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What about CC?


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I was wondering if we could get some answer from the dev.’s as to why they refuse to address the CC issue that so many complain about. I have known more people that quit this game because of cc and the effect is has on PvP. 1.4 did not address what so many people have been complaining about. Why not just double the CD for all stuns and reset the CC break on a death. Why can’t we get some explanation? Edited by Rhyn
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I was playing huttball today and noticed that I was stunned for what felt like 1/3 of the match. It's borderline unplayable. Too many stuns on too short a CD and the CD on the cure is 2 minutes? It's a mess. They also screwed up on balance because the same 2 classes are still OP and merc is still useless. Seems like TTK is down quite a bit as well, I cannot say why, maybe someone can help me out there.
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if resolve is going to work, it needs to build up faster. patch 1.4 effectively caused resolve to build more slowly. that's the major problem. it's not a question of CDs on stuns. the balancing mechanism (resolve) was designed in such a way as to not care about the CDs on stuns.
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You guys apparently didn't notice the shortened range on some stuns?


Anyway, I like the way CC works in this game. Have you considered that they leave it roughly how it is because the extreme stun haters are just a vocal minority? Maybe most people are fine with it, but you wouldn't notice since people generally don't come to a forum to make posts titled "Here's a list of things I'm okay with".

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You guys apparently didn't notice the shortened range on some stuns?


Not to mention that resolve starts to diminish after the stun wears off, instead of right when it's applied.


Stuns are not the problem. The fact that you can't survive a stun is the problem. Burst needs to be nerfed and health pools need to be buffed.


There is some wisdom here. People get killed while they are stunned and think it's the stun that killed them. It wasn't. Being focused killed you. What's that, you're a marauder and you were going to pop one of your many cooldowns, but you couldn't because you were stunned?


Ah I see, it's Bioware's fault that you are not more proactive with your cooldowns. Yes, it's definitely not a L2P issue.


(Full disclosure, as a Guardian with unremitting, about 50% of stuns aimed at me are wasted. Fuller disclosure: in competitive games, good players wait to stun me, and I still don't think there's too much cc.)

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