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Sweeping Blasters animation broken in 1.4


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This ability has never auto-faced, ever. I am 100% sure of this as I have been using this toon as my main since early release.


I have always noticed this because I always wondered if people knew I was shooting the right targets, or just randomly firing in the wrong direction. (They wont be able to tell which ground template is mine so they have no idea where I am shooting if there are multiple AoEs going.)


Unload auto-faces, Sweeping Blasters does not.

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This ability has never auto-faced, ever. I am 100% sure of this as I have been using this toon as my main since early release...


...Unload auto-faces, Sweeping Blasters does not.


Well, um...prior to today, mine did, along with every single other Merc's. Dunno what your deal is.

Edited by TheronFett
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This ability has never auto-faced, ever. I am 100% sure of this as I have been using this toon as my main since early release.


I am 100% sure you are 100% wrong and if believe what you are saying I believe you used sweeping blasters exactly 0% of the time.

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Here's some proof from 2011 -

Well, um...prior to today, mine did, along with every single other Merc's. Dunno what your deal is.

Boom, roasted

I am 100% sure you are 100% wrong and if believe what you are saying I believe you used sweeping blasters exactly 0% of the time.

Boom, roasted (the more I read your sentence, the more I realize it doesn't make sense)


I await your comebacks.


Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Fail. It's been broken before, this isn't the first time.


Get a job.


As a matter of fact I'm at work right now, probably getting paid more today than you do in a week


I have tons of recorded pvp games. Even ones from the 2 weeks directly before 1.4


It was broke then, was broke before, and is broke now. Just like you

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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And another troll enters the fray. :rolleyes:


Yes, those of us who took initiative to start our own business do exist. I know it's hard to grasp the concept of not punching a time clock for a living. At any rate, back to our normally scheduled thread...

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Yea that doesn't sound made up lol Especially since you are so concerned with quoting an hourly rate as the "owner".


If I was going to attempt to brag about my job, I'd just say my yearly salary or title - not my hourly pay.


Edit: Just busted out the calculator. You make $728,000 a year before overtime. Put in some extra hours in December and you can prolly hit a mill this year!

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Okay, kids, here's the deal:


Sweeping Blasters used to auto-face, then didn't auto-face, then was "fixed" to auto-face and now doesn't auto-face.


It wouldn't be the first time an ancient bug has reappeared in a later patch. Apparently BioWare loves their code so much they don't actually remove the faulty lines, they just tug them under the new stuff and sometimes someone accidentally deletes a semicolon or whatever and the old code resurfaces.


Good stuff.


P.S. I don't have a job. As such, my opinion should be summarily dismissed as incorrect, because having a job means you're smart and know what you're talking about.

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Okay, kids, here's the deal:

Sweeping Blasters used to auto-face, then didn't auto-face, then was "fixed" to auto-face and now doesn't auto-face.


I swear you guys are thinking of Unload, which has always auto-faced. Is it possible you mis-remembered? I will pay 100k credits on The Harbinger to whoever shows me a video of not-broken Sweeping Blasters from any version between Early Access and today.


One of my earliest memories of TOR is this broken animation as I was messing around during beta. Its something I always remembered and was aware of. If it was ever fixed, it was only for a very short time and I still highly doubt that.

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I swear you guys are thinking of Unload, which has always auto-faced. Is it possible you mis-remembered? I will pay 100k credits on The Harbinger to whoever shows me a video of not-broken Sweeping Blasters from any version between Early Access and today.


One of my earliest memories of TOR is this broken animation as I was messing around during beta. Its something I always remembered and was aware of. If it was ever fixed, it was only for a very short time and I still highly doubt that.


No proof, but I too can report that this is now broken *again*. It is also affecting the similar Gunslinger ability called Sweeping Gunfire. I remember playing with both abilities on the fleet a few weeks ago and enjoying the fact that the toons were now facing the targetted area.


As for confusing this with Unload, I highly doubt it. Unload is a single-target ability: it hits your current target. Sweeping Blasters/Gunfire are targetted abilities: you have to place a target on the ground. Hard to confuse the two.


I've reported the bug ingame. I suggested others do the same. Even you DarthBloodloss :).

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Ok I'll report it just for you!


I'll even report the dark side bounty hunter chapter 3 loading screen, just for old times sake


No need. :) (At least for the animation issue...)


From the 1.4.2 patch notes:


1.4.2 Patch Notes


Classes and Combat


Bounty Hunter



•Sweeping Blasters now correctly causes the player to face the ability's target.





•Sweeping Gunfire now correctly causes the player to face the ability's target.



It's fixed. Go enjoy! ;)

Edited by ZeroPlus
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