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Welcome to Game Update 1.4: Terror from Beyond


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You took my Gunslinger's AWESOME shooting sounds on Charged Burst and Quick Shot !! :eek: And you gave me this lame piow piow piow... What the hell? Why?? :( Please restore the previous sounds. You might as well take away the colors from lightsabers... No Fun to play.


This Patch also messed with my game's Fonts.... Chat, conversations are not clear anymore.. There is a bizarre failed semi-black shadow behind some letters, very annoying to read, please restore the previous fonts.


Force Stun & Force Wave are very hard to use, therefore useless :mad:


Overall not satisfied with patch at all... I honestly do not understand the removal of Gunslinger's shooting sound.... I mean we had one funny thing, ONE awesome thing in this game and you take it way...... :confused:

Edited by Keiraa
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i think you should just take this patch back and patch it before you lose thousands of subscriptions because of the lack of foresight you seem to have. i am talking about devs, testers, script writers and so on. also, take a look at KOTOR 1 and 2, where options in chat while in story mode ACTUALLY MADE A DIFFERENCE...


love the game but so dissapointed in BioWare and all involved in this project.


**** dude and i was talkin this game up not minutes b4 they dropped it. Bioware, how dare you.... lol no seriously though fun game but you need a quick fix asap for the myriad of glitches and bugs I see that, while I won't go as far as saying weren't there before.... I'm just saying I wasn't a naysayer until now.... Fix bugs asap! Like sooner than six weeks. Put things on the back burner until we start seeing some polish to what you already have...

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hey! didn't get to log in until liek 4:30pm today but,


Thought I'd come on and say Awesome Update IMO


Running super shadows on high, some AA, everything high except other peoples avatars and game is running pretty smooth and looks really really good!


My shadow infilitrator is performing better as is my commando gunnery. :p


The moddable offhand really have helped out, single weapon classes no longer getting short ended! :p

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Bug reports:

Companion "hide headgear" option resets after every cutscene. Haven't checked to see if match-to-chest also disables itself.


The new shadow function has also caused a noticeable decrease in FPS, and this is coming from someone who was previously able to run the game maxed out with no issues.

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I know this topic has been done to death already but I feel like I should chime in, if for NO other reason than to let the Devs know what the paying customers want!


First? I want to thank you for a great game, BioWare! This new patch (with the exception of GTN being down!) is a marked improvement in nearly all ways. Thank you again.


Now, I ask you, PLEASE may we have more "Hooded Robe" options for Sith Marauders? Every other class of Force-User has a decent amount of them, making them look like actual Jedi/Sith. Meanwhile, the Marauders are left looking like extras that just wandered in from the set of a Final Fantasy game!


If that is not a viable option, may we at least have a"Hood Toggle" switch in the next patch?


Once again? Thank you, BioWare.

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Releasing smaller updates at a higher frequency is exactly what needs to be done. I'm very happy this is happening.


It's always annoyed me how features that are desperately needed are pushed back so they can be part of a ''content package''. It may work well for marketing, but it harms game play. Not doing this anymore is a big step in the right direction.

Edited by MuratReis
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I have waited 7 hours for this update to download and install...

and i found my main character totaly screwed in this ways:

1. 2 days ago it was hiting sith 4-4.5k ... now it hits with 2-2.5k.

2. 2 days ago it had enough rage to play the game... now it barely makes rage for 1 hit after 100 assault spells.


Considerring i left World of Warcraft for exactly same reason - lame programmers that "destroy" my work cause they want so, forgeting that i am paying them to have fun in my own saga, i think this is the end of our "beutifull" friendship.

In this conditions, i suppose you realy deserve to lose your players for other MMOGs that are free to play and doesn't destroy people's fun on their own money.


(I am sure a lot of forum moderators will start against me with childish things like "you lack in skill", but before you do, keep in mynd that i have best skills ever seen for a game, and that is "i pay to play and have fun" and "i am a european customer and i have the right to get the quality for what i pay and if that doesn't happen, i can ask to get my money back" )


Best regards.

Edited by tiberiusoava
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I have waited 7 hours for this update to download and install...

and i found my main character totaly screwed in this ways:

1. 2 days ago it was hiting sith 4-4.5k ... now it hits with 2-2.5k.

2. 2 days ago it had enough rage to play the game... now it barely makes rage for 1 hit after 100 assault spells.


Considerring i left World of Warcraft for exactly same reason - lame programmers that "destroy" my work cause they want so, forgeting that i am paying them to have fun in my own saga, i think this is the end of our "beutifull" friendship.

In this conditions, i suppose you realy deserve to lose your players for other MMOGs that are free to play and doesn't destroy people's fun on their own money.


(I am sure a lot of forum moderators will start against me with childish things like "you lack in skill", but before you do, keep in mynd that i have best skills ever seen for a game, and that is "i pay to play and have fun" and "i am a european customer and i have the right to get the quality for what i pay and if that doesn't happen, i can ask to get my money back" )


Best regards.


1. Did you check to see if your talent points were reset?

2. Did you read the patch notes on Class changes?

3. Just because you are European, why do you think you are entitled to your money back just because you have an issue with 1 Class in the game?

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Suddenly after this patch I have a flickering main and minimap. Anyone else have this?


This is already being discussed here; there are several other issues that they are trying to work out with a hotfix, the first and foremost being the GTN issue. :)


Edit: Wrong Link. xD New one should work now.

Edited by DarthKaigen
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I can't believe this honestly, you're essentially releasing end game content when you do not have the fundamentals in place. Look, people didn't leave because there was no end game content, they left because aspects they enjoy in other MMO's were not here. Heres what I would be doing to make the game more enjoyable as a priority over new content...


1> Dual spec - Not having this makes LFG very painful


2> LFG Channel - A global LFG chat channel that you can join and leave to encourage people to group that works anywhere regardless of location, yes I know you have LFG however some people need encouragement to group and this helps


3>Merg the Oceanic servers - Low population is killing us a lot have unsubbed all ready cause...well you are ignoring us


4>Cross realm looking for group - Why not do cross realm grouping/wz's this has gotta go a long way to fixing groups taking too long to form?


5> Stop patching during peak times - your patching during Oceanic peak time, we ain't going to keep on paying for a 1 night a week we can't play, so patch when we sleep common sense really...

Edited by Thepainfairy
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I can't believe this honestly, you're essentially releasing end game content when you do not have the fundamentals in place. Look, people didn't leave because there was no end game content, they left because aspects they enjoy in other MMO's were not here. Heres what I would be doing to make the game more enjoyable as a priority over new content...


5> Stop patching during peak times - your patching during Oceanic peak time, we ain't going to keep on paying for a 1 night a week we can't play, so patch when we sleep common sense really...


It's always peak times somewhere.

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