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Top 10 "Quality of Life" ideas BETTER than /mood:


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01. Option to unify colors permanently so whenever a chest is changed the rest automatically unify


02. Tattoo/piercing/hairstyle/etc options, and not just at creation but at any time, and why are certain makeup options only available with specific tattoos (ie Twi'lek)?


03. One-button gear switching (ie. from PvP to PvE and vice-versa)


04. Option for left-handed characters (you have a lefty Jedi and Commando in the SWTOR loading screen)


05. Legacy Vault (like a guild vault but for all my toons so I don't have to keep mailing materials back and forth)


06. One-button spec switching (ie. from DPS to Heals)


07. In addition to the regular ones, have numbered targeting icons (so instead of saying "flame then star then bolt" just focus fire in-sequence


08. In the start of a PvP match, every player has a "ready" button so once the team is full and if everyone indicates that they're "ready" we don't have to sit around waiting for the announcer to finish their speech and we can get right to it


09. Have a concede/forfeit vote option in PvP


10. More PvP incentives to fight in open-world locations (ie Tatooine)


I would think most of these would all be probably just as easy to implement as the /mood options but far more useful and desired.

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Number 11: Frag**** GUILDSHIPS! They would add a lot of flavour to guilds, not having to mass up on the station to start warzones, trade, or just simply roleplay a little. Also there could be game modes oriented to this kind of scenario (like Guild vs Guild battles in which GuildCapital ships being atacked and having to defend or attack the other ship), not to mention space combate needs some love. I mean, rail shooter was fine in the first months of the game but who the hell plays those missions now (even with new tooms)? I know theres a new space mission comming... but its only the same dog with a different collar.




Thank you ^_^

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01. Option to unify colors permanently so whenever a chest is changed the rest automatically unify


02. Tattoo/piercing/hairstyle/etc options, and not just at creation but at any time, and why are certain makeup options only available with specific tattoos (ie Twi'lek)?


03. One-button gear switching (ie. from PvP to PvE and vice-versa)


04. Option for left-handed characters (you have a lefty Jedi and Commando in the SWTOR loading screen)


05. Legacy Vault (like a guild vault but for all my toons so I don't have to keep mailing materials back and forth)


06. One-button spec switching (ie. from DPS to Heals)


07. In addition to the regular ones, have numbered targeting icons (so instead of saying "flame then star then bolt" just focus fire in-sequence


08. In the start of a PvP match, every player has a "ready" button so once the team is full and if everyone indicates that they're "ready" we don't have to sit around waiting for the announcer to finish their speech and we can get right to it


09. Have a concede/forfeit vote option in PvP


10. More PvP incentives to fight in open-world locations (ie Tatooine)


I would think most of these would all be probably just as easy to implement as the /mood options but far more useful and desired.


I like all of these ideas, too bad the previous poster disagrees.

I love the idea for left handed characters, I am left handed in real life so itd be nice to be able to reflect that on some of my characters. (although not my ranged characters that wield two-handed weapons, as i am right handed for that.)

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PetFish, you listed so many one button things but where to put them?

More action bars as pt 0! :)



These suggestions don't need to take up any quickbar slots.


01. Button next to Unify Colors

02. Probably the least "easy" idea to implement

03. Gear Package 1, Gear Package 2, Gear Package 3, etc tabs or dropdowns on character sheet

04. Button on character sheet or at least an option at character creation

05. The Guild Bank feature is already coded so I'd imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to implement

06. Spec 1, Spec 2, Spec 3, etc tabs or dropdowns on skill tree

07. Just have to make graphics for the numbers and add them to the current right-click target menu

08. Put a little toggle icon on player frame portrait

09. Right-click player frame portrait and call for a concede vote

10. More comms or open-world-specific comms for specific open-world items or whatever



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I like some of the OP ideas and some I see as pointless as the mood options. But that just goes to show you cant please all the people all the time. However you can upset all the people all the time by putting in really naff things that no one wants. I think the RP community wants Speach bubbles not moods, which I dont even think work on half the species as I cant tell what mood I have changed my toons to, he looks exactly the same.
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01. Option to unify colors permanently so whenever a chest is changed the rest automatically unify




02. Tattoo/piercing/hairstyle/etc options, and not just at creation but at any time, and why are certain makeup options only available with specific tattoos (ie Twi'lek)?


It would be nice, but this is not a "small quality of life improvement, but rather a huge addition to the game


03. One-button gear switching (ie. from PvP to PvE and vice-versa) YES!


04. Option for left-handed characters (you have a lefty Jedi and Commando in the SWTOR loading screen)


I vote no, simply because I feel it's unimportant and not worth the time that could be spent on other things.


05. Legacy Vault (like a guild vault but for all my toons so I don't have to keep mailing materials back and forth)



06. One-button spec switching (ie. from DPS to Heals)



07. In addition to the regular ones, have numbered targeting icons (so instead of saying "flame then star then bolt" just focus fire in-sequence

Agreed, we need more target icons. I believe a dev said as much, actually


08. In the start of a PvP match, every player has a "ready" button so once the team is full and if everyone indicates that they're "ready" we don't have to sit around waiting for the announcer to finish their speech and we can get right to it

Nah, this will only ensure that pugs NEVER discuss strategy, instead of only rarely discussing it


09. Have a concede/forfeit vote option in PvP

Instead of quitting or medal farming, people will forfeit at the first sign of defeat. We need to focus on giving underdogs more incentive to try and more tools to win, not less


10. More PvP incentives to fight in open-world locations (ie Tatooine)

Sure, but this is a major concept issue, not a small QoL change!


I would think most of these would all be probably just as easy to implement as the /mood options but far more useful and desired.


Responses in red. Some nice ideas.

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The original post has some great ideas and most could be easily implimented. LarryRow does make some good points in areas to be cautious but overall there are great ideas! Take a look Bioware :D Edited by Kushluk_
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I don't read the forums often, but I guess I missed all the "we want moods" posts. Can anyone actually see their "mood?" It doesn't show up in your portrait. I have to whirl the camera around, dip it way down and zoom in (under the hood that won't go down) to even see the mood. Maybe it shows up in the FP convos? How would I know because everyone is so sick of doing the same 7 FPs that the first word in party chat is usually, "SPACEBAR!!!". I do know that Jaesa still gives herself brain cancer regularly and Khem goes around fleet stabbing people with his sword. I don't PVP because my PVE gear isn't good enough and I'm not willing to grind out a whole separate leveling process playing Huttball to get good PVP gear -- and I still would have taken the OP's entire list over /mood.


Thank you, that is all.

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