet another guild, only to watch it go downhill again. I've participated in all the ops (HM) up to but not including TFB, as my guild went inactive shortly before the patch. I've consoled myself with the thought that I've seen and experienced most of the game ;)


A proper 16m raiding guild might make me reconsider and sub again, though!

Edited by Sauska
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I think its funny how people say PvP server hint hint when its like 3 competitive PvP guilds around and like 10 times that amount for PvE.

A PvP server does not and never has meant that you play here to PvP, in any game.

It just means that the world has contested planets and it has nothing to do with whether you as a player prefer to PvE or PvP.

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Kazar, the question is if you'd rather push it. I understand the comfort of being in the guild you are in and the community and that is exactly why it's such a tough call to go for more. If I had to choose a guild to join, it'd probably be Saga. The initiative here is to go for more. I.e. Saga + Guardians of Stars + Hubris etc. in a 16 man raiding guild doing 16 man TfB HM.


Yeah I know what you mean. Unfortunately my workload at Uni has doubled in this third year compared to last, and I had to resit some exams in summer probably due to playing too much swtor back then :p

So I can't speak for the rest of the guild, but personally I'm happy with just 3 nights a week as long as we beat everything on the highest difficulty possible before the next tier comes out. I just don't have the time or freedom to compete for world rank in the sense of logging in early on patch days and raiding 5 nights a week.


Still, it's a good idea, and if you havn't already, you should definitely approach the GMs of guilds like Saga, Hubris and Guardians. All of which have solid 8man teams (and likely like 12 raiders atleast), so even if two of the guilds were to be brought together to make a 16man, that would just about be enough :)


I wouldn't be part of it, but I'd still like to see it happen. There is a lack of a competitive 16man team on Imp side, and someone needs to compete with Friendly Fire for server firsts ;P Best of luck with it, look forward to seeing if anything comes of it :)

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We do 16 man ops from time to time but we dont have enough geared people(online at the same time) for the harders ops.

We do ops very often and would like to run ops with any of you guys above.



You can contact any of us for more planning! Thx!


/ExtremeZero - Officer best served cold


Xues - GM

Devapath - ops officer

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Great post and totally support the idea... hard part is to get ppl to the same "table" and discuss about the terms of merge.


And as someone pointed out, the raidtimes are an issue ofc.


*talking rubbish /on


well from my point of view the "empire guilds" should just burn .... sorry forgot this is serious...


ermm (my idea) why don't the raiding guilds just merge with a social guild of their time zone ( i am sure their is a Russian social guild who would merge with another eastern European guild... (also CDT timezone guilds somewhere on empire side on this server aswell i think i am sure they could work with the Russians on their afternoons .... (finding them is the hard part so ill leave that up to you) ... with us western Europeans ... well we can have cake plus a cup of tea more fun than raiding.... (i don't like tea just making a point) *edit ... that cdt timezone guild may have disbanded... but owell.. :p (empire should play republic... just saying...)

Edited by warriorcat
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My guild is looking to join active raiding guild. We are mostly focused on PvP but enjoying PvE as well. Then why do we want PvE, someone might ask?

After out 3rd PvP guild got disbanded/merged, we gave up and joined our 4-man guild that is now doing normal warzones, only, and hardmode operations by using group finder. :( :( :(

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Hey Guys,


Supersail here, GM of Floor Inspectors.


We rolled PVP server cause we like to have a choice. I like PVP and some of us love it, but we love clearing PVE content as well.


Currently we're in a position where we have a set group of players that join our 8 man HM raids.

Some of us have many alts and thus we've started joining Raids with other guilds often.


Guilds we raid with/lend players to often are: NC-R, Antisocial Elitists & Odissea (italian guild)

There are probably more. I know Leravulan (my first officer) has been raiding with Saga on occassion.


We are open for casual and more hardcore players. We are discussing mergers, however in my experience this can be very tricky. Also making a Guild from the best players from a few guilds seems to me not viable since it would mean a majority of Casuals would be left behind without decent leadership or support from more experienced hardcore players which would make them, eventually, leave the game I think, since they would never get to see endgame content.


I personally enjoy the game a lot every day and I think the best way to make things better is for Guilds to cooperate.

Any guilds willing to discuss 16 man raiding / Nightmare Pilgrim Runs on a weekly basis can just PM me ingame or on the forums. And we'll set it up.


My chars: Aragorias / Supersail / Sazed / Jennyfred





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My guild is looking to join active raiding guild. We are mostly focused on PvP but enjoying PvE as well. Then why do we want PvE, someone might ask?

After out 3rd PvP guild got disbanded/merged, we gave up and joined our 4-man guild that is now doing normal warzones, only, and hardmode operations by using group finder. :( :( :(


Boyana, give me a yell ingame :)


Sazed or Supersail or one of my officers Exyled or Leravulan

We're talking with another 5 people left over from a guild to join.

If things come true we'll start 16 mans next week again.


We also have some active PVP'ers who'd love to make a Ranked team.

If you guys join us we can have best of both worlds.


Let me know


you can also check us out on floorinspectors.enjin.com

Edited by Aragorrius
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As expected, people are reluctant to let their casual friends be left out of the loop and would rather keep carrying them and helping them see content. While waiting for EC NiM I have decided to join Saga and the guild has very realistic chances of starting 16 man TfB HM runs in the upcoming resets. With that, I'd like to confirm that this suggestion has more or less failed mainly due to the reason stated above. At the same time, to the more hardcore players I'd suggest applying to Saga and seeing how it goes from there. I'll continue to push for alliances etc. especially for EC NiM 16 man, as it will definitely remain my goal.
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Gee, wow, great input there, mate. So you've cleared TfB 16 man HM and you are prepared for 16 man EC NiM? The thread wasn't about creating a guild with people who clear 8 man TfB HM server 8th or whatever, a month after the first guild had cleared it. The idea was to get people who cleared 16 man EC HM back when it was released in April, not people who are progressing on it 6 months after its release. The standards that are required are higher obviously, so the suggestion was to get the people that were in 16 man guilds who cleared all content and their guilds disbanded/dropped down to 8 man.


There are 2 guilds currently on 4/5 TfB HM- FriendlyFire and Ruthless. Saga are starting 16 man TfB HM progress tonight and will gladly take on any competition. Server first is still not achieved (which is pathetic) and the race is still on. The state of the game is sad, what is sadder is the state of raiding and the guilds on TOFN. Have fun with your "raiding whenever, no set teams etc." mentality, you'll do great. Just make sure you choose your words more wisely next time and post in the appropriate thread, fking spammer.

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It's very clear to me from the childish and indignant tone of your reply to my attempt to educate you on reasons of lacking interest... that I would not even want to raid with you if you offered me primal sex with Kate Upton and a million dollars in cash.


GL with finding people who would be willing to talk to you at all. However from your sour rhetoric I discern a lack of happiness derived from playing this game. So I suggest you continue your search for it elsewhere.


*ps we cleared TFB 8 man and as things stand I think we might clear TFB 16 man before or equally as fast as Saga.

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