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I would pay Sparkle Pony prices for....


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  1. Armor dyes
  2. Generic astromech droid companion (bonus if the Imperial version will follow me saying "Exterminate! Exterminate!")
  3. Some revealing social gear for male toons
  4. Custom name for my ship
  5. More ship customization in general

Edited by Uluain
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  1. Armor dyes
  2. Generic astromech droid companion (bonus if the Imperial version will follow me saying "Exterminate! Exterminate!") No no Daleks! We are not going to start crossing IPs! :D
  3. Some revealing social gear for male toons
  4. Custom name for my ship
  5. More ship customization in general


That being said a full matching set of custom gear. I mean a pack not $25 a piece.

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I'd pay $20 for any of the following:


1 - Character Transfer

2 - A new race

3 - More bank space

4 - A nice looking mount

5 - A nice ship


For $10-15, I'd expect:


1 - A full set of cosmetic gear

2 - Some dyes

3 - A new skin for a companion

4 - An item that has a few charges that lets you unbound an item


For $5, I'd expect boosters and content unlocks for the F2P players. For $5, you could buy unlimited content of one type (WZ, OP) for the week or so.

Edited by odericko
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I would pay 25 bucks plus for


1) Playable Gran

2) Playable Kel'dor

3)Playable Trandoshan


I would be happy to have hide helmet forced on for these specis and no dialog changes and would just be happy they were in game. Also having a new main character would mean I would be more likely to buy him a speeder, outfit and pet as he would need them, things I wont buy for any of my lv 50's who already have these things.

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How about a full blown expansion or a new game? Maybe then, but "items" for that much money? I don't even understand why the OP made this post unless they work for a marketing firm doing work for bioware. Why would anyone want to advertise that they'd pay absurd amounts of RL money for a pixel item; it shows neither good economics or good judgment.

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How about a full blown expansion or a new game? Maybe then, but "items" for that much money? I don't even understand why the OP made this post unless they work for a marketing firm doing work for bioware. Why would anyone want to advertise that they'd pay absurd amounts of RL money for a pixel item; it shows neither good economics or good judgment.


To pitch some extra $$$ at the dev team? You can't really fault somehow on how they spend they're money, it's really no different than buying the digital CE and such.

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How about a full blown expansion or a new game? Maybe then, but "items" for that much money? I don't even understand why the OP made this post unless they work for a marketing firm doing work for bioware. Why would anyone want to advertise that they'd pay absurd amounts of RL money for a pixel item; it shows neither good economics or good judgment.


I'm an attorney, actually. And my purpose is similar to what you suggest. I would pay quite a bit to play a Jawa. Or to have my own capital ship or estate. You might not. You also don't understand economics. Clearly stated desires allow Bioware to understand where demand is.


Do I care that some cheap folks will complain when something they want is in the cash shop? Not really.

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What would you pay $25 and up for in the Cartel Market (cash shop)?


For me:


1) Jawa species as player characters

2) My own Capital ship that has all or most Fleet Services

3) A terrestrial home (so long as its big)


How about you?


25 bucks better get me an expac not some trinkets


1 or 2 bucks max on in game store items.

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Server Transfers

Armor color dyes

Good Looking gear

Paid stance change for my jug from one hander to two hander passive stance of jk guardian.


How about letting crafters make armor dyes and better looking gear or (skins)

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How about letting crafters make armor dyes and better looking gear or (skins)


From your two posts above, you seem to be setting yourself up for disappointment. I've seen this play out in other games that have went F2P. The crafters get upset because the cash shop gets all the nice looking gear shells and they believe they get "scraps".


There will be things in the cash shop that people feel should be earned in game. There will be things that are over $10, probably over $20. This has happened in every F2P conversion yet. And there's no reason to believe it won't happen here.

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Legacy bank that all my characters could get access to


I would pay pretty much anything for that. My JK would even give away her training saber from Thyton that she saved for that... jupp, it's that important to me. What my Sith Warrior would do for it, I'm not sure I really want to know.


Got one character with scavenging, one with armormech and another with cybertech and so forth. There is a constant mailing back and forth with mats and stuff. I would be ohhhh so happy if I could just have it all in one spot.

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Legacy bank that all my characters could get access to


I would pay pretty much anything for that. My JK would even give away her training saber from Thyton that she saved for that... jupp, it's that important to me. What my Sith Warrior would do for it, I'm not sure I really want to know.


Got one character with scavenging, one with armormech and another with cybertech and so forth. There is a constant mailing back and forth with mats and stuff. I would be ohhhh so happy if I could just have it all in one spot.


heh GW2 has bank slots for mats only and regular bank slots it one bank for all toons. So I can play an alt and got out leveling and collecting mats and deposit them while out in the field. Then I relog my crafter alt to make stuff. Works out nice. And since i can teleport to anywhere i have explored instantly crafting is soooo much better....

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