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Graphical Issues Post 1.4


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I have been running this game smoothly on VERY HIGH graphics settings from the get-go. I log in today after downloading 1.4 and no matter what I do switching between overall VERY LOW and overall VERY HIGH and all combinations in between, I now have a completely jerky experience with micro lag almost every step. It's hard on the eyes and with no longer any smooth gameplay, makes for a very poor experience.


I thought there were supposed to be a bunch of graphical performace fixes in this patch? It doesn't run smoother at all, it runs much, much worse.


Never mind the graphic spikes shooting out vertically and horizonatlly from my blaster bolts mid-shot.


Aliasing on/off, shadows on/off/high/low, etc, etc, etc. None of it matters right now, my game is constantly jerky.\



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Sorry to add to the reports..which I personally did report but in the last 2 hours I noticed that health bars and resolve bars have disappeared, Im set to show them. Also seeing vertical lines that seem to be tears in the geometry. This happened about just after I finished a warzone and then noticed that and weird lagginess on drommund Kaas as well with a lowbie toon. Others in general chat have seen this as well. Overall it appears to me that graphical perfromance is degrading over time..not a good sign. Approx 8 pm Sept 26 2012 The Bastion
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exact same problem here. before today i rarely ever lagged at all on high to highest settings. now the game is unplayable even on lowest settings. weird thing is that on lowest setting i'm getting 90+ FPS but still lag extremely bad, yet my two friends on much lower end machines are experiencing no lag whatsoever. :confused:
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Same here. The game ran smooth even since the stress beta the past year, but today I found a bothersome stuttering, that gets worse when you enter a closed instance.


But a quick look at the CS forum gave me the "fix" for this problem. If you turn off the option "scale nameplates with distance" the stutter seems to go away from the most part. It's almost like they did something with the nameplates that messed bad with the graphics, and don't tell me about the shadows thing, I disabled the shadows and the stuttering was there, only disabling that option on nameplates seemed to work.


What a mess of update.


EDIT: Some people report that the stuttering goes off completely after you turn off every nameplate option, it's worth a try.

Edited by metalfenix
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Thanks for all the info, I'll give some of it a try....



*Le Sigh*...


EDIT: So toggleing all the nameplate options didn't do much if anything to improve the stuttering or geometry breaks. Also, I learned that COMPANION equipped headgear becomes visible again after quest cutscenes while the toggle remains on, you have to manually toggle it OFF and then ON again to remove the headgear from your companion.


Mood set: Sad

Edited by Gemin
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I tell you what I had to do to fix this problem. It's a somewhat lengthy fix. I reinstalled (clean install AND IN WINDOWS SAFE MODE) my 296.10 Nvidia drivers. Once installed I set all my Nvidia control panel settings to what I had previous in 306.23 (so write them down if you need to) BUT I did one other thing. on the "Maximum pre-rendered frames" located in "Manage 3D Settings" I set the max frames to 8. now I have to be honest it did not completely remove all problems, however there is a HUGE improvement in the horrible stuttering that was happening before. It may work for some of you and not for others but my frustration led me to try ANYTHING. Good luck. If you need the driverw for 296.10 .....here http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/43997 . I am going to try the 301.42 drivers next and see what happens
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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day. My resolution to "jerky / choppy" camera using Nvidia control panel. Overview: Primary culprit = "Antialiasing - Transparency", additionally "Ambient Occlusion".

System: Geforce GTX 570 (Driver version 301.42), Windows 7 x64 on SSD, game installed on HDD, Core i5-2500K (no overclocking), 8GB RAM.


So, think my graphics driver situation was opposite to most reported here ie wasn't in a rollback cenario; had 301.42 already, tried stuff, didn't work, installed 306.23, still no good. Was using 301.42, fantastically, right up to 1.4 then suddenly a victim of choppy camera, most notable when panning or spinning camera around left to right, with left or right mouse buttons. Briefly; read forums etc, dropped shadows - nameplates - quality settings. Ended up at Low graphics quality preset with no shadows - nameplates on friendly players, show class symbol, show guild names only. Seemed to be able to play through, but still an issue most noticeable whenever highlighting characters, other players or npcs both. I think nameplate scaling with distance was a significant drain.


Anyhow, wanted to exhaust all options, so went to good 'ol Nvidia Control Panel (still 306.23) and basically adjusted program settings for "swtor.exe" to "performance" options. Then systematically reinstated what I thought would be least of an issue to most. Setting "Texture filtering" to "Performace" was a big help for troubleshooting right through. Anyhow, I'd had "Antialiasing - Transparency" set at "4x (supersampling)" and "Ambient Occlusion" set at "Quality". Turning them off returns me to sweet, smooth perusal with max EVERYTHING, nameplates on EVERYONE, targeting is fine, and can set "Texture filtering - Quality" to "High quality" again in the Nvidia panel. Might be able to get away with Multisampling transparency, but best and acceptable for me without.


*Ambient Occlusion off, Anisotropic filtering app controlled, Antialiasing FXAA off, AA Gamma on, AA mode app controlled, AA Setting app controlled, AA Transparency off, CUDA GPUs all, Max pre-rendered frames 3D app setting, Single display performance, Power management mode adaptive, Texture filtering Anisotropic sample optimization off, Neg LOD bias Clamp, Texture filtering quality HQ, Texture filtering trilinear On (preset), Threaded optimization Auto, Triple buffering off, Texture filtering Anisotropic filter optimization off, Vsync 3D app settings.*


May not be the be-all solution, but might hopefully work for some, or another troubleshooting step to mark off the list.

Woh, long :eek:. Thanks all. Out.

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