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Black hole weekly


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After deployment of this new patch I can't get the black hole weekly mission for the black hole coms. When I click on the mission it says not eligible for this mission. Funny that when I've been doing it for months wityh no previous problem. Same with my alts. They can't get it either.
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I just logged on post this latest patch....and headed to BH to take a look. Last week I was able to do it on one toon, then when I went with others it would say not eligible. Today, however, when I went to take a look I did not even see the weekly offered. It was removed from the list entirely.


First they make it trivial to avoid the long load into Corellia {by say going to Ilum and using that shuttle to BH} to get to BH....then they remove the weekly. I hope there is a process I can go through to get a refund for the legacy perk I wasted 150K on....as there is literally no reason for me to go the BH again. I mean sure....if all I had were one toon I might have time to run dailies on all planets, but with multiple 50s I do not have time to run dailies on them all....if at all most days.

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It's a bug


Black Hole weekly | 10.02.2012, 07:08 AM

Thanks for the reports, everyone. We've determined that there is definitely an issue with the availability of weekly missions right now (including the Black Hole weekly), and we're working on a a fix. We apologize for the inconvenience!

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