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1.4 and our PT Pyros...


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I haven't had the chance to log in since 1.4 went live, but I've been through the patch notes and some of the discussions on the forums. A few questions for you PVP'ers:


1) How significantly have the range nerfs altered your playstyle, if at all? Outside of my "opener", I find myself within 10M anyway almost all of the time. I'm usually saving my stun for my Sentinel friends anyway...


2) I read (not in patch notes, I don' think) that TD and ED were on separate cooldowns. True? And does the range nerf on TD also apply to ED? If not, do you find yourself using ED instead?


3) If the range nerf on TD significantly impacted your playstyle and you use ED instead, have you in turn left the full 31 point build and spent the points in other trees?


4) Finally, have any of you re-specced into AP because of the changes to both trees, and if so, some general thoughts on the contrast in styles?


I appreciate any constructive comments. If you feel the urge to QQ about the PT changes, go find another thread. I, and am sure others, are just looking to adapt and get better.

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I haven't had the chance to log in since 1.4 went live, but I've been through the patch notes and some of the discussions on the forums. A few questions for you PVP'ers:


1) How significantly have the range nerfs altered your playstyle, if at all? Outside of my "opener", I find myself within 10M anyway almost all of the time. I'm usually saving my stun for my Sentinel friends anyway...


2) I read (not in patch notes, I don' think) that TD and ED were on separate cooldowns. True? And does the range nerf on TD also apply to ED? If not, do you find yourself using ED instead?


3) If the range nerf on TD significantly impacted your playstyle and you use ED instead, have you in turn left the full 31 point build and spent the points in other trees?


4) Finally, have any of you re-specced into AP because of the changes to both trees, and if so, some general thoughts on the contrast in styles?


I appreciate any constructive comments. If you feel the urge to QQ about the PT changes, go find another thread. I, and am sure others, are just looking to adapt and get better.


I didn't get any play time on PT either, but here's what I expect and seems to be the general feedback.


1. Open outside of 10m with explosive dart.


2. Separate CD's and explosive dart is still a 30m attack


3. Seems like it's mostly going to be used as an opener and then back to normal tactics. Not much has changed except for our ability to do more damage WHILE closing the gap.


4. While I have NEVER tried AP... it seems like we'll be seeing a lot more of it in PvP. From most of the feedback it appears as if it's performing on par with Pyro.

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About tactics (or AP for BH I guess), most people who have played it before like it better now. We got two buffs, decreasing the max stacks of pulse generator from 5 to 3, allowing you to get it maxed more often, and an increase in damage reduction when stunned AND from aoe. I am pretty happy with it, and from what others are saying they are happy with it as well.


As far as assault (or pyro) goes, there are a lot of vocal complainers, but most people for PvP are ok with it. Sticky grenade's range is still 30 meters, only assault plastiques has gone down to 10m. Some people are saying that incindiary round is now "situational" given its range and ammo cost, but if i roll back to Assault i'll use it. This is mostly because when i looked at my damage parsers, i got a good percentage ol damage from the DoTs, especially when fighting those below 30% health. Alot of people are saying now they throw sticky grenade then close the distance with hammer shot, HiB (rail shot i think) if possible, then assault plastique (they dont share a cooldown anymore), and ion pulse when they get with in 10 meters, and Hib again when it procs.


The biggest complaint i have, well its not a complaint actually, more like an observation, is that the range decrease on cryo grenade sometimes requires a playstyle change. Not that big of a deal really, but sucks in huttball for those long distance flame pit stuns!


Most people are simply like "well i had to be with in 10m anyway to be the most effective, so no biggie". You will always have complainers, but so far i dont find the changes to be "game breaking" or "game changing". If you had 400K dps averages on sunday you'll have 400k dps averages today.


I personally think the changes were warranted if for no other reason than vanguard/BH dps where designed to be a mid range dps, and it was kinda silly to let us be able to do so much damage from so far away as an opener. But thats just my opinion.


Anyways good luck to you and i hope this helps.

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1) ED or Sticky Grenade is the new opener when closing in. The range nerfs just make it harder to kill Sorcs and Snipers. You can still kill them, but now you have to work for it. I find myself using harpoon a lot more as an opener when it's up because trying to close the initial gap could lead to you being at 50% when you finally get to engage against some players (the good ones lol). You basically now have to think more when trying to run up on someone.


2) True, no longer on same CD. ED or SG doesn't do a large amount of dmg. It's mediocre. Using it as the opener is fine. But trying to fit it into rotation is a bit difficult and has lead me to ammo management issues. If Harpoon is down I will open with the SG and continue with my old rotation when in range from now on. I will use it on kiters as well. It has not increased my "dmg done" in WZs so far.


3) Still 31 points in. AP/TD hits way too hard for you not to get it. The only thing the rng nerf has changed, is the initial burst. It will take longer for it to happen since you have to be right up on someone. I've been playing an assault commando since launch and I'm just so used to being range that when I started the VG I still played the same and only closed the gap when needed. Now on the VG it plays like a true melee.


4) Tactics is great. I only recently changed my VG over to Assault. Before that I leveled all the way up with Tactics/AP and kept the same spec after because of the survivability it had and being able to smush mara's and assassins with no effort. I will continue to play assault for now but if I see that Tactics is performing better I will switch back.

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As far as assault (or pyro) goes, there are a lot of vocal complainers, but most people for PvP are ok with it. Sticky grenade's range is still 30 meters, only assault plastiques has gone down to 10m. Some people are saying that incindiary round is now "situational" given its range and ammo cost, but if i roll back to Assault i'll use it. This is mostly because when i looked at my damage parsers, i got a good percentage ol damage from the DoTs, especially when fighting those below 30% health. Alot of people are saying now they throw sticky grenade then close the distance with hammer shot, HiB (rail shot i think) if possible, then assault plastique (they dont share a cooldown anymore), and ion pulse when they get with in 10 meters, and Hib again when it procs.


I like the rotation you describe as SG (ED) and AP (TD) are now on separate cooldowns. I don't use IR (IM) all that often as I seem to have good luck getting my burns with my HS (RS), and by the time I'm within IP (FB) and SS (RP) ranges, I'm resetting the proc for another RS (HiB). I've always viewed IR (IM) as simply a proc "inducer". With your parses, perhaps I ought to look at it as a bigger source of my DPS? For me, perhaps the nerfs are a gift to change things up? Will play with these tonight. Appreciate the feedback.

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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards

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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards



"Marauders cannot do Rapid Shots, that is their major weakness!"


"Want to try and plant that bomb on the door? Click. No. Rapid Shots. Can't. Plant. On door."



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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards




You never roll a marauder... marauders... can't.. do.... rapid shots. :D

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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards



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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards

Aw man, now ur gonna get us nerfed again :(


Btw you owe me a new keyboard, got coffee in mine due to laughter!

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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards


Looks like Im bringing my Vanguard out of retirement.

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I haven't had the chance to log in since 1.4 went live, but I've been through the patch notes and some of the discussions on the forums. A few questions for you PVP'ers:


1) How significantly have the range nerfs altered your playstyle, if at all? Outside of my "opener", I find myself within 10M anyway almost all of the time. I'm usually saving my stun for my Sentinel friends anyway...


2) I read (not in patch notes, I don' think) that TD and ED were on separate cooldowns. True? And does the range nerf on TD also apply to ED? If not, do you find yourself using ED instead?


3) If the range nerf on TD significantly impacted your playstyle and you use ED instead, have you in turn left the full 31 point build and spent the points in other trees?


4) Finally, have any of you re-specced into AP because of the changes to both trees, and if so, some general thoughts on the contrast in styles?


I appreciate any constructive comments. If you feel the urge to QQ about the PT changes, go find another thread. I, and am sure others, are just looking to adapt and get better.


1.Only time it matters is on huttball


2. I use TD and not ED because rapid shots does more damage then it and can also proc CGC whereas ED can not.


3. The range reductions aren't that relevant considering 80% of classes are guardians and sentinels anyways.


4. lol. no.

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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards


Damn it, my vanguard can't do rapid shots! >:(

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I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards



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1) How significantly have the range nerfs altered your playstyle, if at all? Outside of my "opener", I find myself within 10M anyway almost all of the time. I'm usually saving my stun for my Sentinel friends anyway...


I find myself hoofing it to targets constantly, the nerf to snare made it significantly more difficult to catch a smart opponent. Only after the combat has settled do I start to get my real damage in. The ranged kite me, and my slow isn't enough to kite melee.


2) I read (not in patch notes, I don' think) that TD and ED were on separate cooldowns. True? And does the range nerf on TD also apply to ED? If not, do you find yourself using ED instead?


I tried it when I heard this, felt like a waste of gcds and heat. Hits for sticks, moved it off bar.


3) If the range nerf on TD significantly impacted your playstyle and you use ED instead, have you in turn left the full 31 point build and spent the points in other trees?


I took Incendiary missile off my bar, it doesn't do anything that another flamblast won't do better. ED gets used when Explosive Fuel is up. Probably going to spec out of it.


4) Finally, have any of you re-specced into AP because of the changes to both trees, and if so, some general thoughts on the contrast in styles?


Going to try and make the Pyro work before I try to learn a whole new spec.

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