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The real problems with the current state of PVP


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I agree with Kronus 100%. This game has some fundamental flaws in pvp that need to be fixed if it wants to become a viable pvp alternative of WoW. Don't get me wrong, Swtor is a good game but it needs a great deal of improvement in the topics Kronus listed. Honestly, I can't believe anyone is even trying to argue. You are either a blind fanboy or this is your first mmo. After playing every single mmo in the last 6 years I'm just looking for a game that can make pvp fun again and I hope swotr can be that game. Props for bringing light to these issues mate. Edited by Sessnishi
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Responsiveness and fluidity needs improvement if SWTOR wants to start regularly pulling people from other MMOs (read, WoW). It's not terrible, but it has a looooong way to go before people will get the same comfortability casting/fighting in SWTOR as they do in other games.


UI improvements as the OP says - buffs/debuffs are a paiiiiiiiin to manage right now. I have no idea if an Affliction DoT on the target is mine or that other Sith Sorcerer's. Macros would be amazing, something like the WoW [modifier:alt,target=focus][] would make focus interrupts/cc/etc more feasible. Bigger cast bars would be nice for easier visibility. Targeting enemies is a huge pain in the *** to deal with. You're either stuck trying as hard as you can to select that tiny bit of model that isn't overlapped by something else or spamming the tab button until you get lucky.


I haven't had enough PvP experience in SWTOR to comment on the abundance of CC etc.


Targetoftarget is vital for PvP and PvE, no idea why it isn't implemented in some form.

Edited by Mooserm
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1000000% agree. Its a pain in the *** say to select someone in a big melee--say huttball when everyone is trying to gank the ball carier on your team or vice versa. Mostly because of lack of target indicators. Expanding ui customization would greatly fix this (thinking of custom nameplate mods, etc--or nameplates changing based on selection).


For that matter, lack of target of target is retarded for both pvp and pve--please implement this.


also agree 100% about combat text (or stats switches). itd be super helpful to be notified of being stunned etc. some of us dont click our abilities and if im trying to figure out which guy i have selected due to crappy target indicators, its a real pain in the *** hwen all of a sudden i realize im stunned, slowed, etc.


Mostly, the big thing this game needs is the availability of ui customization. well that and you know, arena style ranked play and more bgs :p

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Absolutely agree, it's one of the determining factors to why other mmo games either succeed or fail in many people's eyes. Should be a very high priority to have a fluid and responsive feeling game, with clean and smooth animations. Swtor does very poorly, not as bad as warhammer mind you, but poorly nonetheless.
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I had no problems with responsiveness after turning the Action Ability Queue Window to 0.0.


The default 0.5 setting IS definitely game breaking though...I don't know why it defaults to that.


After changing it I haven't noticed even once an instance of an ability I press not going off.

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Agree with most OP points. However, debating myself...


There is ignorance still in ourselves. Learning the system over more time will help before bad decisions by development are made... We barely know our characters, limits, lag effects, and what exactly is happening during the PvP battles, what might appear as this and that may very well be from doing THAT and THIS...


Regardless, there is a fluidity problem that needs help and I am sure they are working on improving it...


As far as cc goes, I do agree, cc is a issue.. What''s amazing is we learned back in Ultima Online how CC and getting crushed while being rooted is a very demoralizing game factor and a game breaker... Rooting is fine, but any major attacks on a rooted user must break the root, and if other players attack roots, then so be it.. That's a situation of skill... Dieing with no ability to even cast one command is a game breaker for most... Especially with the lore of a Sith Warrior Jedi Knight... to go down in a fight with no recourse... makes no logical sense in this game.


I am saddened to see it used so much in TOR.. Did these developers just get off the gaming school bus?


Other notes...

I am also saddened by the force blast, which is the equivalent of the waaagh, in WAR, which i guess the development team from them brought over.. another truly disappointing feature going to be abused in the near to soon future.... Just wait till you go on the bridge in the door bomb scenario.. all the cloakers now stand on the bridge and blap.. off you go into the darkness, from something you could not even see.. Punting people into lava was one of the reasons I quit playing WAR, other than the extremely boring questing :D (solo shaman from day one)


Getting back on topic... Most all who play Hutball, who have gotten the ball, can agree, that passing the ball when getting pounded on is a problem, as there is literally no feeling of being able to complete any action... Which again can be ignorance.. lets find out if it is us, or if its indeed the game fluidity..


If we press PASS BALL, and get attacked, does that break the AOE cursor on the field of play? Or perhaps is there just a bit of lag, and we are pressing it twice, thus queuing or screwing up the PASS BALL, by jamming buttons, seems there is little time before CC, gang ***** to know for sure, time will tell.. Lets step back and sacrifice a few games to learn if it is our actions or the game servers problems in regards to passing the ball...


Good Luck fellows.. Regardless, I am here for the long haul and I'm sure it will improve in the times ahead... Enjoy!

Edited by Shrug
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My biggest gripe is the overabundance of stuns in the game. I get they were trying to make the game balanced, but when each class has a multiple second stun ability the warzones just aren't fun. I'm not sure if they did it for PvE sake, but not each class needs stuns and CCs.
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i agree 100% with this post. i hated WoW pvp because of classes being so imba *cough* frost mages *cough*


i'd very, VERY much love it if Bioware made it easier to target people in PvP by making the health bar under names larger and clickable. it's very hard to click on someone with a skinny/small body type character when they are surrounded by a bunch of jumping jabba the hut's with legs :p


ps: this gives smaller characters a pretty sizeable advantage when trying to select them in a giant clusterf*** of people :(



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Agree with most OP points. However, debating myself...

As far as cc goes, I do agree, cc is a issue.. What''s amazing is we learned back in Ultima Online how CC and getting crushed while being rooted is a very demoralizing game factor and a game breaker... Rooting is fine, but any major attacks on a rooted user must break the root, and if other players attack roots, then so be it.. That's a situation of skill... Dieing with no ability to even cast one command is a game breaker for most... Especially with the lore of a Sith Warrior Jedi Knight... to go down in a fight with no recourse... makes no logical sense in this game.


This is my biggest gripe in the game so far, waaaay too many stuns/ccs. In Huttball I can't even move half the time. I think Bioware could go a long way by limiting the number of stuns as well as increasing the size and distance between objectives in the Warzones. As it is the Alderaan one is the only one I like to play (which I never seem to get to play due to the lack of a specific queue).



I am also saddened by the force blast, which is the equivalent of the waaagh, in WAR, which i guess the development team from them brought over.. another truly disappointing feature going to be abused in the near to soon future.... Just wait till you go on the bridge in the door bomb scenario.. all the cloakers now stand on the bridge and blap.. off you go into the darkness, from something you could not even see.. Punting people into lava was one of the reasons I quit playing WAR, other than the extremely boring questing :D (solo shaman from day one)


This is my other biggest gripe with PvP. In Huttball when you are basically to the point of scoring and someone knocks you off the bridges into the hole where there is no chance of scoring. As an agent half of my abilities don't work on players and I don't think this knockback should either.

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Thinking about CC more, i think more than a, break root on attack or ignore roots if rooted.. it can be set to XXXX damage.. So if user is getting healed.. he can break after taking xx dmg and still be effective in combat and not feel like a useless being. That would also add strategy to attackers, knowing a root will last xx dmg and thus be a skill change not a game factor change...


Not sure i explained that right but I think the smart people can catch my drift...

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This is my other biggest gripe with PvP. In Huttball when you are basically to the point of scoring and someone knocks you off the bridges into the hole where there is no chance of scoring. As an agent half of my abilities don't work on players and I don't think this knockback should either.


I understand your point, but in this case, i believe the tactic is being used as intended and a great strategy move.. You have the ability to counter this.. with a quick pass to another player up top :D Remember, its a TEAM GAME :D

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I understand your point, but in this case, i believe the tactic is being used as intended and a great strategy move.. You have the ability to counter this.. with a quick pass to another player up top :D Remember, its a TEAM GAME :D


Unfortunately with PUGs there never seems to be teammates ahead of me to pass to. Over time this issue may solve itself, however, but at the moment it is damn annoying, haha.

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While WoW is where I spent most of my time, I've played many MMOs as my friends have different interests in the genre, and I do agree with your terminology and outlook.


There are instances in OR I look at the game and go "Smart of them to crib that" and "Smart of them to change that" or "Great they took a chance with this idea".


Then I look at PvP and the Trade Network and have to say "What the hell, why did you NOT crib that?"

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I think CC is fine. Wait until you get higher lvl and see the duration of the pvp encounters. I as a Scoundrel have trouble killing healers in pvp because with the bolster system they can out heal the amount of damage I do. Without my stun locks I can't kill anyone. Health pools are large and take a while to go through at higher lvls. When you get more towards end game you will see the need for the CC.
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The lack of fluidity and responsiveness has made me semi-dislike pvp and the game in general and thats freaking amazing since i was massive starwars/bioware fanboi before this. When does a game stop being fun because you cant control your character the way you want? I'd say its not that fun right now.
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well written post and i agree with almost everything you said, i usually experience 40ms server lag according to the tooltip and i have found myself NUMEROUS times in pvp mashing the keys for my heal 2-3 times before i actually start a cast. i play a pvp healer SOLELY, pvp is the only aspect of the game i care anything for and between the opframes not displaying health properly and this wonky random lag on casts i'm seriously frustrated. not to mention trying to keep someone alive when they are chain stunned for (my best guess) a max of 10 seconds... life aint good for healers right now, no big surprise you don't see them in warzones atm
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The lack of fluidity and responsiveness has made me semi-dislike pvp and the game in general and thats freaking amazing since i was massive starwars/bioware fanboi before this. When does a game stop being fun because you cant control your character the way you want? I'd say its not that fun right now.


This is me to a "T" I love the PVE so far. I am to the point where I have all but given up on hutt ball. The stun locks are just as annoying in this game as they where in wow. However, add in the fact that I can't get my char to use the abilities I pressed during the small widow of time between the stuns makes me want to break my keyboard because it is all but useless to me in PVP. Its clear to see that PVE was the main focus in this game which I think was a very smart move. PVP seems to have some great potential and I think Bio/Lucas will either make this game a passing fad by ignoring these response issues or make it the next big mmo by fixing it. This will become a issue in end game content when interrupting a cast will make or break your encounter. The idea of queuing up my instant cast interrupt to hit that oh so important cast doesn't sound like a good time to me.

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