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What have you done to Force Sweep?


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I'm in fully augmented WH gear (with the exception of 2 relics, which are BM). So the best my "opponenet" could be in (this is just an hour after server back up) would be full augmented WH with the new Elite WH items. Not a major amount of difference here.


If damage is the SAME as it was before, can you explain how:


Since I first started playing this game (5 days before official launch) I have been hit only once in a WZ for more than 6k damage in one shot. This includes those days when I was in recruit fighting fully augmented WH.

However in the past 1 day I have been hit for 6k+ damage no less than 5 times.

Are you honestly telling me that I have been "lucky" for the past 9 months to only be hit for that amount once and all I'm now seeing is the amount of damage I should have been seeing for the past 9 months?


Because if that is the case, and that amount of damage is normal and as expected, do you want to know the odds of my never seeing that in the many, many, many WZ's I've played in for 9 months and then add in the odds of me then seeing that amount of damage 5+ times in an hour.

I think you'd have better odds of picking 6 correct numbers in the lottery.


dude they merged 1 week ago servers, maybe last 9 months your opponents did not have juggy in BiS gear and now is 1-2 on your server + 5 stacks of sunder + sniper debuff 20% + WZ dmg boost 15% = 7 k hit on players with 1250 expertise ... its easy , L2P issue ...


and when ppl start thread with i am valor xxxx or now you... i am fully augmented... your augments have nothing to do with smash hits, u have no expertise on augments, only willpower so ...



Edited by mrekxxx
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I agree. But I am also the idiot who rolled a Sage and a Sorc, and play them as my main characters. Shame on me I guess. But regardless, I am done - and not because our class is *still* gimped in comparison to every other AC, but because Bioware clearly doesn't even play what they design - certainly not in PvP anyway. A tanking class being able to hit with a 6-8k hit with (now) little set-up and resource is just the beginning of this mess.


Focus Guardian isn't a tanking class. It can't tank. At all. It's like saying that Madness Sorcerer is a healing class. It isn't.

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Damage is going to be perceived as being higher since there will be significantly more players using Focus/Rage spec going forward. Prior to 1.4, Rage Maras like me got laughed at for being "bad" (despite the fact we were the best healer killers in the game). Now we are the go to spec for SW/JK.
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Adapt and survive son, one of the best parts about anything is the challenge of what comes next. If it's harder then hell to the yea, get more competitive. Not saying that tweaks don't need to be made, i'm just callin' you a quitter sh**ter I suppose :p You know you love this game ;)


First intelligent comment I've seen since I"ve been reading this ridiculous post of cry babies and whiners.


I have a sage/dps and the changes have done nothing to me except give me another heal. I am actually more viable in PvP even against Marauders/Sentinals Juggs/Gurdians because of that fact.


I'm not the typical guy who is going to call you a noob, and say you don't know how to play your class. I just think that the above comment is spot on. Adapting to the changes can be fun, and enjoyable. If they are smashing you for 7k or more then find a way to mitagate thate damage. As a sage/sorc. If you see a dps coming at you bubble yourself. Put some points in the 20% increase. Use a "red" to help with your defense, or line of sight. I'm giving theses suggestions because they have worked for me successfully. Now since you have your can't get snared ability on the heal tree, you have an even better chance to survive with that extra heal too. Sage/Sorc were buffed, and people don't even see it. My main character is a sage. I leveled him has a healer, switched to dps and have used all trees extensivly. I feel sage is much better off where it is at then it was before.


Adapt and overcome is the moral of the story.

Edited by ShelvanUberwan
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If you got hit for that much your gear is bad and your opponent is maxed in gear

Its funny that ppl are starting to complain about dmg now when its the same as before


But i must say i laugh alot everytime i meet a keyboard turning sorc who fails miserably with knocking me back, and they are many lol


I have a fully optimized, augmented WH Sage and a full augmented BM Sorc. Yes, this was on my Sorc - who is a new 50 (obviously) and has only 2 pieces of WH so far. That's OK though? Because, I have a Guardian too - and it was already stupid easy to lolsweep people. Now it's even easier. I am embarrassed that BW has made it even easier to play that spec - on a class capable of tanking no less. It's just...so poorly designed.


Also, I do not keyboard turn. But thanks for your concern <3

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I have a fully optimized, augmented WH Sage and a full augmented BM Sorc. Yes, this was on my Sorc - who is a new 50 (obviously) and has only 2 pieces of WH so far. That's OK though? Because, I have a Guardian too - and it was already stupid easy to lolsweep people. Now it's even easier. I am embarrassed that BW has made it even easier to play that spec - on a class capable of tanking no less. It's just...so poorly designed.


Also, I do not keyboard turn. But thanks for your concern <3


I play exactly the same way as before 1.4 , its not easier, its the same abilities exactly, just with a shorter cd.

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Might want to hold off on that. This is only based on about 5 warzones, but with the changes to resolve, backlash being a stun now seems to be a gamechanger. Specced this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GzrRMdMZrsbMdRb0z.2 and had a lot of success with it, but I was seeing a lot more hybrids (madness lightning and corruption lightning) than usual and they all seemed to be far more effective on average than they were yesterday.


My sense based on the wzs I was in is that 20 point lightning/anything hybrids might have gotten the biggest buff of anyone. While they lost overload as a defensive skill (I never used it that way nor did I see anyone else do so), they don't need it with backlash being a stun.


Gonna try this tomorrow







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The Sweep animation/sync was fixed. There was a visible "stutter" in the animation prior to 1.4. They didn't hit as hard because the attack would miss (due to sync issues) most of the time.



Plus, they also upped the armor-penetration + smash rate.


This guy had it spot on , what you are seeing is that the juggs/guards actualy being able to hit people now , granted they were before. But now they fixed it where people cant hop run or do something else with out being hit with it .

Its the same rotations with just a slightly shorter cd added to it with the smash /sweep actualy hitting now. Instead of a wind up and and shimmy of the bad guy moving one foot , could make a smash totaly miss .

SO what you are seeing and feeling is what was kinda already there, but fixed the animation to it so that it properly hits.

All the other mechanics of cc'ing still apply to disrupting the jugg/guard thou.and granted the armor pen.

Edited by Asmok
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It seems that no matter what I type here I'm probably just going to get the same "You noob" and "Learn to play better" replies.



You are not a 'noob' and there is nothing you can learn to prevent some other guy hitting you for 6-7k. You can only pop bubble and heal, which I am sure you are doing.

Thing is, you won' t get support on forums, never. Even if you are 100% correct, you won't get it. Most of the people aren't objective and they will call these L2P lines because there is nothing (NOTHING) they can say to prove it wrong.


Just my opinion. Not calling for buffs, not calling for nerfs but if every high crit posted on forums is on Sorcerer, ask yourself is there a problem :cool:


In my opinion, light/medium/heavy armor is a crap idea (at least in SW game) and always will be, because it equals how squishy you are. It should only give you buffs and debuffs for spells, that is all but that is some other story and off topic.

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dude they merged 1 week ago servers, maybe last 9 months your opponents did not have juggy in BiS gear and now is 1-2 on your server + 5 stacks of sunder + sniper debuff 20% + WZ dmg boost 15% = 7 k hit on players with 1250 expertise ... its easy , L2P issue ...


and when ppl start thread with i am valor xxxx or now you... i am fully augmented... your augments have nothing to do with smash hits, u have no expertise on augments, only willpower so ...




no more 15% warzone boost :p

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