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Star Wars Galaxies in front for MMO most worthy of resurrection poll.


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It was definitely an alternate timeline universe.


The problem with SWG was that they had one game, did an upgrade to make the combat faster (which borked the animations) and then decided to do an "upgrade" to the careers by narrowing them to 9 profs you started with instead of just learning.

It was really almost 2 completely different games from SWG to the NGE and the problem they ran into was the huge spaghetti of code they had to implement on top of.


If they were to release the game as it was at the end, with the space content included, it would be huge.

However, so many people were turned off by the buggy release (with lack of space content) and the even buggier CU (with buggy space content) that was trumped by the buggy release of the NGE, that they ranted and raved and refused to give it a chance at the end.


There were people coming back, and improvements were being made to the game.

If they hadn't lost their license, who knows what state it would be in now (they had even introduced atmo flight!).


My main problem with it was that there was no way to be competive in pvp until you had completely levelled a character, and that grind to 90 was a killer.

If they could do it like TOR, where you can enter a WZ and be autolevelled to compete, it would be even better.

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It also took forever to get credits if you weren't a trader, dancer, didn't know how to work the market, or got unlucky with loot drops. <<....Least for myself anyway, it was a pain in the *** least in TOR credits are easy to come by so you don't feel piss poor all the time. Not to mention the cities....all the empty cities...


*Shakes Dinosaur frantically!*


They are everywhere! EVERYWHERE! So...so much turning....so many obstacles in the way....so many..


*Shakes in a dark corner*

Haha, yeah that game had a better feeling of loneliness than Fallout 3 where you're supposed to feel lonely. :jawa_tongue:

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of course it is. That's because MMOs that get shut down are crap. Look at the choices you have. The only one that is midly interesting is Earth and Beyond and even that was just ok.


Hell I'd even vote for it because there isn't any other game that looks midly interesting.


i have to agree, not about earth and beyond, but about the list being a who's who of crap MMOs.


still best they do this poll now coz soon "city of heroes" will soon be on that list, and when it comes to crap MMOs with a strangely obsessive fan base, CoH would beat star wars galaxy's

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i have to agree, not about earth and beyond, but about the list being a who's who of crap MMOs.


still best they do this poll now coz soon "city of heroes" will soon be on that list, and when it comes to crap MMOs with a strangely obsessive fan base, CoH would beat star wars galaxy's


Unlike most of the other MMOs on the list, CoH is being replaced instead of beign shut down for poor sales. It was actually pretty successful.

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they could bring swg back free to play and i would still pay a monthly rate if it would bring it back i miss that game so much. Free to play they would have made money same way guildwars 2 do swg didn't even give us a chance if anybody reading these could bring that game back i would be so dang happy
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SWG pre cu is whats needed. with jedi rankings. the huge battles that used to happen were amazing and the farming were unigue and bases and crafting system all player made gear. it ws quite an amazing game for content only thing missing was more pve but who cares pvp is were it was at. also player housing was awesome and towns. also multi person duels like 3v3v3 or all out duel between 12 players. also not terrain limitations you could go anywhere. Edited by Praiden
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SWG pre cu is whats needed. with jedi rankings. the huge battles that used to happen were amazing and the farming were unigue and bases and crafting system all player made gear. it ws quite an amazing game for content only thing missing was more pve but who cares pvp is were it was at. also player housing was awesome and towns. also multi person duels like 3v3v3 or all out duel between 12 players. also not terrain limitations you could go anywhere.


Everyone always talks PreCU, but the end game was a much better more balanced game. Everyone that loved PreCU only loved the God Mode that came with it. Yes I had a 4-4-4-4 Guardian forever because you couldn't get Master in those days.

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Thats a different EMU, theres another EMU being made in the NGE format going up to the last 15min of the game.


I am waiting for that one, we'll see if it is the same though. Much of what made SWG was the communities, like the RP community, the Pilot community. We'll see if they can come back together.

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Your signature confirms that:

  • You like half baked content
  • You like half baked games
  • You like corporations taking a poorly made game slap a big name on it to attract consumers and make a profit on a game that didn't even receive new content since 2005.


I didn't see EAWare in his sig, I just see SOE. LOLWUT?

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