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hero engine, or should they of made there own engine ??


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hero engine is a good engine, but i think they should of made there own so it would be up to the standers that they needed to this game. i program very similar to hero engine in university, and it is very limited when u want to run programs that do not go with there coding. cross realm , finder, stuff like this go against their coding so it will tack month longer to do a what takes a week. if they made there own they would be able to fix the bugs in record time then trying to find a way that it will work with a out dated engine.


SO what do u think they should of done

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What BioWare did do and what they should have NOT done is use the HeroEngine when it was NOT even optimized 100%. I dunno if there's anything they can do about it now (I highly doubt it), but now OPvP is near impossible as 5–10 Sith Sorcs on the screen using Force Storm equals a lag-fest.


They thought buying the HeroEngine when it wasn't near complete, thinking they could optimize it themselves for the TORtanic would be great... look at it now. :rolleyes:

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The guys who wrote the Hero Engine had a staff of 25 people. Bioware (reportedly) had 800 at its peak.


Do you really think the tiny shop that wrote the Hero engine originally had anywhere near the staff, budget or resources, to do better than Bioware could?


I don't.

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It's a heavily modified version of the Hero engine and the game can look good maxed out on a good rig but the engine is still way too limited. For instance, the engine couldn't handle Ilum, whereas a game like Guild Wars 2 can handle a huge WvWvW scenario with hundreds of people. TOR will never see something like this. Not because the Devs don't listen, but the Devs are simply crippled by the limitations of the Hero engine, so even if they wanted to do this, they can't because the Hero engine doesn't allow them to.


Kinda crazy the budget this game had, and they end up skimping on the most important part of the game for its future. IMO, they should have used a modified Unreal engine similar to what they used for Mass Effect. That would be epic.

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The guys who wrote the Hero Engine had a staff of 25 people. Bioware (reportedly) had 800 at its peak.


Do you really think the tiny shop that wrote the Hero engine originally had anywhere near the staff, budget or resources, to do better than Bioware could?


I don't.


most of the staff at EAware were support staff, ie customer service, maintenance and PR.

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Right. Support and Customer service for a game that was still in DEVELOPMENT?! Nah lol


actually you'd be surprised what companies do, for starters the Customer Service crew would have to be trained. Maintenance doesn't always mean game maintence (think about EAware HQ and how many rooms there are). Simple logic mate.

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It's a heavily modified version of the Hero engine and the game can look good maxed out on a good rig but the engine is still way too limited. For instance, the engine couldn't handle Ilum, whereas a game like Guild Wars 2 can handle a huge WvWvW scenario with hundreds of people. TOR will never see something like this. Not because the Devs don't listen, but the Devs are simply crippled by the limitations of the Hero engine, so even if they wanted to do this, they can't because the Hero engine doesn't allow them to.


Kinda crazy the budget this game had, and they end up skimping on the most important part of the game for its future. IMO, they should have used a modified Unreal engine similar to what they used for Mass Effect. That would be epic.


The engine can do whatever they make it do. They have full access to the engine's code. They reportedly only picked the Hero Engine because they really liked the development tools it offered, not for its completeness. It can't even be considered the Hero Engine with any accuracy anymore.


Could they have gone with a more complete engine? Sure. Are there still many issues with what they're currently using? Yes. Are they stuck with current limitations because of the engine they chose? Nope, not in the slightest.


The trouble is actually making those optimizations and improvements, which they have been slowly doing over time.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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The engine can do whatever they make it do. They have full access to the engine's code. They reportedly only picked the Hero Engine because they really liked the development tools it offered, not for its completeness.


Are they stuck with current limitations because of the engine they chose? Nope, not in the slightest.


I'll believe it when I see it. So far most updates are just small, instanced content like new warzones and flashpoints and some graphical settings like high-res textures and improved shadows which should have been there from day 1 anyway.


Give us some open world PvP, cross-server PvP, anything with a large amount of people in an area without 10 FPS and then I'll see they are making progress with the engine.

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The guys who wrote the Hero Engine had a staff of 25 people. Bioware (reportedly) had 800 at its peak.


Do you really think the tiny shop that wrote the Hero engine originally had anywhere near the staff, budget or resources, to do better than Bioware could?


I don't.


You think that BW had 800 game programers? It just means 800 staff, and some who probably never did any programming.


According to outside and unreliable information which was semi confirmed by BW talking about their past mistakes in bad organization, is that they also hired a lot of out side help, which was argued by non reliable info (the louse) as temps... but BW says they hired outside guys while trying to set up thier management... but kept the guys they hired. So it seems ambigious as to what happened, but they were not organized, and 800 of their permanent staff are not programmers.


So having 25 programmers can be more beneficial to producing the target project of an engine, without substituting groups of programmers who also seem to be fresh uni students compared 25 programmers with years of experience.


They should have just got the guys making the hero engine on board with them, since it seems the BW swtor engine has some issues, and considering the amount of money pooled for this game its ridiculous. I personally have an alright experience with the game but not being able to do open world pvp with others and being limited in that way due to the engine limitations is a huge fail.

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hero engine is a good engine, but i think they should of made there own so it would be up to the standers that they needed to this game. i program very similar to hero engine in university, and it is very limited when u want to run programs that do not go with there coding. cross realm , finder, stuff like this go against their coding so it will tack month longer to do a what takes a week. if they made there own they would be able to fix the bugs in record time then trying to find a way that it will work with a out dated engine.


SO what do u think they should of done




If you're lucky there maybe a poster willing to give you $200,000,000 to make SWTOR 2. :)

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hero engine is a good engine, but i think they should of made there own so it would be up to the standers that they needed to this game. i program very similar to hero engine in university, and it is very limited when u want to run programs that do not go with there coding. cross realm , finder, stuff like this go against their coding so it will tack month longer to do a what takes a week. if they made there own they would be able to fix the bugs in record time then trying to find a way that it will work with a out dated engine.


SO what do u think they should of done


Bioware got the source code of hero. That means that they can do (technically) whatever they want with it. If they need better interfaces or tools they can add them.

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If you're lucky there maybe a poster willing to give you $200,000,000 to make SWTOR 2. :)


The era kinda is too foriegn. At this point another SW game has to be something familiar. ANd therefore something within the timeline of the movies.


Swtor is probably making sw fans not like sw as much as they used too if they dont like how swtor did not live up to thier expectations while removing swg. So, having more of the same even for sw fans will not be thier cup of tea, and therefore has to be something different than swtor but also for casual fans of the genre something familiar.


I personally like that swtor is not from the same timeline as the movies. Thats just me personally. However, if there was another SW MMO it would need a different timeline, and considering that swtor is a recent good or bad thing, it needs to be different enough from swtor. Possibly an actual sand box SWG MMO with a better engine and graphics... but with some story elements, and boss encounters. It would be nice to have large scale pvp, and a similuated reality of a galaxy far far away. But its also nice to have the themepark... but the rides in the themepark feel old, and thats the problem with themeparks in general... that the repeatablity is limited to the grind, or playing alts. There is no concequence or alternative game play... for example like pvp (swoop racing, pazaak) with money involved. It would be a nice new dimension added to swtor, including player bounties.

Edited by VegaPhone
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The hero engine is one of the main reasons the game will fail. It's not optimized, not even fully understood by the devs, and worse and most damning it is just not adaptable.


We need someone from NASA on thier spare time do us a huge favor and fix the hero engine. And while they are it, add day night cycles.


I think it would be personally epic and fitting to think that NASA helped to calculate day and night cycles for swtor. It would make this game epic on a whole new level, and how NASA is helping to inspire young minds of the future and reach for the stars... and beyond.


*single tear

Edited by VegaPhone
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The era kinda is too foriegn. At this point another SW game has to be something familiar. ANd therefore something within the timeline of the movies.


Swtor is probably making sw fans not like sw as much as they used too if they dont like how swtor did not live up to thier expectations while removing swg. So, having more of the same even for sw fans will not be thier cup of tea, and therefore has to be something different than swtor but also for casual fans of the genre something familiar.


I personally like that swtor is not from the same timeline as the movies. Thats just me personally. However, if there was another SW MMO it would need a different timeline, and considering that swtor is a recent good or bad thing, it needs to be different enough from swtor. Possibly an actual sand box SWG MMO with a better engine and graphics... but with some story elements, and boss encounters. It would be nice to have large scale pvp, and a similuated reality of a galaxy far far away. But its also nice to have the themepark... but the rides in the themepark feel old, and thats the problem with themeparks in general... that the repeatablity is limited to the grind, or playing alts. There is no concequence or alternative game play... for example like pvp (swoop racing, pazaak) with money involved. It would be a nice new dimension added to swtor, including player bounties.


i love the story line to, with there was more of it..

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We need someone from NASA on thier spare time do us a huge favor and fix the hero engine. And while they are it, add day night cycles.


I think it would be personally epic and fitting to think that NASA helped to calculate day and night cycles for swtor. It would make this game epic on a whole new level, and how NASA is helping to inspire young minds of the future and reach for the stars... and beyond.


*single tear

The same NASA that crashlanded with one of their probes to mars because someone forgot metric vs imperial conversations?

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maybe most of the planets are Binary Stars systems or more.. in our own galaxy at lest half are binary or more


33% are I think, (with about 50-60% of that 33% having the possiblity of habitable planets), but a binary system would still have a day/night cycle of some sort unless it was very oddly set up.

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The only reason there is no Day/Night cycle is because they want everyone when they land on Korriban to have the same sight of the sun half setting over the Sith temple. They said as much in the early dev videos. They always want it Sunny on Tat, Beautiful on Alderaann... etc. But the cost of this one time first impression is that the worlds feel static and frozen.
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