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Anyone else dissapointed in the server maintenance times tonite?


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I've been at the office all day and was looking forward to getting in a few hours tonite- looks like it aint happening with the maintenance. 7-12 EST? That just sucks. All the other times are the middle of the night (early AM for the EU) - I know launch is tomorrow, but I'm just voicing my disappointment.
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Everyone seems to expect a huge influx of players at midnight... but why?


The game isn't technically "out" yet, but anyone who would've wanted to play could have already, so I may be wrong, but I don't foresee a huge change in player numbers.


It may not be out until tomorrow, but not just anyone could've played over the last couple of days. Only those who were approved for early access could. So those who waited too late to pre-order or decided to wait until after the game launched to order the game, they wouldn't have been allowed to log in during early access.


It is a decent assumption to think that there will be a lot of people logging in tonight - vacationers and college students off for the holidays especially since they don't have to work or go to school tomorrow. Then there are all the little kiddies that have probably 2 weeks off from school.

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