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SW:TCW "Revival" discussion


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Amazing Episode.


A little disappointed because I kept waiting for Palpatine, I could have sworn they said he was going to fight them in the pilot. But Obi-wan taking on Maul and Savage was awesome.



We finally got to see some real Obi-wan ******ery, that we really haven't seen anywhere except in novels.


And one of the reasons I love TCW is because they execute the Independent Faction of SW(Pirates, Scumbags, etc) so perfectly like we know it from the EU.



Anyway, I liked the episode allot.

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IMO it was very boring, and highly predictable. I was not surprised when: Adi Galia (w/e spelling) was killed..but getting killed by a head stab and then saber impale..wow what a stupid way to make a character WHO IS ALIVE IN EP III die....


I believe the end of the episode forshadowed the CT-1313 episode / promo for the game, 1313. Palpatine does fight Maul and Savage, but that isn't until the Mandalorian focussed arc.


Overall this was a boring season premier with obvious predictable events.

Edited by Eillack
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IMO it was very boring, and highly predictable. I was not surprised when: Adi Galia (w/e spelling) was killed..but getting killed by a head stab and then saber impale..wow what a stupid way to make a character WHO IS ALIVE IN EP III die....


I believe the end of the episode forshadowed the CT-1313 episode / promo for the game, 1313. Palpatine does fight Maul and Savage, but that isn't until the Mandalorian focussed arc.


Overall this was a boring season premier with obvious predictable events.


You predicted that Jedi's Death?

You predicted Maul loosing a leg and Savage loosing a arm?

You predicted that the pirates would turn on Maul?

Did you predict Obi-wan facing Maul and Savage and winning?



I think you must be a psychic because I honestly did not even think about those things happening

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You predicted that Jedi's Death?

You predicted Maul loosing a leg and Savage loosing a arm?

You predicted that the pirates would turn on Maul?

Did you predict Obi-wan facing Maul and Savage and winning?



I think you must be a psychic because I honestly did not even think about those things happening


Nope, if I was psychic I'd probably be rich by now. It's called poor writing.

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IMO it was very boring, and highly predictable. I was not surprised when: Adi Galia (w/e spelling) was killed..but getting killed by a head stab and then saber impale..wow what a stupid way to make a character WHO IS ALIVE IN EP III die....


I believe the end of the episode forshadowed the CT-1313 episode / promo for the game, 1313. Palpatine does fight Maul and Savage, but that isn't until the Mandalorian focussed arc.


Overall this was a boring season premier with obvious predictable events.


Adi Galia wasn't in Ep. 3. She was killed in the EU before then by Grevious and TCW her a better death.

Edited by BrandonSM
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Adi Galia wasn't in Ep. 3. She was killed in the EU before then by Grevious and TCW her a better death.


Then I guess Ep III was the first to pull a "TCW" using a dead character.


But anyway lovin the attempt to change the poor writing subject, it was just my honest opinion, not my fault TCW has been like this for a couple of seasons. :rolleyes:

Edited by Eillack
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I disliked the episode.

1. I'm still upset about Maul returning. He has been resurrected too many times. He needs to stay dead.

2. Savage Oppress is overpowered. Yes, he has been imbued with Mother Talzin's magic, but he hasn't even had a year of training and he's killing Jedi Masters who have trained their entire lives. I understand sometimes raw power is great, but that is just ridiculous.


I'm still miffed over the death of Even Piell. So now throwing in ANOTHER death of a Jedi who has a previously established death??? It makes me sick. Adi Gallia, like Even Piell has been killed in other works. I realize this is George Lucas' galaxy and he's letting all of us dabble in it, but I would really appreciate some respect for other people's work. My blood is seriously boiling over this.


4. And last, it was kind of poor writing. There were two things I was pleased to see. First was the reappearance of the pirates. I love Jedi and the Force and could read about them all day long, but too often we get wrapped up in that world and don't pay enough attention to the non-Force users in the galaxy. Second was the injury of Maul and Savage. It showed they were a little more vulnerable than previous thought and not just invincible powerhouses.


Just my two cents here.

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You predicted that Jedi's Death?

You predicted Maul loosing a leg and Savage loosing a arm?

You predicted that the pirates would turn on Maul?

Did you predict Obi-wan facing Maul and Savage and winning?



I think you must be a psychic because I honestly did not even think about those things happening


To be fair, I predicted this too. Anyone who analyzed the trailers and videos they have been releasing could have predicted this.


For part 1: It became apparent after that chalk artist at Celebration VI put targeting reticules on about 9 or so characters, including Gallia, Ahsoka, and Rex with a caption saying "Who will survive?" or something to that effect. That alone made it predictable when combined with the fact we see the episode's duel in teasers for a while now.


For part 2: I have noticed Savage has had a new robot arm in almost every teaser video he has been in, which made it obvious. The same with Maul when his outfit changed and it appeared that he got his old legs back, implying his robot ones were destroyed/replaced.


For part 3: Yes since we have not seen any pirates in Maul's teasers and only seen Death Watch allying with him.


For part 4: This would be the iffy statement but considering part 2, it would be apparent at least both parties would be injured and retreating, if not the villains getting destroyed and be forced to run away.

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You predicted that Jedi's Death?

You predicted Maul loosing a leg and Savage loosing a arm?

You predicted that the pirates would turn on Maul?

Did you predict Obi-wan facing Maul and Savage and winning?



I think you must be a psychic because I honestly did not even think about those things happening


I've been saying Savage was going to kill Gallia for weeks.... Kenobi fighting the duo and living to the tell the tale....um...ROTS and ANH?


I liked it....mostly cuz of Hondo.....


Also at least Maul won't have those Grievous legs much longer.

Edited by CassusVerda
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To be fair, I predicted this too. Anyone who analyzed the trailers and videos they have been releasing could have predicted this.


For part 1: It became apparent after that chalk artist at Celebration VI put targeting reticules on about 9 or so characters, including Gallia, Ahsoka, and Rex with a caption saying "Who will survive?" or something to that effect. That alone made it predictable when combined with the fact we see the episode's duel in teasers for a while now.


For part 2: I have noticed Savage has had a new robot arm in almost every teaser video he has been in, which made it obvious. The same with Maul when his outfit changed and it appeared that he got his old legs back, implying his robot ones were destroyed/replaced.


For part 3: Yes since we have not seen any pirates in Maul's teasers and only seen Death Watch allying with him.


For part 4: This would be the iffy statement but considering part 2, it would be apparent at least both parties would be injured and retreating, if not the villains getting destroyed and be forced to run away.



Seeing Videos and Clips is different. Elliack was saying he/she could tell what was happening from the poor writing which I find it unbelievable.


And as for the person saying Savage is going to kill Galia? We knew she was going to die but how did you know it was Savage and Not Maul or any of the Mandalorians that would kill her?

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Seeing Videos and Clips is different. Elliack was saying he/she could tell what was happening from the poor writing which I find it unbelievable.


And as for the person saying Savage is going to kill Galia? We knew she was going to die but how did you know it was Savage and Not Maul or any of the Mandalorians that would kill her?


I'M PSYCHIC B****! Jk.


Leaks. I heard it on the internet, that and the possible kill list they leaked kind of confirmed it. Gallia is a background Jedi character. which kind of means she is the most likely on the list to die.


Just because your not in the know doesn't mean I'm not. Which is why I'm an Agent. :p



I also know Maul is going to kill Pre Vizsla over a power dispute.

Though I hope Satine dies......Damn New Mandalorians



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Seeing Videos and Clips is different. Elliack was saying he/she could tell what was happening from the poor writing which I find it unbelievable.


And as for the person saying Savage is going to kill Galia? We knew she was going to die but how did you know it was Savage and Not Maul or any of the Mandalorians that would kill her?


Oh I'm a male :p


Yes, the videos, etc helped; but I could predict most of the obvious factors because of said writing yes.


Doesn't take any skill to see what will happen when a crapload of foreshadowing and "redshirt" elements are in play.

Edited by Eillack
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Did anyone notice that Palpatine and Yoda are sporting a new, slicked back hair style? :p

Great episode anyway, didn't expect Savage to lose an arm and Maul a leg (loved that green misty blood effect) nor Adi Gallia to die (Ok, i had my suspicions) Is Savage a bit overpowered? Maybe, his lightsaber style is still pretty sloppy though.


I also noticed in the preview for the next episode that Anakin says 'most impressive' - love those Vader moments!

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Yeah, it looks like Maul gets Palps' attention, and he goes to deal with them... personally.





I don't think Ahsoka's being buried at the funeral. It looks like she's standing beside Anakin and Obi-wan. Eeth Koth is there, too.


Yep - I always had a feeling that it would be Sidious that would be Maul's ultimate demise.....

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