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F2P Death to a game?


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People that pay subscriptions for this game believe that the game support is dying just because there is a f2p option. Despite the posts that developers have posted to show that Bioware is not discontinuing support for this game. People who pay are still under the impression that the game is dying as a result. Please Clarify as exactly as you can what is going to happen to SWTOR?
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I would say a lot of games f2p is the end of GOOD quality but not necessarily the death of the game. Population BOOMS after f2p, especially for some ips.


For example, lord of the rings and dc universe populations became very big after free to play conversions as well as dungeons and dragons online. Star Trek Online is a good population now. But Perfect World ....yuck yuck..has it now. *shudder*


Now what I think will happen to SWTOR is they will get a MASSIVE amount of people playing this game when it goes free to play and will get lots of money from that which, in turn, will make the game more money for the developers to put out the quality content which they want. SWTOR will get a lot of people. The game will boom. :)


So some games it sucks and the death of it. Some games it's good. Most games it's good actually. A lot of f2p mmos SUCK BALLS though lol. They really do.

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f2p option does not mean what it used to, in fact as time go on it will be more the standard than the sub based games, now some games in the early stages of strickly f2p were really bad and some of them have closed up shop, times are a changin, we humas are stubborn when it comes to change, most do not like change..gets us out of our comfort zones..:) as most folks know in these forums a few AAA mmo's added the f2p options and ended up making more money having more subs than they did at launch, will it save every game, I doubt it a bad game is a bad game free or other wise, not saying Tor is a bad game, just lacks allot a vision for an IP as large as Star Wars, will have to see what happens in the future. Hopefully good things :)
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I think we will see and influx of players, but uncertain how big.


The cartel shop can be seen as good or bad, if you can get people to spend the money its good for the game, but it depends on what they sell. If it is all cosmetic, and gets you access to content you need subbed for then fine, but if they are selling "Full warhero set $20 or X cartel points" the subs will vanish from this game. Bioware states they are staying away from this route, but hey its EA if they think they will make a buck they will, business 101 if you can sucker people into spending cash do it.


They say content will come out in smaller sections every six weeks. Well, we will see if this stands true or not, not going to hold my breath but even every 8 weeks could be fine as long as that content can last that long.

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I think we will see and influx of players, but uncertain how big.


The cartel shop can be seen as good or bad, if you can get people to spend the money its good for the game, but it depends on what they sell. If it is all cosmetic, and gets you access to content you need subbed for then fine, but if they are selling "Full warhero set $20 or X cartel points" the subs will vanish from this game. Bioware states they are staying away from this route, but hey its EA if they think they will make a buck they will, business 101 if you can sucker people into spending cash do it.


They say content will come out in smaller sections every six weeks. Well, we will see if this stands true or not, not going to hold my breath but even every 8 weeks could be fine as long as that content can last that long.


While I think it's perfectly fine for htem to sell war hero in the store(because I can grind for it in the game, so it's not a power advantage), they have said they will not sell 'top level gear' in the store. And then specifically said mid level(like level 15) gear will be in the store.

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People that pay subscriptions for this game believe that the game support is dying just because there is a f2p option. Despite the posts that developers have posted to show that Bioware is not discontinuing support for this game. People who pay are still under the impression that the game is dying as a result. Please Clarify as exactly as you can what is going to happen to SWTOR?


Every company of every game that has ever gone from a sub model to a F2P model has made the same promise. All of those games are on life support. Regardless of what others claim, they are all on life support. People will hold up LOTRO or DDO to you as examples of successful F2P games. They improved their business, but they are nothing compared to what they were when they started. Those of us who feel F2P is a bad sign know our MMO history and have played games that have gone F2P. They are never as good as they were, and they went F2P because they were lousy in the first place.

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Every company of every game that has ever gone from a sub model to a F2P model has made the same promise. All of those games are on life support. Regardless of what others claim, they are all on life support. People will hold up LOTRO or DDO to you as examples of successful F2P games. They improved their business, but they are nothing compared to what they were when they started. Those of us who feel F2P is a bad sign know our MMO history and have played games that have gone F2P. They are never as good as they were, and they went F2P because they were lousy in the first place.


QFT. Been there, done that. Hope for the best. Maybe another few months to a year before things get really bad.


F2P works on grind. Sell items to decrease grind. Subs WILL be affected. They want to monetize us, too.


The random cartel boxes are just the start. You want gear that doesn't make you look homeless, buy the cartel boxes. You have .0001% chance of getting it and a .001% chance of getting anything useful.

Edited by Jedi_Tyran
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Every company of every game that has ever gone from a sub model to a F2P model has made the same promise. All of those games are on life support. Regardless of what others claim, they are all on life support. People will hold up LOTRO or DDO to you as examples of successful F2P games. They improved their business, but they are nothing compared to what they were when they started. Those of us who feel F2P is a bad sign know our MMO history and have played games that have gone F2P. They are never as good as they were, and they went F2P because they were lousy in the first place.


Tell me, would you rather rent DVD's from Blockbuster? Or do you have NetFlix?

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I know, whats your point? Am merely just pointing out, that to clarify the game isn't going completely F2P.


My point isn't directed at you. It's to clarify for readers who may not be familiar with lotro. Bioware is adopting a model that is strikingly similar to what Turbine implemented for lotro so the events that played out in that conversion may well play out in swtor.

Edited by Jedi_Tyran
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My point isn't directed at you. It's to clarify for readers who may not be familiar with lotro. Bioware is adopting a model that is strikingly similar to what Turbine implemented for lotro so the events that played out in that conversion may well play out in swtor.


The thing is this, in regards to pvp stats everyone would eventually hit a cap.. If everyone hits a stat cap in pvp it would be even playing field. One way to make sure that everyone was at cap in wz's is automatically buff them to cap. For pve all it does is turns things to blades of grass. Aside from op's I honestly don't care if joe is killing trash storyline quest mobs in a couple hits personally why bother playing. But if people are planing to cap and one group ops. I would hope they buff ops so much that without the recommended group, it would be game over


Edit. To this degree to have everyone at cap. It would make pvp gear kinda pointless. To solve that is make all the pvp gear cosmetic tied to valor ranks, with the higher the valor the more extremely bad ***** you look Lol.

Edited by ckjawa
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You know what I find funny as hell?

All the people who were like "ermahgerd! GW2! best gaem evar! eeet rrr savurior of teh moar-puh-guh genre!" And now they are leaving that game too because "It lacks end game content. And there is 'nothing' to do."

Where have I heard that before?


Edited by CaptianFordo
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The main problem is people have the WOW virus, this is where you start thinking that a game needs 12 billion people playing it to be successful. This virus causes needless worry and advance stages cause trolling on the forums with doom and gloom posts followed by moving to the next new MMO on the market.


The fact is games that are enjoyable and half way managed well will do well regardless of type of pay model used. Crap games or ones that are poorly managed will die out.

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The main problem is people have the WOW virus, this is where you start thinking that a game needs 12 billion people playing it to be successful. This virus causes needless worry and advance stages cause trolling on the forums with doom and gloom posts followed by moving to the next new MMO on the market.


The fact is games that are enjoyable and half way managed well will do well regardless of type of pay model used. Crap games or ones that are poorly managed will die out.


I hear there's a cure for that virus:



...Killing it with fire is the only way to be sure.

+10 Karma if you get the reference.

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The main problem is people have the WOW virus, this is where you start thinking that a game needs 12 billion people playing it to be successful. This virus causes needless worry and advance stages cause trolling on the forums with doom and gloom posts followed by moving to the next new MMO on the market.


The fact is games that are enjoyable and half way managed well will do well regardless of type of pay model used. Crap games or ones that are poorly managed will die out.


I wonder if any of these people hitting cap in two days are completionests I wonder if they could in fact get 100% codex, caped in both top raid and pvp gear. And say whelp guess ill role play now with all my social gear, in like under a week....:rolleyes:

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I doubt most of those 'tards made it to 50. :rolleyes:


Lol! Honestly I kinda feel sorry for them play a game for two days and " ok I'm bored I'm going to let people know I can't find any entertainment on my own," life really must be so disappointing for them.......


Edit. Got to thinking I bet all of them would make fine Movie Critics.....

Edited by ckjawa
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As long as the game keeps a "freemium" model where you can sub up and get everything (at least in time since you get a stipend of Cartel Coins) and completely F2P, I say the quality and life of the game would only get better.


I myself am fine with putting down an extra $15 to the cash shop every month if only to support the game I want to see improve.


All the completely F2P games I've played though have really poor quality. Bugs everywhere, no support whatsoever, etc.

Edited by odericko
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