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is it time for an expansion?


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as we all know mist of panda expansion has come out and it got me thinking on when should our game make an expansion? does it need one now? a little bit later? a year from now? when do you think would be the right time for an expansion?


for me maybe start making one in about six months.


also if you want to expand a bit, then lets add a few features( you know selling points.)


1. more classes. yeah this one is little hard but i'm thinking maybe hybrid classes like a class that uses a viperblade and blaster. most importantly make the classes neutral. this will allow a third party to come into game but not to fight the empire or republic but do things for their own interest (think thives guild or the dark brotherhood.)


2. be able to switch sides. simple idea but hard to do for story telling, but its something that would definitely expand the game. rep to imp, imp to rep, or be neutral.


anyway gone on long enough so have at it.

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more classes? no please, we have 8 on each side already

faction change? no please, not really doable because of the different stories and companions.


an expansion in general, maybe, but certainly not now or in a year. and tbh i would prefer they make additions to the game with patches like they're doing now, with the upcoming f2p option it would make more sense.

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They haven't even been able to keep to their own patching schedule and Bioware Austin is dropping employees like flies. There's no one left to make content at this point.They are banking hard on F2P being a huge success and maybe after that they will have the interest and funding to do some major content but that is a big if.


I'd rather have smaller chunks every month or two than a huge expansion ever 6 months that I then have to buy (although I guess they could give that out for free for subscribers or something in the F2P model). The gap between expansions means that if you finish the content in one you are then bored for the several months until the next expansion. Granted that's how it is now because content updates are coming out only every several months but in theory that's not how it's going to be moving forward (although Bioware made the promise "Content every 4 weeks!" back in February and couldn't make good on that with a full studio, now that they have all of 2 people in the studio I really doubt their new "Content every 6 weeks!" mantra holds any more water).

Edited by Paintcheck
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I'm pretty sure we handled the Dread Masters on Belsavis.........or maybe that was my Agent who did that >.>


you release them from the prison, but nothing happends afterwards, now they turn on the empire and want more power, don't want to spoil it for you, but you might want to look into the Terror from Beyond story ;)

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if those leaked patch previews are anything to go by, we should be getting an Operation containing the Dread Masters themselves....but seriously, they should get the game stable and their player base happier before even considering an expansion. Edited by orpheus
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if those leaked patch previews are anything to go by, we should be getting an Operation containing the Dread Masters themselves....but seriously, they should get the game stable and their player base happier before even considering an expansion.


We actually have that, you might want to try the new ops.

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We could have satele shan go crazy for power and commit war crimes causing the republic and the imperials to band together to bring her down. This is a cool idea isnt it guys? guys? We could also have Teras Kasi trained ewoks or wookies whatever floats or boat since bioware loves to give us options. Edited by Ismercu
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I would like to some more playable races. I think we should be able to play Cathar, Rodian and I think Gotal is the other one. Its the race the BH gets as a companion on Tatooine wiht the 2 horns. I think that would definitely be great in an expansion. I love it that you can unlock races to play with the opposite faction.


Also, I would like to see other planets opened up. I think we could have a whole lot of stuff (WZ, FP, Op) and maybe 20 levels worth of stuff in the Hapes Cluster. A WZ in Kessel would be great. Explore Dathomir. That type of thing

Edited by Kunixp
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Would like to see more space content, and to be able to fly around and not on a rail system Remeber Star Wars galaxies Jump to Lightspeed, man that was awesome. LAso it be nice to customize your ship with stuff you want like decorating a house or something something to make it your own personal place. Also Ealier in the post the ideal of a nuetral faction was kinda of cool, like someone who works for the hutts or something. LEts see, maybe a galatic stock market, where you could invest into a company like Kuat Drive Yards or such and depending on who winning the Galactic War Imperial or Republic who ever has invested into those goverments alligned companys will make small revenues they can collects to help them get credits. Also I like the Heavy Armor Phobium Assualt Helment I think it looks Cool, wish there was a medium and light version. That way I could have all my companions wearing the same style as army as me and look like a team. Also I like the ideal of the small patches that are adding content to the game. Keep up Bioware!
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Holy Head In The Clouds Batman or what...

How could anyone say an expansion is not needed, Hell a whole new revamp is needed! The simple fact is SWTOR had a great opportunity to take MMO's in a whole new direction but elected to fabricate a clone of WOW. And to make things even better they structured the platform as such to take away most of the elements that kept people in WOW for the length of time they have.


I can only speak from my own personal experience and that of the experiences of those I have Journeyed with through 15 years of paying almost every MMO at one point in time or another put there. I am sure those of you that pledged your allegiance and blindly follow content with the limited success SWTOR has received getting some personal satisfaction that they are troopers, the die hards and i am sure ingame like holding their status above everyone else will admittedly object to what I am saying. Well tough luck if you don't want to hear it don't read it!


Going back to Star Wars Galaxies as someone had previously mentioned the big points for that game where a real economy, item durability meant crafters mean something. And the grade of materials reflecting directly on the quality of the item gave people pride in the materials they produced and the time it took to acquire the resources. And again people took pride in the opportunity when or if they got the chance to create a Jedi or Sith, these cookie cutter force users handed to anyone and everyone from the get go created little to no attachment to the character. Lastly the open world, who would of thunk it but how linear and oppressive could a Star Wars world get, well SWTOR oppressive I guess. No real space aspect to the game at all, Bio Ware's famous single player mind set of the game progression leading you by the nose down the path to Glory!


People left their other MMOs to have a chance to have an impact on the Star Wars world we all love. Instances here and instance there aside we would have hoped for our Galaxy to be a whole lot more sandboxie then what was given to use. Ask yourself really, what opportunities have you really given us the players to make a little part of this Galaxy as our own or have an impact to. All story orientated nothing MMO related! And the creativity on the end game boy's astounding, battle grounds and gear grinding... why not just not return to WOW where this was already well established and my dues paid. Trying to release essentially the same game platform with an already established game, especially one as big as WOW, just stupid. You where relying much to heavily on the bases that it is Star Wars.


I really could go on, with reference to many other MMO's and what at the time made them successful and SWTOR is lacking but I think I have made a point. And to those mental midgets who are all tying up right now "Oooh just go back to WOW" How many of you are still paying for your accounts? I am... and I swore I would never return to WOW when I left and have not go back on that. However I will not continue to support a game with no hope, and simple economics state that if this game is not growing and profiting the game that will be left with those 2 people overseeing the project will not be worth the time invested to play it. Something has to change, BIG and SOON or this game will wallow in its own demise with you Die Hards not understanding how those stupid Devs could fail you so badly and are not catering to you in your own little world where player population and generated revenues from expansions don't matter. Pull your head out of the galactic holes please!

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Holy Head In The Clouds Batman or what...

How could anyone say an expansion is not needed, Hell a whole new revamp is needed! The simple fact is SWTOR had a great opportunity to take MMO's in a whole new direction but elected to fabricate a clone of WOW. And to make things even better they structured the platform as such to take away most of the elements that kept people in WOW for the length of time they have.


I can only speak from my own personal experience and that of the experiences of those I have Journeyed with through 15 years of paying almost every MMO at one point in time or another put there. I am sure those of you that pledged your allegiance and blindly follow content with the limited success SWTOR has received getting some personal satisfaction that they are troopers, the die hards and i am sure ingame like holding their status above everyone else will admittedly object to what I am saying. Well tough luck if you don't want to hear it don't read it!


Going back to Star Wars Galaxies as someone had previously mentioned the big points for that game where a real economy, item durability meant crafters mean something. And the grade of materials reflecting directly on the quality of the item gave people pride in the materials they produced and the time it took to acquire the resources. And again people took pride in the opportunity when or if they got the chance to create a Jedi or Sith, these cookie cutter force users handed to anyone and everyone from the get go created little to no attachment to the character. Lastly the open world, who would of thunk it but how linear and oppressive could a Star Wars world get, well SWTOR oppressive I guess. No real space aspect to the game at all, Bio Ware's famous single player mind set of the game progression leading you by the nose down the path to Glory!


People left their other MMOs to have a chance to have an impact on the Star Wars world we all love. Instances here and instance there aside we would have hoped for our Galaxy to be a whole lot more sandboxie then what was given to use. Ask yourself really, what opportunities have you really given us the players to make a little part of this Galaxy as our own or have an impact to. All story orientated nothing MMO related! And the creativity on the end game boy's astounding, battle grounds and gear grinding... why not just not return to WOW where this was already well established and my dues paid. Trying to release essentially the same game platform with an already established game, especially one as big as WOW, just stupid. You where relying much to heavily on the bases that it is Star Wars.


I really could go on, with reference to many other MMO's and what at the time made them successful and SWTOR is lacking but I think I have made a point. And to those mental midgets who are all tying up right now "Oooh just go back to WOW" How many of you are still paying for your accounts? I am... and I swore I would never return to WOW when I left and have not go back on that. However I will not continue to support a game with no hope, and simple economics state that if this game is not growing and profiting the game that will be left with those 2 people overseeing the project will not be worth the time invested to play it. Something has to change, BIG and SOON or this game will wallow in its own demise with you Die Hards not understanding how those stupid Devs could fail you so badly and are not catering to you in your own little world where player population and generated revenues from expansions don't matter. Pull your head out of the galactic holes please!


Your post hit on every topic that this game has disappointed me with. After following this game for years after its announcement, the last year of actual play time has been heart breaking. How could a game with this much potential go so wrong? As a lifelong Star Wars and MMO fan I nearly died of excitement when this game was announced and now am dying of sadness from its many problems. Great post, I just wish it was in a better thread where other gamers and Devs might actually read it. A new expansion won't fix this game.

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