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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I spend half the game stunned... not fun anymore


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First impressions of 1.4,,, granted it's been just 1 day... but there's been 10's of games, rated and unrated:


I am not having fun... that simple. This is not a matter of balance, or class buffs/nerfs, which I'm sure are part of the issue but I care a lot less. This is a matter that I don't get to play half the game... I'm stunned, slowed, prone, etc... MUCH more so than before... and that is not fun.


There , my $0.02 in case someone cares.

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I'm not sure I agree with that. I love the PVP in this game, and I think the resolve idea is pretty decent as it allows people to have more powerful/interesting abilities.


There are a couple of 'simple' tweaks they should consider:

- Keep resolve as it is right now, just increase the rate at which you gain it

- Add resolve for being slowed (less but some amount)

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i just got done play 1.4 now for the last 4 hours or so and I'm actually not seeing the whole stunlocked thing anywhere near as much as before.. if they want to stun you they have to run up to you and now with the reduction on 30m stuns(to a few classes) i am able to run the ball in hutt ball with out being stopped on EVERY single fire pit.. so i would say that you are just running into some bad luck because for me i have been having the time of my life on my combat sent ... roots are king now Edited by wezli
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First impressions of 1.4,,, granted it's been just 1 day... but there's been 10's of games, rated and unrated:


I am not having fun... that simple. This is not a matter of balance, or class buffs/nerfs, which I'm sure are part of the issue but I care a lot less. This is a matter that I don't get to play half the game... I'm stunned, slowed, prone, etc... MUCH more so than before... and that is not fun.


There , my $0.02 in case someone cares.


Patch 1.2 broke this game has been broken since.

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Bioware...and maybe more importantly Lucas Arts and EA... pay attention.


I am not having fun... that simple. This is not a matter of balance, or class buffs/nerfs, which I'm sure are part of the issue but I care a lot less. This is a matter that I don't get to play half the game... I'm stunned, slowed, prone, etc... MUCH more so than before... and that is not fun.


When hasn't it been this way?


PVP in this game is fail.


Time to wake up, admit failure and make it right.


My suggestions:


1. Make EVERY ability add more resolve to your bar. Basically double (or more) than they do now. This makes the bar fill faster, and let you get to the point of full resolve and freedom from CC. Fix what 1.4 broke and make the bar fill faster. If you can't understand Resolve too bad, so sad. Look at the bar and decide if you want to use that CC or not.


2. Make the resolve bar drain more slowly. MUCH more slowly. So that you have AT LEAST a minute of freedom after a full resolve condition. People don't like to not have control of their character. Being beaten isn't the problem. Being beaten and not feeling like you had a chance to try to act and save yourself is completely the problem.


3. Have ALL ability cooldowns reset on death including your CC break. This allows you to get a clean slate after a death.


Please.. please.. make PvP fun. I really want to keep playing this game but I really can't when it's just not fun.

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Any MMO that uses "expertise" or "resiliance" types of stats are going to have gear based pvp. I find the lower level PvP to be more fun because of the variance in gear/stats and no expertise. At 50 it's meh untill you go up against groups in full rated gear with tons of health and get farmed...that's no fun. It's not going to be balanced ever, they reward the players who put in the most time. Can't blame them as it's apparent they are a for profit organization. I would love to see an MMO by the people for the people. Not being pigeon holed into whats going to make more money but what is more fun and enjoyable for everyone.
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I'm not sure I agree with that. I love the PVP in this game, and I think the resolve idea is pretty decent as it allows people to have more powerful/interesting abilities.


There are a couple of 'simple' tweaks they should consider:

- Keep resolve as it is right now, just increase the rate at which you gain it

- Add resolve for being slowed (less but some amount)


Stuns should break after a certian amount of damage or when your resolve bar hits full your cc should break.


Damage in pvp needs to be controlled. It is too high.

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Stuns should break after a certian amount of damage or when your resolve bar hits full your cc should break.******

Gnarly- Think this would be something to seriously consider.... Stuns probably should break after so much damage inflicted or if you fill up resolve you should break free and go beast mode. Slows should have nothing to do with dmg though.-


Damage in pvp needs to be controlled. It is too high.


Bioware...and maybe more importantly Lucas Arts and EA... pay attention.






Time to wake up, admit failure and make it right.


My suggestions:


1. Make EVERY ability add more resolve to your bar. Basically double (or more) than they do now. This makes the bar fill faster, and let you get to the point of full resolve and freedom from CC. Fix what 1.4 broke and make the bar fill faster. If you can't understand Resolve too bad, so sad. Look at the bar and decide if you want to use that CC or not.


2. Make the resolve bar drain more slowly. MUCH more slowly. So that you have AT LEAST a minute of freedom after a full resolve condition. People don't like to not have control of their character. Being beaten isn't the problem. Being beaten and not feeling like you had a chance to try to act and save yourself is completely the problem.


********3. Have ALL ability cooldowns reset on death including your CC break. This allows you to get a clean slate after a death.

Gnarly- Another very valid point that should be tossed around. I don't understand why you shouldn't go into every battle with a clean slate. Hmm I'm considering it and one possible idea I can think of is so you can't unleash every high yield, high cooldown move you have before death then run right back into battle and deliver em twice back to back, but at the same time that might be the way to go. If everyone could do that then battles could start getting very intense with ppl rolling in at all times armed to the teeth like true reinforcements should be :p -


Please.. please.. make PvP fun. I really want to keep playing this game but I really can't when it's just not fun.



Just my too cents all :)

Edited by Gnarly_Dudesome
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Oh cry me a river, its a damn sight better then it has been

^ this,


i actually find the bar filling so much faster now :o , i get full resolve almost the instant i leap into a few sorcs and im only cced for 4 seconds. /shrug dont know whats been happening to you guys!

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Fix what 1.4 broke and make the bar fill faster. If you can't understand Resolve too bad, so sad. Look at the bar and decide if you want to use that CC or not.


2. Make the resolve bar drain more slowly. MUCH more slowly. So that you have AT LEAST a minute of freedom after a full resolve condition. People don't like to not have control of their character. Being beaten isn't the problem. Being beaten and not feeling like you had a chance to try to act and save yourself is completely the problem.


That would **** up Huttball for PUGS as they would fill up the resolve bar of the ballcarrier fast, and he would then have immunity to walk to the endline with no means of stopping.

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The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


Its that easy.

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Any MMO that uses "expertise" or "resiliance" types of stats are going to have gear based pvp. I find the lower level PvP to be more fun because of the variance in gear/stats and no expertise. At 50 it's meh untill you go up against groups in full rated gear with tons of health and get farmed...that's no fun. It's not going to be balanced ever, they reward the players who put in the most time. Can't blame them as it's apparent they are a for profit organization. I would love to see an MMO by the people for the people. Not being pigeon holed into whats going to make more money but what is more fun and enjoyable for everyone.


So you prefer having an even worse imbalance like missing key abilities instead of having to spend a single minute equipping expertise gear. That totally makes sense. :rolleyes:

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That would **** up Huttball for PUGS as they would fill up the resolve bar of the ballcarrier fast, and he would then have immunity to walk to the endline with no means of stopping.


Killing the ball carrier would still work just fine.

Edited by Siorac
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The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


Its that easy.


Thanks for some solid advice dude... I'll add it to my tool bag eh.

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The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


Its that easy.


^ This. Resolve has improved for the better with 1.4. Understand it and use it to your advantage.

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The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


Its that easy.


The problem is people like myself and others who understand resolve and chain root when you're immune to cc. :)


It's that easy.

Edited by unixbomber
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Guess what guys.

If i open up on you (Concealment spec) you get "stunned" for 1,5 seconds and continue my roation til that resolve goes abit down I can stun you again, vanish and stun you again :)


Oh the entertainment, enjoy the stun:jawa_biggrin:


Cant you see that resolve is build up from an Operative/Scoundrels favor?

Edited by Masarko
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