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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crew skill app for smart phones?


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Dont know if this has been asked about before, but I just want to ask if there are any plans of starting up a smart phone app that at least allows us to work on our crew skills. It worked fairly well for The Game that shall not be named, and since our crew will work while logged off, it would be a nice addition.
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I like this idea, as long as the app is not 9.99 or something


I see nothing wrong with charging that or even more for it say $15.99 or even $19.99, if it were to come to pass.


The fact is it would be a luxury, not a necessity.


And as with all luxuries if you want it you have to pay for it.


Is there a "need" for such a thing? In short no.


Would it be a great cash cow for EA/Bioware/Lucas Arts? Yes.

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When you load up the Security Key App (iPhone) it actually looks like there is room for more, as it says

"Please select an application"

"Security Key"





and lots of room underneath.

Just peculiar they set it up like this if there is no plans for future apps, hopefully a companion/AH app is where they are going.

Edited by JaZepi
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i would hope not its a bad idea. if you want to craft/mission then be logged into the game


Eh, I work a lot. It would just be nice to at least be able to play with my crafting and missions during down time at my job. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a bad idea...

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When you load up the Security Key App (iPhone) it actually looks like there is room for more, as it says

"Please select an application"

"Security Key"





and lots of room underneath.

Just peculiar they set it up like this if there is no plans for future apps, hopefully a companion/AH app is where they are going.


That's interesting. Thanks for the heads up. I have that app, but I haven't gotten past the serial number because my game hasn't arrived. UPS says it should be coming in the mail tomorrow though so I'll be able to check it out.

Edited by Roddimus
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That's interesting. Thanks for the heads up. I have that app, but I haven't gotten past the security key because my game hasn't arrived. UPS says it should be coming in the mail tomorrow though so I'll be able to check it out.


You should be able to add the app without your game. I added it 2 or 3 days ago. I know they were having issues to begin with, but if you go to your My Account page you should be able to add it at any time! ;)

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You should be able to add the app without your game. I added it 2 or 3 days ago. I know they were having issues to begin with, but if you go to your My Account page you should be able to add it at any time! ;)


I've got the app, it's the serial number I was talking about. For some reason I put security key instead of serial number.

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I would love this app. I love how they did reverse engineering in this game's crafting system. But the time it takes to send out your crew to do level 50 missions and crafting is just ridiculous. A smart phone app would make it 10 million times better. I really feel that the crafting system was designed WITH a smart phone app in mind, so they should really add it already.
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I've got the app, it's the serial number I was talking about. For some reason I put security key instead of serial number.


Yeah, it generates a serial code for you too. I don't have my retail copy yet either, but was still able to tie the authenticator to my account.

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