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Free +10 Datacron access on Harbinger!


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On September 30th, Order Sixty-Five (Formally Blue Harvest from Drooga's Pleasure Barge) will be hosting free access to the +10 Datacron!


All you need to do is show up at 7:00 PM PST on your level 45+ character at the Museum on the Gav Daragon. We will guide you through a few steps that will allow you to get access to the +10 Datacron. Please be ready to listen to instructions and be patient!


If you have any questions, please contact Jazzlyn (me), CoFluffy, or ask any Order Sixty-Five member.


Note: You will NOT need the red crystal from Axial Park on Corellia or the MGS gun. You only need the blue crystal from the Museum on the Gav Daragon, we will have someone available to direct you to it.

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Elara's Lust is also planning this event but ours is supposed to start @ 7:30pm PST as there are some who can't make it till that time. If you want to join forces, feel free to message me in game via tells or email on Fyonna. :)


We're already going to be working with Elysium since we helped them with their's the week before.. but if there's room without taking up to many spots, we'll probably be glad for the help.

Edited by TaylaEwa
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Already have it, just wanted to give all of you a shout out for doing this. Awesome.


Plus I regularly see IMP guilds charging 75k for the same service. My personality doesn't change when I play an "evil" toon in a video game, but apparently for some people...


Was going to ask if there were IMP guilds or peeps who could/do help out with this on the Ziost Shadow...would love to grab this this week. Never knew about it till i saw this post. Looks really difficult.

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We're already going to be working with Elysium since we helped them with their's the week before.. but if there's room without taking up to many spots, we'll probably be glad for the help.


What is the toons name that your going on so that I know who to contact if we need more people to help out? As we only have 5 people signed up so far, but we've also been having website issues the last week so there may be more coming, not sure. I'll be on Hiddenlust. And also ours doesn't start until 7:30pm PST (9:30pm CST). See ya in game! :)

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Was going to ask if there were IMP guilds or peeps who could/do help out with this on the Ziost Shadow...would love to grab this this week. Never knew about it till i saw this post. Looks really difficult.


If you get a group going send me a tell on my imp toon please to see if I'm on & can help with it, I need it on that side too! Imp toons names are Smexyisme, Hælstorm (H alt 145 lstorm), & horni'wub. Thanks! :)

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