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Bioware - Please revamp the GTN completely


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Create a RIft and EverQuest 2 account and play around on their broker/auctioneers.


The search filter on the GTN is horrible and doesn't even work if you select "Any" as a tier of an item. Rather than fix it, your solution was to select "Standard"


One thing that would be extremely nice is to be able to right-click something in your inventory and have the GTN search for it. Rift does this and I can't begin to tell you how nice that feature is.


EverQuest 2 has a really nice filter system on their broker that lets you search for items with a specific stat (amongst other things)


The GTN truly feels like something that was thrown together at the last second and never finished. It's one of the reasons I don't spend time selling stuff on it and just vendor things so I don't have to deal with the GTN.

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Can't agree more. The GTN is a long and arduous process to sell items, that keeps you away from playing the game. The right click function of Rift, and the shift-click function of WoW, are both amazingly superior to SWTOR.


Right now, I have to examine my item, identify a unique word in the name, type it in, check the spelling (worst experience evah), correct the word, filter by item type (if available in the item description), and then finally select the search function. I just want to provide supplies and gear to fellow players at reasonable prices, but it wastes my time to do so.


I can make a lot more money questing, and it's a disservice to folks that enjoy trading with other players, or want to level their skills or twink their alts. And god forbid you want to sell items you've crafted, even at vendor prices. /sigh

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One feature that I'd like to see is that if I drop something in the window to sell it, the GTN should show me all the auctions for that item that are currently in the system, sorted by cost. That way I could see what things are selling for and know what to price my stuff at. As it is now, you have to go through a rediculous search process manually to see the price range.
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There was a list made up back in beta of everything ToR's GTN needed just to catch up to modern MMOs like Rift and WoW. Not to surpass them, but just to reach the same level of functionality offered in the main competition for ToR. That was the first, but far from the last time the issue was brought up.


We still don't have most of those features.


BioWare didn't take notice of the last umpteen threads on this topic, and they won't take notice of this one.


And with that, I'll remove my jaded self from the discussion.



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Been on WoW a lot this last week and the contrast between WoW's AH and SWToR's GTN is pretty stark. I know that I tend to not bother putting items on the GTN - have a cargo hold full of mats I could sell if I took a couple hours to research the prices and list them. I could take less time and not research the price (which is a pain given the searching capabilities) but then I'd probably have to redo all the sales in 48 hours anyway. On WoW's AH I took, and I'm not exaggerating, 10 minutes today to post over 10 different items (over 25 individual sales).


Biggest speed boosts to the process?

1. Being able to right click the name into the search field.

2. Auto-stack building. This is a big one for me. I like to offer crafting mats in smaller increments than 100. Having to do the right click and drag thing to build every stack - ugh. Being able to type number values into Units in Stack; Number of Stacks - easy peasy.

3. Being able to post multiple items in one action. (Some people go a little crazy with the single item sales, but having to retype all the prices if you want to sell multiple stacks is a pain in the butt.)


I hear (I haven't seen it myself) that EVE has an option to research past prices on a graph and post buy orders. Dear goodness, yes, please.

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I love the idea but i think it will not work for this game i am so sorry to say that !!
OK, seriously? Everyone who has posted on this thread has seen it work in other games. If you don't understand why it will work, you've just never played them.


If you actually have a reason why it won't work, please let us know. Otherwise, you've already said you don't believe it and you don't need to repeat yourself.

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