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Merc PVP Gameplay: SHORT funny video!!


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If anyone was wondering this is what the Mercenary feels like in PvP when melee attacks you:



Below IS A BIOWARE VIDEO OF A MERCENARY VS A SENTINEL. SKIP to 2:14 and then listen to the rest of the video, its not very long and i gaurantee if you play a Mercenary your going to LOL for a while.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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If anyone was wondering this is what the Mercenary feels like in PvP when melee attacks you:



Jango is a Mercenary for all who don't agree watch the video link below if you care. He dropped/lost his other pistol from getting stampeded by that Rhino thing in the fight against Windu.


This scene is when he uses both pistols, tracer missle, and basically pwninates.



i generally feel like my fights go how the second video went lol.

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Jango is a Mercenary for all who don't agree watch the video link below if you care.


Jango is a meta Bounty Hunter. He uses two blasters and Tracer Missile (technically that would be Fusion Missile now, wouldn't it?) like the Mercenary, but he also uses Jet Charge and Grapple like the Power Tech. It gets even better with his son, Boba, in the later movies where he's seen wielding a rifle which a Bounty Hunter, for some obscure reason, can't in this game.


Most of the classes in the game are split from one archetype from the movies. The Jedi in the movies use the Force like Consulars, but they also fight with their sabers like Knights. Han Solo, the iconic Smuggler, usually wielded only one blaster, like the Scoundrel, but he didn't have a stealth generator, nor did he pack a scattergun.


The advanced class thing is a monstrosity that does nothing but dilute the essence of the classes and prevent proper balancing. Instead of splitting Bounty Hunters into two advanced classes, they could have easily made one Bounty Hunter class with four skill trees: Tanking, healing, rDPS, mDPS. Make the melee skill tree feature instant casts and the ranged skill tree channeled casts. Melee tree automatically becomes the PvP tree while the ranged tree, having the advantage of being ranged, becomes the PvE tree.


Even better yet, they could skip the healing and tanking thing completely and balance content around not having either in the group. That way every group only needs four players, not one tank, one healer and two damage dealers, which is the cause of the 2-3 hour queue time at the moment. Maybe spice it up and allow companions in groups. Would be interesting if they balanced things around you bringing your companion along for the trip.

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The Jango v Mace fight is the perfect example of the developer attitude in toward mercenaries in this game. Make it look cool so people will want to play, but make the glow bats be able to slice it to pieces in about 4.2 seconds because glowbats are the main source of our subscriptions and we wouldn't want the largest group of customers quitting because they lose at PVP. Edited by bahdasz
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I'll admit, I laughed a little at this thread initially, but then I found myself out on the battlefield of a Warzone, with an enemy Guardian, and I realized that it was true.


The fight went almost exactly like the video shows: I was trying to run away from him, but he kept slowing me down. Knockbacks did nothing except provide him with an opening to charge me. Couldn't get off Unload or Power Shot because he kept interrupting my casts (kick, push, charge, Stasis). Only abilities I could use were Rocket Punch, Railshot, Missile Blast, Incendiary Missile and Rapid Shots.


It's funny, because my Vanguard absolutely destroys Guardians/Juggernauts. Ptech Pyro is ridiculously more powerful than Merc Pyro, it's not even funny. Maybe it's because the Ptech's Rocket Punch hits like a Mack truck, or maybe it's because Ptech Pyros have a 100% chance on a spammable instant cast to apply the Combustible Gas Cylinder burn. Maybe it's because Ptech Pyros have a chance to reset the cooldown on Railshot and make the next one free when using spammable instant casts.


Prototype Particle Accelerator:

  • Powertech Pyros have a chance on Flame Burst (instant, no cooldown) and Rocket Punch (instant, 9s cooldown) to reset the cooldown on Railshot and make the next one free.
  • Merc Pyros have a chance on Power Shot (2s cast (1.5s talented), no cooldown) and Unload (3s channeled, 15s cooldown) to reset the cooldown on Railshot and make the next one free.


Ptechs can apply a burn with a hard-hitting, spammable, instant cast and then use instant casts to proc PPA. Mercs have to spam Rapid Shots or whatever to even apply the burn and then have to rely on casts and channels to proc PPA. Channels and casts can be interrupted. And I know what you're going to argue: "Mercs can use all their stuff at 30m when Ptechs are limited to 10m!" which is true, but how often do you find yourself in a situation, as a Merc, where you're fighting someone from 30m away?


As a Merc and Ptech (technically Vanguard), even with the nerfs to IM and TD ranges, I would not give up any of it for the range advantage of my Merc. Why? Because ranged advantage doesn't mean anything in PvP.


If a Merc Pyro goes up against a Ptech Pyro, the Ptech is going to win. While you're loading up your Power Shots and Unload, the Ptech is closing the distance to you and once you get within 10m, your range advantage is gone and the Ptech can rip you open with a much more synergistic skill tree that works 10x better with instant casts than channeled casts.


Make Combustible Gas Cylinder a guaranteed proc on Missile Blast and change the Pyro tree to revolve around Missile Blast instead of Flame Burst and Power Shot. There, I fixed your skill tree and brought back Missile Blast from the grave. All in a couple of minutes of writing. Put a skill in there that lowers the heat cost of Missile Blast and it's done.


And remove the current range constraints on Ptech Pyro. It's silly that a Bounty Hunter has to get up in someone's face to fire a missile or throw a grenade at them.


My suggestion is heavily flawed, but it's still better than what the developers have come up with in the last six months. If I can do this in 5 minutes of writing a post, imagine what actual developers - with actual experience in this crap - should be able to do.


It can't be this hard to balance one bloody skill tree without butchering the class it belongs to.

Edited by Qaoz
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If anyone was wondering this is what the Mercenary feels like in PvP when melee attacks you:



Jango is a Mercenary for all who don't agree watch the video link below if you care. He dropped/lost his other pistol from getting stampeded by that Rhino thing in the fight against Windu.


This scene is when he uses both pistols, tracer missle, and the lunchbox on his back actually propels him into the air its kind of cool. I'm sorry swtor calls it a lunchbox, in the movies its a jetpack though, excuse me.



I updated my signature. At least you Merc's feel our pain as concealments.


Welcome to our world.... enjoy your stay. It will be a long one unfortunately.

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I updated my signature. At least you Merc's feel our pain as concealments.


Welcome to our world.... enjoy your stay. It will be a long one unfortunately.


PvP lacking in comparison to other FotMs aside, at least Mercs is one of the most desirable PvE Dps (fully ranged, high sustained and high burst, easy rotation)... concealment is neither.

Edited by warultima
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