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Lord Draahg Round 4 in the future?


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We defeated him 3 times, seeing him fell into the reactor but he still came back as a much stronger cyborg Sith Lord, it's no doubt one of the most difficult fights in the whole SW class story.




If he

comes back again as a GG like cyborg

will it be funny or annoying?

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We defeated him 3 times, seeing him fell into the reactor but he still came back as a much stronger cyborg Sith Lord, it's no doubt one of the most difficult fights in the whole SW class story.




If he

comes back again as a GG like cyborg

will it be funny or annoying?



Annoying. If he survives, he won't this time for sure because I will CUT HIS FREAKIN HEAD OFF, SLICE HIM TO PIECES, THEN DUMP THE REMAINS INTO LAVA!!! LET'S SEE HIM SURVIVE THAT!!!


/rageMode off


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To me, he was kind of annoying, so I dunno... And he wasn't THAT though the second time, I killed him on the second try (and I expected him to lay waste on me a lot more times); heck, one of the elites on Voss was harder to beat.


If we must have a rival come back from the dead to fight us, I prefer Thana Vesh just so I can kill her again and mock her as she dies again.


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Darth Baras so we can have fun trolling him some more. Because trolling Darth Baras is 50% of the fun of playing a Sith Warrior.

I was planning on rolling another alt today and you just decided the class for me :D

I never took those Baras-trolling opportunities when leveling my 50 mara but by gods I'm going to now- even after I swore elsewhere in the forums that I'd never play a SW again...


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