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Aaaaannnd... Crossfire STILL not fixed! What the heck?


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Seriously - feels like SLI got fixed 2 patches ago. Yet here we are, and even after the latest patch, there STILL is map issues with crossfire and flickering that STILL haven't been addressed.


And not so much as even a real status update on the issue.


What the heck? :mad:

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Seriously - feels like SLI got fixed 2 patches ago. Yet here we are, and even after the latest patch, there STILL is map issues with crossfire and flickering that STILL haven't been addressed.


And not so much as even a real status update on the issue.


What the heck? :mad:


That is what you get for using AMD :) j/k

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Regardless of which side I am using, its a bad idea to piss off your customers.


That is true of course but half joking aside the list of games with problems with AMD CPU / GPU combo is much longer then list of games with problems with Intel/nVidia.


That is a fact.

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That is true of course but half joking aside the list of games with problems with AMD CPU / GPU combo is much longer then list of games with problems with Intel/nVidia.


That is a fact.


Here's the thing - up until 1.4, everything was working. No driver changes (using the latest), no problems. Out comes 1.4 and the map goes all wonky and framerates in crowds take a dive.


Now, an educated person would determine the issue isn't with AMD, because it was working before 1.4 just fine. The issue is with the patch.

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Here's the thing - up until 1.4, everything was working. No driver changes (using the latest), no problems. Out comes 1.4 and the map goes all wonky and framerates in crowds take a dive.


Now, an educated person would determine the issue isn't with AMD, because it was working before 1.4 just fine. The issue is with the patch.


I use an AMD graphics card and I dont have any frame rate issues, or map issues.

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Now, an educated person would determine the issue isn't with AMD, because it was working before 1.4 just fine. The issue is with the patch.


An educated person would have known when they bought/built a Crossfire system that they were signing up for drastically increased chances of incompatibilities and support issues. You bought the system. You knew what you were getting into. And if you didn't know, then you didn't research what you were buying and I don't feel all that much sympathy for you.


Did 1.4 break support for SLI and Crossfire? Yup. Should you expect such things as a SLI/Crossfire user? Absolutely. This is what you wanted. High framerates for multiple monitors, and increased chances of problems.

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it isn't hitting everyone.

it's hitting the OP

it's hitting me.


On my second computer, with a single nvidia card and an older processor/system board, the game displays beautifully.


I use the computer with the bugs because I play at 5760 X 1080 resolution across three 23" monitors via ATI eyefinity.


This isn't mine, but it's basically what it looks like:



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That is true of course but half joking aside the list of games with problems with AMD CPU / GPU combo is much longer then list of games with problems with Intel/nVidia.


That is a fact.


I can attest to that. I have had some problems with Nvidia cards in the past, but never like I had with ATI/AMD. I blew a lot of good money on ATI cards before I learned my lesson.


An educated person would have known when they bought/built a Crossfire system that they were signing up for drastically increased chances of incompatibilities and support issues. You bought the system. You knew what you were getting into. And if you didn't know, then you didn't research what you were buying and I don't feel all that much sympathy for you.


Did 1.4 break support for SLI and Crossfire? Yup. Should you expect such things as a SLI/Crossfire user? Absolutely. This is what you wanted. High framerates for multiple monitors, and increased chances of problems.


This pretty much sums it up. I'm as geeky as the next tech junkie, but this kind of stuff is just par for the course in the field today. You can't always explain it, and it's harder to even fix it (if it can even be fixed at all). No matter how advanced the tech gets, sometimes it just won't work and you won't ever find the reason why.



Edited by BJWyler
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An educated person would have known when they bought/built a Crossfire system that they were signing up for drastically increased chances of incompatibilities and support issues. You bought the system. You knew what you were getting into. And if you didn't know, then you didn't research what you were buying and I don't feel all that much sympathy for you.


Did 1.4 break support for SLI and Crossfire? Yup. Should you expect such things as a SLI/Crossfire user? Absolutely. This is what you wanted. High framerates for multiple monitors, and increased chances of problems.


Breaks happen. I'm mad because we're two patches in and Bioware hasn't fixed the issue yet. I get that you nVidia fanbois want to blame AMD, but this isn't an issue on AMD's end - its an issue on Bioware's end. If it was working before 1.4, and the patch broke it, then that means it was something bioware did, not something as a result of AMD being crap.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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lol most posts in this thread are just rubbish.


ati have more problems in games??? depends on the game and if nvidia paid the company off.... for each game ati fails on i can show one that nvidia failed on.....

Crossfire compatibility?

in 4 years of using crossfire this has never been a issue, the only issues with crossfire is game devs, which to some degree ati address with drivers and profiles.



those who just hate on ati are either nvidia fan bois, or have no idea *** there on about.

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Breaks happen. I'm mad because we're two patches in and Bioware hasn't fixed the issue yet. I get that you nVidia fanbois want to blame AMD, but this isn't an issue on AMD's end - its an issue on Bioware's end. If it was working before 1.4, and the patch broke it, then that means it was something bioware did, not something as a result of AMD being crap.


I'm as geeky as the next tech junkie, but this kind of stuff is just par for the course in the field today. You can't always explain it, and it's harder to even fix it (if it can even be fixed at all). No matter how advanced the tech gets, sometimes it just won't work and you won't ever find the reason why.


This is based on not only the time I spent in the field, but talking with people who actually laid the groundwork for the field. There was a good discussion on the topics of bugs and testing here: http://www.gamebreaker.tv/video-game-shows/new-show/


those who just hate on ati are either nvidia fan bois, or have no idea *** there on about.

Incorrect. In my experience at least, my previous statement holds true. I had many more problems with ATI cards than I ever had with Nvidia cards. And this was the case outside of games as well and with systems for which the only change I made was the Graphics card. While your point is most certainly the case in the greater realm, your last sentence is just unneeded hyperbole.




Edited by BJWyler
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It is hard to believe that they can not undo the changes they applied in the 1.4 patch that caused these graphical issues. It makes no sense to leave them applied. I personally would much rather not have these so called performance improvements and graphical improvements . After all they are making the performance worse for a lot of us. It has been three weeks now and they still have not addressed it for the AMD GPU's and what they did address for the nvivida GPU's did not fix everything for those users.


I think it is time for me to just give up on this game an unsub. After all why pay for a game that is not working as intended? The game was working fine for me and many others before the 1.4 patch now it does not. This is not the experience I was wanting to pay for.


For the love of SWTOR do something. Remove the things you applied or fix them. And do not wait another week do them today or tomorrow or something. I would much rather have the game shut down for an entire day so that it gets fixed than rather wait another week for an attempt that may not even come then. After all these issues have been keeping me from enjoying the game and even playing it at times. It is ridiculous.


I am sorry if I am a little upset but heck the game was working fine and you all broke it. So you all need to fix it. We should not have to jump through hoops on our end just to play the game.


aghhh You all at BioWare are making me want to send the :csw_deathstar: to your headquarters blow it up like it was :csw_alderaan:


Well I think I am going to play something else. There is no use in playing this game at the moment. At least as upset as I am. I need to cool off a bit.

Edited by WarbNull
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Where did Bioware say Crossfire was ever fixed? All they fixed were Sli issues which they did, stop complaining about a fix they never said was fixed. They admit there is a problem and were investigating it.


Hey clueless - the fact that they still HAVEN'T fixed Crossfire is what I am complaining about and that it is taking them this long TO fix it.


And I have every right to complain about that.

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Where did Bioware say Crossfire was ever fixed? All they fixed were Sli issues which they did, stop complaining about a fix they never said was fixed. They admit there is a problem and were investigating it.


We all know that Crossfire was never fixed. That is why we are complaining. And the fix they tried for the SLI users did not fix everything for those users. Some are still having issues with there SLi.

Also even single GPU of bpothe AMD and nvidia users are having problems. Heck I turned off my Crossfire and I still have issues.


If we do not complain about the issues then they will just continue to ignore them.

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Well, I guess I'm just an old somewhat jaded gamer, but as long as I've been around games their have been video issues; all sorts of issues related to drivers, hardware, and the game itself. There have been patches that break games and I'm not talking about performance. BSODs were and still are a common occurrence after updates to any of the afore mentioned items. ATI or nVidia... it doesn't matter. It will happen to one flavor or the other eventually. To be honest, its part of the deal if you are a PC gamer, so I rarely get upset about it because fixes do come in time. What is important is a viable work around.


In this case we have one, Windowed fullscreen mode. Yea... it's not crossfire and yea it is not using your swanky rig setup to its fullest, but it allows you to enjoy the game while they fix the problem. Typically, issues like this Crossfire problem are fixed, but it takes time. You just have to chalk it up to one of those things that can happen if you are PC gamer. If you can't accept this... well sure, move on to something else. But guess what... it will happen again elsewhere. The only way to avoid it is to play on a closed, canned, console, and even then there can be issues. lol


So... do what you will, but I recommend relaxing, enjoying the game in Windowed fullscreen. It's not that bad. Unless you are looking for reasons not to play, it will take your mind off the crossfire issue and make waiting for a fix much more enjoyable.


Ok... you can try and run me out of here now. But again, I'm simply pointing out that the game is playable, more than that actually. It all comes down to what you are willing to accept. For me, I'd rather play this game.

Edited by Qarran
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They said they were working on it, if that is not good enough for you then keep the qq fest going. Computer programming isnt as easy as you think and im sure the community manager does not have time to ask them every day when crossfire is going to be fixed. If someone kept bothering me on when something would be fixed, I would say soon and go back to work fixing the issue. Edited by itsmymillertime
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To be honest, when I ordered my new computer, I ordered it with NVidia... but then around the time it was due to ship they came back and said they aren't stocking NVidia anymore, and offered to replace it with AMD that's 2x as expensive (and according to Tom's Hardware, significantly better in performance too) for the same price.


So, like an idiot, I agreed. Personally, I've always been leery of AMD. They have a pretty long history of screwing things up with font rendering (of all things) in their drivers and such. Guess what? This current issue seems to be font related... turn off/reduce font updates, (limit chat as much as possible, disable nameplates/scaling) and the stuttering largely goes away.

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Breaks happen. I'm mad because we're two patches in and Bioware hasn't fixed the issue yet. I get that you nVidia fanbois want to blame AMD, but this isn't an issue on AMD's end


I get that you like to think that anyone who disagrees with you has to be an irrational supporter of some opposing faction, but the truth is that I simply don't care about brands. Yeah, I have an nVidia card. But that's because it was quieter than the equivalent AMD cards available to me at the time I purchased it. And that doesn't even have anything to do with who designed the GPU. If you want to imagine that I'm secretly trying to undermine your faction because I'm a spy from the other faction, then... Well, that's your own personal psychosis and I'll leave you to deal with it. I grew out of that sort of stupidity when I was fifteen.


Getting back to the actual problem at hand:


This is not unique to AMD. nVidia's SLI has the same problems, and with SLI they are often more pronounced.


in 4 years of using crossfire this has never been a issue, the only issues with crossfire is game devs, which to some degree ati address with drivers and profiles.


Whoa. Four whole years, huh?


You know those drivers and profiles that you're talking about? Those improvements are almost always required in order for a game to fully support Crossfire (or SLI). It's not uncommon for a game to change its rendering system and break Crossfire (or SLI) functionality until the driver-makers can fix the profile.


More to the point: SWTOR doesn't have code written specifically for Crossfire or SLI. They use DirectX and the handling of the two cards is actually done far, far away from game code. There still may be some optimizations for high resolutions or high framerates, but in general, SWTOR doesn't know (or care) how many cards you have.


Problems like we are seeing now are usually caused when the developer travels off the beaten path (especially in an attempt to find better performance) and starts using features or patterns that weren't expected by driver developers. You can fight over who to blame for those things, but its pretty easy to blame it on both of them.


Unless of course, you're just a gamer who is clueless about software and wants to blame whoever serves their ego for the moment. Then the situation is very clear: You blame the company that you're less emotionally invested in.

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Guess what? This current issue seems to be font related... turn off/reduce font updates, (limit chat as much as possible, disable nameplates/scaling) and the stuttering largely goes away.


That would be pretty compelling... except that nVidia users are seeing the exact same thing.

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- Let's make a subscription based game.

- Now, let's introduce a bug that will make the game unplayable on high end rigs.

- Let's not fix it a for a month....

- Profit!


Like seriously, this has to be the worst dev team in the business.

Edited by Rogoo
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