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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Death to 70+ Valor in Regular WZ!


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1.4 is here! and it's time to take things to the next level in PvP. All of us War Hero, Conqueror, WarLord, Elite WarLord should not be in regular PvP. We complain about the grind for WH gear for our Alts but we aren't using the content (that we asked for) given to us. I'm tired of just getting WZ comms all the time when I could be getting 1500 RWZ Comms from a full days worth of PvP. I don't care about my Rating I win and lose all day everyday. Raygon aint doing no more regular WZ's he's too f'n geared and battle ready for such petit matches. If you're over 70 valor and still jumping into regular WZ's... Your Nothing...
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so mr raygonn do you have a suggested plan of attack or you just going to have a glorified gripe?


I think we should do the kick ball style ranked wzs... i really think that would be fun... long as the teams are ballanced and even you know


and im going to miss beating you up in regulars ray ray <3

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You do realise I've been Valor 100 since mid May?! I've done more then my fair share of time sitting in ranked queue for hours and watching it not pop. Even worse was being told I wasn't to queue up for ranked because people didn't want to face us, and they wanted coms! Guess what, all I wanted was a lightsaber crystal. We all want things.


Everyone else on this server also knows that I solo queue/duo a LOT (a LOT being an understatement) both as a pub and an imp. Not exactly an easy task as a well known healer (even with the awesomest tank on the server). Was I suppose to give up any kind of PvP on my toon all these months? I've already cut way back as is.


I don't have a problem with folks of high level solo queued or small group queued. What I have a problem with is certain people regularly doing 2 full group queues and farming the crap out of puggers and newbies all day long, or stroking their epeen cause 6 to 8 of them get to have a field day tearing into me and my tank. OH YEAH THAT IS A FAIR FIGHT! This takes no courage and is not honorable. But they refuse to queue up in ranked on any kind of reg basis.


Gentlemen, I've been waiting a long time for you...



Edited by Desiirea
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Ugg i had wrote something up but it got ninja'd cause of trolling. Anyways basically I said I agreed and disagreed. Expecting everyone that is 70+ valor to not do regular warzones is unreasonable considering the server isn't always fielding even reg warzones. There are several hours every day that there are NO warzone matches of any kind available in 50's bracket.


We do have folks on the server trying to get more ranked going but that hasn't been met with much enthusiasm unfortunately. :( Without cross server rated I just don't see that improving. But I definately think those that are fielding the 8 mans in reg warzones should be showing face in ranked a little more often instead of just lol'ing stomping puggers in regs. I just don't see how that is 'cool' for anyone involved.

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Wasn't focus/rage, but combat/carnage. I dont want to take whole credit for it either, but i noticed he did switch from rage to carnage after a match where I melted him using combat. And maybe he just wanted to try it out. It's not my native spec either, I just use it every now and then. But not exclusively though, I still see him in his lolsmash spec. ;). You should upload that huttball from today btw, was a fun match.


As far as them winning in regs, only in the mornings when they can get their full 8 mans in vs pugs. Don't get me wrong, they're a good challenge, but premade vs premade, or good pugs vs premade, they don't always win. That huttball match is an example of that. Pubs usually dominate regs. Which is weird because about 2 months or so ago it used to be the imps.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Wasn't focus/rage, but combat/carnage. I dont want to take whole credit for it either, but i noticed he did switch from rage to carnage after a match where I melted him using combat. And maybe he just wanted to try it out. It's not my native spec either, I just use it every now and then. But not exclusively though, I still see him in his lolsmash spec. ;). You should upload that huttball from today btw, was a fun match.


As far as them winning in regs, only in the mornings when they can get their full 8 mans in vs pugs. Don't get me wrong, they're a good challenge, but premade vs premade, or good pugs vs premade, they don't always win. That huttball match is an example of that. Pubs usually dominate regs. Which is weird because about 2 months or so ago it used to be the imps.


Sadly the imps lost alot of great pvp'ers - Koiko, Sweetjuice, Dragon, Asmenys, Retrikus. Alruana, (pretty much the loss of black maw as a guild in general) and thats just off the top of my head i know there are many more. Also the imps have alot of qq'ing noobs w/ 13k hp who singly handly lose warzones


I think if we had all of our old pvp'ers the balance of pvp on this server would be much better

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The discussion got way off-topic, but I think RayGonJinn message is interesting. Having huge level difference in PvP is not challenging to anyone, that's why even sub-50 wzs try to balance (of course it doesn't balance 100%, but it's something). Right now best option of balance in level 50 PvP is to have balanced teams.


A second problem is that ranked warzone queuing is a pain, so it's a feature greatly underused.


Yesterday in the fleet we discussed selecting a specific day to be "ranked warzone day". So we are trying to set up Thursday's Nights for that. Check post here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=538118


Not sure Bioware will make any changes to this, but my suggestion would be to avoid big groups being able to join regular warzones. In my opinion, three should be maximum to join regular WZ, so that you could get a tank + healer + dps together and join a group with 5 random players. Another post suggests groups of 4 being able to join ranked warzones. Something in this matter would really help.


Until then, let's work on making ranked warzones more often.

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I'd like to thank everyone involved in yesterday's (September 27) Ranked war zones and special thanks to the organizers Ray, Reaper, DOA members (pardon me for my very bad memory) and everyone else. It was a lot of fun because the teams were balanced. The Voidstar match went down to the wire. I hope we can arrange these more frequently.
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Sadly the imps lost alot of great pvp'ers - Koiko, Sweetjuice, Dragon, Asmenys, Retrikus. Alruana, (pretty much the loss of black maw as a guild in general) and thats just off the top of my head i know there are many more. Also the imps have alot of qq'ing noobs w/ 13k hp who singly handly lose warzones


I think if we had all of our old pvp'ers the balance of pvp on this server would be much better


True enough. The biggest blow IMO was the loss of imperialis exoriens. Tyrosine, azazelle, zenithsbane, respute, fekvitzvur, and lots more. We never lost to pubs, only to grim. The pubs used to queue dodge us lol. I miss those days. :'(

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imperialis exoriens... you know we came from the same server and we had to deal with them everyday but KoT (when we were in our prime) Q'd to challenge you guys and take WZ wins back to the pubs. Thos were the good ol days. I'm extremely happy that you ALL 70+ valor and under participated in RWZ. RWZ comms are very valuable and I'm glad you guys got to get a little boost in achieving them outside of dailies and weeklies... and when we got the Teams together we tried to make them as balanced (based on reputation :p and class) as possible. And I cant wait to do it again. Coming on here to try to convince people to do ranked don't work. So you gotta force it like we did by throwing out invites. And the outcome was great . Lets do it again guys
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grim run premades in the regs, gives me something to work for.


I'm glad you like it, but we are not premade 8s in regs, yesterday we had 3 and a half groups queueing for pvp, the odds that people would run into two groups in one wz is really high.


btw I love the challenge when we have really close games, it gets really intense and everyone starts actually trying to play instead of going through the motions.

Edited by Reynaga
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I have a guy who won 5 RWZ's while i ws out today. So pubs had about 10 RWZ's today.


This I am going to put in a complaint about with bioware in game, because we were queued all day and didn't get into a rated until about 9 pm for one match. Maybe they broke some code or something but thank you for letting me know that games were going on so that I can put in a report.

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Problem is imps need 3 or 4 grim quality guilds

Pubs have tons while imps have one or two



I miss the other guilds that used to exist here and on other servers, its not to say that there aren't good players, but people don't take pvp as seriously as some guilds do on pub side. Honestly I don't either, I did long ago when I was in Sors Ruina and I still try my hardest in most matches, but I lost any real motivation to pvp. Guess you could say that I have a bad motivator, ugh I will see myself out.

Edited by Reynaga
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I'd like to thank everyone involved in yesterday's (September 27) Ranked war zones and special thanks to the organizers Ray, Reaper, DOA members (pardon me for my very bad memory) and everyone else. It was a lot of fun because the teams were balanced. The Voidstar match went down to the wire. I hope we can arrange these more frequently.


Orazio was organizing for DoA, but other members where there. As posted before, there is a thread about the night and the idea of having weekly PvP nights - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=538118. Who where you in there Helm?


* As for the republic domination, I really don't see that a whole lot. I've been PvPin in a daily basis for a while now, and I really don't see republic winning more matches. It all depends on who is on now a days. If top PvPer's from republic are on, yes, we can have a nice PvP day (last week I got 6 wins in a night by just hanging out with the right people). But other days are the opposite, and imperials have a very strong team and win 80%+ matches in a night...


I really don't see this huge difference. In fact, before getting to level 50 I actually saw a HUGE domination from imperials all the way. It was quite clear to me that lots of imperials were very experienced players on their alts, while many pubs where still getting the basics of it all. After level 50 things are more balanced overall.

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I already tried setting up ranked nights every friday. Problem was only ascension and exiles q'd for a good duration. We had grim q once and Source q a few times. If you guys truly want to setup a ranked night for many guilds to participate then let me know as I did coordinate every single other night and are in contact with many guild leaders.
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I already tried setting up ranked nights every friday. Problem was only ascension and exiles q'd for a good duration. We had grim q once and Source q a few times. If you guys truly want to setup a ranked night for many guilds to participate then let me know as I did coordinate every single other night and are in contact with many guild leaders.


Scyn, if you agree with the suggested date (Thursday), I already talked with some people who will join for sure. We could try to change the day from Friday to Thursday and see how it works. PM BigGoat if you need any help organizing, I will make sure most of the group from yesterday join.

Edited by BigGoatBR
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Scyn, if you agree with the suggested date (Thursday), I already talked with some people who will join for sure. We could try to change the day from Friday to Thursday and see how it works. PM BigGoat if you need any help organizing, I will make sure most of the group from yesterday join.


Thursday doesn't work at all. Only Fridays and Saturdays. I know ASB, Source, and Exiles are available on Fridays so whats the big issue here?

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Here's my perspective on this "discussion"...


Within a month of Black Sun transferring here from VL (and renaming itself Black Maw), I found myself constantly queued solo into PUGs because the guild was dying and there either wasn't enough people on to form a premade, partial or otherwise, or those who were on hadn't the gear or the interest to PvP. I cannot possibly recount all the times I'd be up against either a partial Republic premade (4 people grouped from the same guild), double partial Republic premade (two 4-man groups from different guilds), or a full Republic premade (two 4-man groups from the same guild). Although I will confess that I've only seen Desii in two or three full premades and about a dozen or so double partial premades (and I have no reason to believe it wasn't just coincidence), Ascension and Exiles are not the only Republic guilds that PvP regularly. There are quite a few other Republic guilds on this server that form partial (or full) premades for regular WZs, and there's quite a numbers disparity between the geared Imps who PvP and the geared Pubs who PvP. What I can say with certainty is that it was happening all too frequently where an Imperial PUG consisting of maybe 1 or 2 WH geared players (me being one of them), 3-4 BM geared players, and 2-3 Recruit geared players would often face full WH geared Republic premades (partial, double partial, and even full). I'm not going to debate with anyone how effective even a single partial premade of 4 full augmented WH players can be against a PUG with no similarly geared group to counter them, let alone two such groups on the same team. In the end, it comes down to the cliche, if you can't beat them, join them (or bring a bigger gun).


When I finally gave up the ghost of Black Maw and was graciously invited to join Grim, I haven't been in a full PUG since (though we still see more than our share of Recruit geared PUGs when doing partial premades), and with all the clowns running around in Recruit gear who are content to farm medals at the one node/bunker we happen to control, I don't miss them. Grim partial premades (again, this is a single 4-man group) mostly queue separately, and there's been many instances in the time I've been a member of this guild where we end up facing each other. The only time we queue our groups together is if we see a double partial (two 4-man groups from two different guilds) or a full Republic premade (two 4-man groups from the same guild) in the WZs. You can't possibly make an argument that a double partial premade (e.g. one group from Ascension, one group from Exiles) isn't going to curbstomp any single partial premade with 4 PUGs that has the misfortune of getting queued against them. And while a full premade might have a slight communication/organization advantage over double partial premades, it's not a foregone conclusion that the full premade will win.


For the record, facing premades (partial, double partial, or full) are NOT fun when you're in a 100% PUG. I'm all for BW doing the same thing that Trion did in RIFT which is to implement cross-server queues, separate solo and group queues, and match by Valor (Rift has a similar thing to Valor they call Prestige). It makes PvP more fun and fair for all concerned. But given how incompetent BW has proven themselves to be at MMOs, and PvP in particular, I don't see this happening for a very long time, if at all. The situation we are left with is that with all the Republic premades we see on any given night, it's become necessity for Imperials to do the same if they don't want to lose matches all night, every night. And as for the notion that all the WH geared guilds should be doing Ranked WZs instead of regular WZs, Ranked WZs are a complete disaster and not viable for numerous reasons that have been sufficiently covered in 100s of other threads and 1000s of other posts, so I'm not going to bother rehashing that here. If you want to do them, knock yourself out. But don't make the mistake of thinking that a few immature insults on the forums and calling someone out on the internet is going to somehow miraculously revive Ranked WZs or fix all the issues with it.


TL/DR version: I'm not playing this game for anyone's approval, or for some E-respect from people I don't even know, or to participate in some popularity contest so you'll "like" my Facebook page. I'm here to spend time relaxing and having fun, to the extent possible, and for me that involves competing with some like-minded, competent, geared players in PvP, and that will primarily be in regular WZs for the foreseeable future.

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So aside from all the bad blood and personal attacks in this thread, it sounds like there's a fair number of people on the server who don't mind losing but don't enjoy:


1.) Having no hope of winning. (either through gear disparity or the pug/pre-made difference)

2.) Having people rub their noses in a loss. (by people saying things like XYZ guild facerolls ABC guild, those ABC guys are losers)


It also sounds like there are a fair number of people in the Awesomezors Guilds that really just want to play fun, competitive PVP with their friends and against a competitive team, and DON'T want to be ***** about it, win or lose.


Guild on guild premade night doesn't really solve the problem as far as I can see. I heard someone else suggest that people could do an all recruit gear RWZ night, which would at least solve the gear disparity. Any ideas on how to solve the pug/premade thing? (maybe people share voice comm info and que up in groups of 4, also serves as a server wide social mixer?) I don't really have any ideas on how to solve the "Ha ha, so and so is so and so's ******." problems. Any ideas?

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