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I've been seeing people sell the advanced hawkeye crystals that give you +41 power for only 20k credits. It cost about 15-20k credits to make therefore they are basically breaking even. At first it frustrated me cuz those crystals are my main source of income because I sell them for 35-40k credits. For all of you artificers out there you know what I mean when its not that easy to make money off of it, unless you come across some good schematics. Then I realized I should just buy the crystals that people sell for 20k credits off the GTN. I started buying all the cheap crystals for 20k. I sold each crystal last night for 35-40k. I bought 6 of them and made a 100k profit from those crystals. Easy money!!!!


To all the people who have artifice. People like this who sell items for cheap ruin the marketplace. Why cheapen the source of income for yourself and everyone else. We are trying to make credits by selling these items not break even. Please research the market to see what they are selling for and know how much it cost to make them. Look I just made 100k off of you guys that you couldve easily made yourself. Ever since the merges I don't make as much per crystal, but I sell a lot more. Competition is good, but we all need to make credits not break even.

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The way i see it - if you are undercutting the competition and getting all the sales AND still turning a tidy profit, then what is the problem?


Perhaps you should reevaluate your sell price?


(yes, i'm aware they cost a lot to make)

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You seem to be making money. Why sabotage that ?


No harm in helping other people. However, there are some items where what the OP is doing isn't possible. For example, Ice Scrabbler Jerky on my server. People will gladly pay 100k for it, yet there are tons of people selling it for 20k. They're just throwing money away for no reason, they could undercut by 1k instead of 80k. There are so many people doing this that you can't buy and resell them all at the higher price. And the lower price isn't profitable since the main mat is a rare drop and sells for much more than 20k. End result is that no one can make money and a bunch of people are losing money without apparently realizing it. Must be nice to have that much to waste :p


if you are undercutting the competition and getting all the sales AND still turning a tidy profit, then what is the problem?


That's not what he said, you misread.

Edited by Telanis
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My personal theory is, there were players on underpopulated servers who had gathered a lot of crafting materials but were unable to sell crafted goods because of a lack of customers. Since server merges, they are either selling at the prices that they were hoping to get before the merge, or they have no idea of basic economics. It seems to be settling down already on my server.


Don't forget that the base cost of ALL crafting materials is player time.

Edited by Ms_Sunlight
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Don't forget that the base cost of ALL crafting materials is player time.


I think this is the best thing said yet. I may be new to the game (little over a month) and I may not have a lot of credits...but it cracks me up when I read forums about all these people who are obviously spending a lot of time going between different toons and between the regular game and the fleet just to make credits.


I'm not saying I frown on this at all. I don't get it.


Please explain so maybe I can get a jump on what I'm doing wrong.

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When you hit 50, there isn't much else to do besides the dailies. There are flashpoints and ops but they require other people to play with you. So some of us have taken to making money. We make money for our alts to buy gear and their legacy perks, for our guild so crafters can make stuff, and plain and simple to get richer.
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One thing to keep in mind is this, and I only say this from past MMO experience: When people are undercutting items at what some might think are insane amounts, it usually means that the seller got said item or mat for a very, very cheap price, or they got it for free,(random drop or whatnot). While it sucks that we as people trying to make our in-game living off the market have to deal with such insane undercuts, we really can't get upset at people for trying to make the quick buck.
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